December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

They need to chill out. Getting sloppy with that trash can lid kick. Rhea got tagged!

PS: they jumping the shark the whole match
I typically don't get too personal on here, but War Games coming on kinda sucker punched me in the chest, and I wasn't ready for it. My good friend Chris (who was probably my closest friend who watched wrestling IRL) had been battling leukemia and passed away in August. War Games and Royal Rumble were his 2 favorite PPV's. I hadn't thought much about it until tonight's intro started and I picked the phone to text him, then realized I couldn't. Gonna be a tougher night than I expected. Rumble will be another story. I know we all talk our sht to each other, but I just wanted to say I appreciate each and every one of you in this thread and our conversations over the matter how dumb they can get at times.

RIP to your friend |l.
Case Case 3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23

Are we doing a rumble pool next month? :nerd:

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She put a damn trashcan on her head and jumped from 25 feet.

Nah. It was dumb from all angles.

Dumb attempt.

The idiots that let a BLIND person jump on them are even dumber.

Wasn't dumb at all..It was exciting..The idiots should've been moving around to make it look like something other than waiting was happening..I do think IOhmy should've moved a little faster..
Finn another talking promo? Take away his belt been 3 months

brock Lesnar Nxt version champion
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