DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is the issue right here. The fact that GHETTO and "Black people" are almost synonymous. And when one thinks of a ghetto, they think of filth, trash, and poverty. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Great going OP. [/color]
basically you have a problem that she's acting like how you perceive black people act. Which is unbecoming for a white girl to do. Let that girl cook and stop being so uptight.
Also, I never like when people use the word ghetto, especially when referring to black people. I know the word originally  wasnt associaed with black people but its sad that nowadays, it pretty much is.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Last night my family gotten together at my Uncle's (we're all very close). My girlfriend came down from Boston and I introduced her to my cousin, she's from New York but grew up in Ohio (she's white).
My family isn't exactly pompous but we aren't too accepting either. My great grandfather was an immigrant that came to the states with only $20 dollars so his work ethic was instilled into our family.
We we're drinking and the younger of us 19-30 decided to play some music we're listening to Z100 and out of no where my cousin says "aight dats enuff of dat white boy $$$!" and turns on Power 105.1.

I would've been totally cool with that except the fact that she starts rapping like she grew up in the "ghetto" and endured the hardships that most rappers rap about. I mean FULL ON slang, diction, bouncing around with finger snapping and neck jerking. We let it go for about 20mins until she's all "aww hell naw" this and "whaaaaat" that. 

She has a black boyfriend he's also from New York they both lived in Shaker Heights, Ohio for a while maybe 5-6 years. I can understand him being a little rough around the edges so to speak, but the family I come from it would've been close to IMPOSSIBLE for her to even pick up any behavioral patterns found in urban areas.

We have other cousins who live in Ohio and Pennsylvania and they GREW UP in rough areas so them being white and maybe having an accent or inner city characteristics is accepting. But our cousin in question is like a borderline hybrid poser, she's comes from money all her friends are white and only connection she has to inner city life is her black boyfriend.

So finally 20 mins go past of her minstrel show before we pull the plug and say "when did you become so ghetto?". Everyone laughs and shes says "she's being herself", aunts and uncles jumped in and pointed out she didn't used to act like that. (we're from Clinton/Midtown area)

Finally another cousin says it's easier for her to be "CoCo" (Ice-T's wife) than it is to be "normal" and accept the fact she's white and plan. She breaks down in tears and we're all meeting for breakfast this morning to apologize for calling her "ghetto".

I just need a clear definition of acting "ghetto", I'm sure she was acting quintessential ghetto. But I think it bothered her that we pointed out it's easier to act ghetto than it is to be socially respected and taken seriously as an adult. She's 22 years old. 

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?
Sounds like you and your family are a bunch of racists. How do you know your cousin doesn't behave that way around her friends ? And just becomes a poser just to impress your family ? And now when she finally shows her true self you're not accepting.
I'm glad I've chosen to share this, some of the responses have opened my eyes to how closed minded I can be sometimes. It's just SO much pressure to impress sometimes I lose focus of what's important.
She probably was just being herself more than ANY of us were last night, we just couldn't see it. I want to be a better person, and I don't mean to offend anyone with the questions I ask. 
The problem with your post OP is that the situation you're trying to explain is one that involves social class and not race, while you're trying very hard to make it a racial issue. When you talk about "acting ghetto" that term only came about from racist tv shows, and whites whose only contact with blacks is through those shows. They mistaken loud, attention seekers for an entire community of people.

seasoned vet
Most blacks don't claim ownership of "acting ghetto" they are disgraced and disgusted by it, again it's usually used by loud, attention seekers. Just like how the rich have their own culture and mannerisms, so does the middle class and the poor.

OP your cousin was most likely just having fun, but it could also be a testament against the way your family acts. You say that three generations ago, your family was dirt poor and your great grandfather worked his way out of that poverty, yet the tone of your post is such that, that wealth can be traced back to the founding of America. In the end your family issues with her has nothing to do with how she acts but with themself, you could say that the "minstrel show" that your cousin put on, is how the truly wealthy and I'm talking about old 15th, 16th century wealth view families such as your own

At the end of the day while this does smell like a troll post, be your true self and let her be her true self, even though she is in the long run doing a great dis-service to her bf if this is how she acts all the time, but if your "cousin" is a real person I don't believe this is how she truly behaves
What's wrong with her liking that music and acting out what she sees in the videos? Is she not entitled to have her own opinion and her own likes and dislikes?

Why is it okay for anyone to act out scenes from gangster films and they never took part in that life?

I really dislike stereotypes....and I can't stand the word GHETTO, too many ppl use it without any real understanding of it
Shaker is not tough although buckeye is right there ...her bf rubbed off on her..a girl is a reflection of her guy majority of the time..he prob acts "ghetto"
I want to piggyback on something Seasoned Vet said:

I'm not offended by someone who emulates another culture. HOWEVER, I do get mad at the effort that one takes to act like someone they're not.

Example: there was this white girl who goes to my alma mater. She's from the central coast of California (805 area code) then moved to santa monica before attending my college.

She carries herself like she's black and she looks foolish. I asked her about that and her response was "Why do you people hate because I don't act like a stereotypical white girl?" and I responded "So it's ok to act like a stereotypical black girl as hard as you do?" She went silent.

It's not so much the act that makes me mad so much as it is the lengths that people take to act like us (black) or another race.

And PLEASE stop trying to group Ghetto and Black together!
Off topic but kind of on topic: I especially hate when black people say "You're talking white"...What does that mean? Talking proper? Its a sad thing
generalizing and stereotyping is permittable and is even necessary imo but this is right here is 
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Last night my family gotten together at my Uncle's (we're all very close). My girlfriend came down from Boston and I introduced her to my cousin, she's from New York but grew up in Ohio (she's white).
My family isn't exactly pompous but we aren't too accepting either. My great grandfather was an immigrant that came to the states with only $20 dollars so his work ethic was instilled into our family.
We we're drinking and the younger of us 19-30 decided to play some music we're listening to Z100 and out of no where my cousin says "aight dats enuff of dat white boy $$$!" and turns on Power 105.1.

I would've been totally cool with that except the fact that she starts rapping like she grew up in the "ghetto" and endured the hardships that most rappers rap about. I mean FULL ON slang, diction, bouncing around with finger snapping and neck jerking. We let it go for about 20mins until she's all "aww hell naw" this and "whaaaaat" that. 

She has a black boyfriend he's also from New York they both lived in Shaker Heights, Ohio for a while maybe 5-6 years. I can understand him being a little rough around the edges so to speak, but the family I come from it would've been close to IMPOSSIBLE for her to even pick up any behavioral patterns found in urban areas.

We have other cousins who live in Ohio and Pennsylvania and they GREW UP in rough areas so them being white and maybe having an accent or inner city characteristics is accepting. But our cousin in question is like a borderline hybrid poser, she's comes from money all her friends are white and only connection she has to inner city life is
her black boyfriend.

So finally 20 mins go past of her minstrel show before we pull the plug and say "when did you become so ghetto?". Everyone laughs and shes says "she's being herself", aunts and uncles jumped in and pointed out she didn't used to act like that. (we're from Clinton/Midtown area)

Finally another cousin says it's easier for her to be "CoCo" (Ice-T's wife) than it is to be "normal" and accept the fact she's white and plan. She breaks down in tears and we're all meeting for breakfast this morning to apologize for calling her "ghetto".

I just need a clear definition of acting "ghetto", I'm sure she was acting quintessential ghetto. But I think it bothered her that we pointed out it's easier to act ghetto than it is to be socially respected and taken seriously as an adult. She's 22 years old. 

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

All that was needed to be said. People were just jealous, she's taking in a 12 incher inside her vagina.

Originally Posted by StackJaxx


i just saw dudes new sn, i was laughing cause its was so obvious it was him 
your family may be lowkey racist tho if they think Coco is ghetto 
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Off topic but kind of on topic: I especially hate when black people say "You're talking white"...What does that mean? Talking proper? Its a sad thing

No it's exactly on topic, I've heard this before. What is "talking white"? I mean certain people DO have characteristics that are indicators of where they are from geographically.
I even spoke on this in the OP, I have cousins who are white and use slang and have very poor dialect. They grew up in very poor neighborhoods, but they have black friends from the same neighborhood who sound very educated and distinguished. They're often teased by my very own cousins for talking "white". Odd world we live in. 
This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.

I hope OP knows his girlfriend is cheating on him with a multiple black dudes.
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