Thats why you settle down when you're ready. Not when you look down at your watch and think "well, I'm running out of time"
True, but you also have to do it when the opportunity presents itself. What a lot of these guys in here don't realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. Sure have your fun, spend your money, do your thing, but you do everything for yourself long enough and pass everything up you'll be beating your meat at mamas
I agree. I do see that as a pattern not only on this site, but out in the world as well.
Everyone wants to be a lifelong bachelor. You can't stroll around ******g chicks and spending stacks like you're Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love. There has to be a sense of reality.
Some people WANT to live a lifestyle they aren't made for.
They're living vicariously through the lifestyle of others, and just like you said, once reality smacks them in the face at 30, they're lonely jerking at their moms crib.
Theres nothing wrong with having a wifey. But don't force it. Some guys just seem like they're scared of commitment. Like its the end of the world or something spending their lives with the same chick, when in reality, a lot of them don't even get any buns right now
I appreciate the advice. Really needed to read those responses.
It just seems like I'm getting up there in age and I'm watching my circle get smaller, what with folks tying the knot while the rest of us are running around man horing and screwing up any chances of forming real relationships.
Part of my problem is I tend to compare myself to other people. Just gotta get my **** together.
Yeah man you gotta stop comparing yourself man. At this point in my life, I'm probably in the most mature relationship out of my circle of boys. I'm fine with it.
I'm not saying go jump into a relationship with the first chick that gives you some convo, but don't miss the signs and opportunities that present themselves to you in life fam.
When a good girl falls in your lap, see how it works out for you. Don't throw out the idea of a future with a girl out of thoughts of being "restricted" or "tied down".
Live life to the fullest and let it take you where you want to go, but don't be blind to the great opportunities that could come through relationships. It ain't for everyone, but then again neither is being single.