Donald Trump is running for president

So it's ok for the government to push for more fracking but wrong for them to incentivize fuel-efficient vehicles?

who said da government had ANYTHING to do with da fracking revolution? :lol

its been private sector driven, what they need to do is get da hell out da way in regards to regulations & issuing leases.
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Government research dollars help develop the technology that is used in fracking........

The government has nothing to do with fracking. :rolleyes :lol


Btw, telling fracking companies that hey need to clean up after themselves, and make sure they don't pollute people's drinking water should be the bare minimum.

Another example of the few suffering for the many to benefit.
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fracking is whats spurring our energy Independence :lol

The long-term relevance of fracking is not guaranteed.

From nature:

But a careful examination of the assumptions behind such bullish forecasts suggests that they may be overly optimistic, in part because the government's predictions rely on coarse-grained studies of major shale formations, or plays. Now, researchers are analysing those formations in much greater detail and are issuing more-conservative forecasts. They calculate that such formations have relatively small 'sweet spots' where it will be profitable to extract gas.

The results are “bad news”, says Tad Patzek, head of the University of Texas at Austin's department of petroleum and geosystems engineering, and a member of the team that is conducting the in-depth analyses. With companies trying to extract shale gas as fast as possible and export significant quantities, he argues, “we're setting ourselves up for a major fiasco”.

The main difference between the Texas and EIA forecasts may come down to how fine-grained each assessment is. The EIA breaks up each shale play by county, calculating an average well productivity for that area. But counties often cover more than 1,000 square kilometres, large enough to hold thousands of horizontal fracked wells. The Texas team, by contrast, splits each play into blocks of one square mile (2.6 square kilometres) — a resolution at least 20 times finer than the EIA's.

Resolution matters because each play has sweet spots that yield a lot of gas, and large areas where wells are less productive. Companies try to target the sweet spots first, so wells drilled in the future may be less productive than current ones. The EIA's model so far has assumed that future wells will be at least as productive as past wells in the same county. But this approach, Patzek argues, “leads to results that are way too optimistic”.

So it's ok for the government to push for more fracking but wrong for them to incentivize fuel-efficient vehicles?

who said da government had ANYTHING to do with da fracking revolution? :lol

its been private sector driven, what they need to do is get da hell out da way in regards to regulations & issuing leases.

Interesting that you want the government to stay away from fracking considering the concerns that exist regarding that particular method of extraction.

Let me ask you, will you have the same stance when a disaster that could have been avoidable with the correct safety measures put in place happens?

Because the main reason for many oil spills can be traced back to oil and gas companies tendencies to neglect safety measures, and those who end up paying for that failure are the US taxpayers (through the government aid) and the local economy and environment (think about polluted water).

The general historical behavior of the resource extraction industries (minimizing costs - including safety - to maximize profits) is reason enough to have the government eyes on them.
no, we shouldn't worry about the real large-scale hazards to public safety posed by fracking, but we should go against the Constitution and ban entire religious groups because of paranoia over terrorism.

btw I assume we pro-frackers are in agreement that we need to roll back intrusive government regulations such as anti-smoking and asbestos laws. seat belt laws too. and cars shouldn't need to have seat belts or airbags if the manufacturer doesn't want to include them.
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Reading thru this thread makes my head hurt. Y'all can't keep going back and forth with the same 2-3 ignorant, contrarian, dodging posters.

They don't WANT to be informed. Let them fall by the waste side with Theyre "Make America great again" hats.
Police: Anti-Trump Baton Rouge rapper gets caught with stolen guns in his Instagram videos


A Baton Rouge rapper who gained notoriety for anti-Donald Trump songs was arrested Thursday after he appeared in a video with at least two stolen guns, police said.

Demarcus Davis, 22, is accused of possessing guns that were stolen from Meaux Guns and Ammo in July, a Baton Rouge Police Department report says. Police tracked down Davis after he posted a video to the social media site Instagram on May 15 in which he and at least eight other people brandish guns — including rifles, pistols and a sawed-off shotgun — and warn people not to mess with them, the report says.

Davis was arrested Thursday afternoon after a police officer stopped him for rolling past a stop sign on Marque Ann Drive and saw a bottle of codeine syrup in his vehicle, the report says.

Police tied Davis to the stolen guns after finding a photo on Facebook of him holding a customized Ruger 10/22 Krinker Plinker that was stolen from the gun shop. The serial number of a stolen Glock pistol as well as a house number and street name are also visible in Davis’ videos, the report says.

During questioning on Thursday, police showed Davis a photo of him holding a gun, and Davis admitted it was real, according to the report. Davis was convicted of simple robbery in November 2014.

Davis, who performs under the name Maine Musik, has made songs threatening Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and has alluded to having a connection to the Islamic State group and access to grenades. Davis’ Instagram account has nearly 53,000 followers.

His Twitter account has another 1,600-plus followers.

“I really want to go to war with Donald Trump because Donald Trump try’na take food stamps away from my momma and that all the (expletive) she got,” Davis says in one of his videos.

Davis, 16034 Norwick Ave., was booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison on three counts of felon in possession of a firearm, one count of illegal possession of a stolen firearm and one count of possession of Schedule V drugs. Davis was assigned $23,000 bail, online jail records show.
Reading thru this thread makes my head hurt. Y'all can't keep going back and forth with the same 2-3 ignorant, contrarian, dodging posters.

They don't WANT to be informed. Let them fall by the waste side with Theyre "Make America great again" hats.
It's really on both sides.

It's either heaven or hell but both think they are heaven
Reading thru this thread makes my head hurt. Y'all can't keep going back and forth with the same 2-3 ignorant, contrarian, dodging posters.

They don't WANT to be informed. Let them fall by the waste side with Theyre "Make America great again" hats.
It's really on both sides.

It's either heaven or hell but both think they are heaven
Blah, blah, blah, both sides are the same, blah, blah, blah.
paul ryan just said trumps comments are "textbook racism"

these dudes are just supporting becuz he's the nominee. its sad.
His supporters don't care, they'll attack Ryan for being a "rino" and kissing up to the liberal media.
His supporters don't care, they'll attack Ryan for being a "rino" and kissing up to the liberal media.
That certainly seems to be the prevailing trend.

Neocons are so gullible hahhah!
So much for that endorsement. The GOP is a mess.

You aint see nothing yet. Dems convention will be a blood bath btw Lunatic Bernie and crocked Hill if Bernie can win a few more states today....
I'm hopeful that this whole election season exposes a lot of what's wrong with this joke of a system. It's not really about parties for me...but the GOP's infighting has been a true train wreck.
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^^^ A fraud? why? I see shillary kissing and hugging impoverish people. Like she loves them! like she cares for them!!!! Only thing she cares for its expanding her bs propaganda of BS lies :rolleyes
The Trump guys seem extra testy today :lol

Hillary clinching the nomination...Donald's problems just keep stacking up

I love it
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