For instance if anyone ever says the holocaust was worse than slavery, slap them in the face.
Now hol' up . . .​
Slavery definitely had a worse overall lasting effect . . . but as far as straight up which one would I rather experience if I was forced to have to choose one . . . I would pick slavery bruh . . . they did some cruel and unusual **** in the holocaust . . .​
At what point during this argument do you stop and ask yourself "is this a fruitless pissing contest?"
Now hol' up . . .​
Slavery definitely had a worse overall lasting effect . . . but as far as straight up which one would I rather experience if I was forced to have to choose one . . . I would pick slavery bruh . . . they did some cruel and unusual **** in the holocaust . . .​
My issue isn't the notion (although I disagree) It's the fact that that the comparison is even brought up in the first place.
Just not my type of comedy I guess.

What's lost in all of this is how many people there are that agree with what he said. I have conversations and know people personally who feel that Black people had it tough, but not "that bad". For instance if anyone ever says the holocaust was worse than slavery, slap them in the face.

It's the opposite of white guilt, its' white denial.
So much for intellect... 

But somewhat relevant to the subject... I have no words for bible thumpers and those that interpret the bible literally. How stupid can people possibly be...
Now hol' up . . .​
Slavery definitely had a worse overall lasting effect . . . but as far as straight up which one would I rather experience if I was forced to have to choose one . . . I would pick slavery bruh . . . they did some cruel and unusual **** in the holocaust . . .​
My issue isn't the notion (although I disagree) It's the fact that that the comparison is even brought up in the first place.
 For instance if anyone ever says the holocaust was worse than slavery, slap them in the face.
Now hol' up . . .​
Slavery definitely had a worse overall lasting effect . . . but as far as straight up which one would I rather experience if I was forced to have to choose one . . . I would pick slavery bruh . . . they did some cruel and unusual **** in the holocaust . . .​
At what point during this argument do you stop and ask yourself "is this a fruitless pissing contest?"
Every argument on the internet is a fruitless pissing contest
Now hol' up . . .​
Slavery definitely had a worse overall lasting effect . . . but as far as straight up which one would I rather experience if I was forced to have to choose one . . . I would pick slavery bruh . . . they did some cruel and unusual **** in the holocaust . . .​
nah, I would have rather been murked on site than to have to live and die as a slave.
Yeah I think I think I woulda eventually went crazy until they shot me . .  . I never even liked a ***** telling me what to do in school
Much ado about nothing. Dude said what he feels. AE puts the article in the national spotlight because the new season is starting soon. No publicity is bad publicity. The duck dudes win, and AE wins.
Why the head shake? There are smart people in every major including those two, but a good number of illiterate people make it into college and only graduate cause they pursued majors like phys ed, comm, education, (insert ethnicity here) studies, etc.. So to say that this redneck is intelligent because he has two easy to attain degrees doesn't make sense
you saying physical education is an easy degree clearly displays your ignorance.
Honestly is anyone surprised some daughter molesting hick form Louisiana would say something ignorant??? 

Not the least bit surprised some hate mongering bible thumping organization like Chick Fil A would get in the mix either. 
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Lol exactly.

If he said sumthin different I would have been MORE surprised lol

I dont think chick fila is actually affiliated but I bet they will see a spike in sales lol. Esp down south.
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Yeah Chick-Fil-A isn't involved in organizing it. It says on the top. When I'm in Florida i do get the craving to go there and beast on food.
America is nuts. I bet that ****** wouldn't do a fund raiser if he had a sick daughter but this warrants something like this. People are idiots man, priorities all ****** up. This is the cause you chose to fight for? They don't realize how sad and telling of how little meaning your life has.
Degrees in phys ed. and education? Clearly he's intelligent :rolleyes

Why the head shake? There are smart people in every major including those two, but a good number of illiterate people make it into college and only graduate cause they pursued majors like phys ed, comm, education, (insert ethnicity here) studies, etc.. So to say that this redneck is intelligent because he has two easy to attain degrees doesn't make sense

Dumbest **** I've read on nt in awhile...

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