Dumb fun things you did as a kid and teen

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

www.whitehouse.com @ school.

damn man....i thought our school was the only one to discover that problem
lol me and my friends always tried to get people to get to pen island dot com
Sold fireworks in school

Doing graffiti everywhere

Racking up leaves under the tree then climbing said tree and jumping
Into the leaves

Jumping off the trampoline into the pool

Water riots in the middle of the culdesac i grew up in

Stealing bikes outta peoples backyards

Ding dong ditch


The list goes on...
Originally Posted by lol

Man, you know you're getting old when you reminisce the good times you had during your days in elementary/high school, or just your childhood days in general.
I used to throw #%* down the heating vents in my house when I was really young (like 5 or so) because I wanted to see if it would catch fire.

We used to catch caterpillars off the tree at my school during recess.
there's a wooded area that borers a main road behind my neighborhood. One halloween we thought it was a good idea to take a dozen eggs and hit oncoming cars. We were safe about it, not going for the cars that were driving next to others, to avoid accidents. So my friend said he had a good eye and could spot cop headlights just in case we needed to run. We saw a car coming by itself and me and two of my friends got ready to throw. We all timed it perfectly but right when I let mine go I heard my friend say "Oh...that's a cop" I nailed the passenger window and my friends hit the wheel and the side of the car. I think I ran at 4.4 speed for a straight half mile to my friends house. Hiding in random bushes everytime I saw headlights coming our way.

Also the last week of eighth grade I grinded up some smarties and made a massive line. I snorted some of it and the teacher saw. She was this overweight, Christian lady and she looked like she was about to have a heart attack. She sent me to the principals office, I told him what happened, he started laughing, and sent me back to class.

Last one. My friend got heldback a year so we were all far away from getting our drivers permits when he already had a car (expedition), so we would drive around 8 deep and mess with people. We had just gone to mcdonalds and my friend has a cup full of ice. We pulled up next to a guy in a old mercedes convertible that said "turbo-diesel" on the back. kid in the passenger seat rolls down his window and is being smart with the guy, saying something like "wow turbo diesel. never heard of that before! is it fast?" the guy says, "well yea.." Before he could finish his sentence, the kid goes "GOOD" and chucked the ice all over this guys face. My friend driving peeled out and tried to get away from the guy, but we got stuck at a red light. We were in the far left lane trying to make a u-turn but this guy pulls up his car and tries to block us in. He gets out in the middle of the intersection yelling "you wanna make a f$$$ outta me!!! HUH?" There were 8 of us in the car all dying laughing while this guy was trying to open the doors from the outside. He's banging on the windows telling us to get out but my friend hit the gas and went to make the u-turn. The guy wasn't letting go of the door handle and the truck kind of dragged him a few feet which scared the $#@! outta me.
Twisting off the top of salt and pepper shakers, then putting them on w/o twisting them. Just to watch someone spill it all over their food.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by MonStar1

that stupid "don't look at my finger and thumb in a circle below my waist" game


I forgot about this, we used to do this too.. 

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

i jus turned 21 and was thinkin. bout how many dumb things I did when I was younger, from tagging my name on my neighbors house, egging a Comcast mans can with my boys cuz he shut off our illegal cable and being chased with a knife, to getting caught by mom dukes mid stroke an saying "it's not what it look like" , what did y'all do that was dumb but u look back at it now and laugh
6 pages and no 1 quoted this? im DYING over here

objective was to sneak up on someone knee them in the leg/thigh and yell deadleg
who remember goin to school and seein your mans with a fresh haircut, and u jus know u gon smack the murrays off his waves, face went from
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

We used to coofie smack on the back of each others necks.. 

son.. this right here was a everyday thing, had ninjas not wantin to walk behind u ,
too much real life
making & using poppers poppers during quiet/reading time with a 4-5 people (we had this in the gym after school while waiting on your parents to pick you up so there was at least 200+ kids in the gym)

wwf fights ending in broken furniture(2-3 bedframes, countless lamps & tables) or broken body parts

cappin/dozens or whatever you call it with each other (i still partake in this

making ramps for our bikes & having contest to see who can do the most bricks without falling

4th of july fireworks for at least a week....gotta buy in bulk(& sell extras to recoup what i put out)

dodgeball ......reg & prison
Backyard Wrestling.

I put a trash can over my neighbor and went ham with a steel chair. Like the rock on mankind
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by MonStar1

that stupid "don't look at my finger and thumb in a circle below my waist" game


I forgot about this, we used to do this too.. 

+ b-spike
+ open chest

Originally Posted by wisache15

Watching pr0n on middle school computers

real talk, back in 7th grade me and like 10 friends got caught lol..   we would all go to our science teachers room for advisory class cuz he let us get away with the most #$%!,  most of them had different teachers lol..

he caught us red handed..  luckily all the teacher did was ban us from the computer. 
Originally Posted by JordanKing Xi

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

i jus turned 21 and was thinkin. bout how many dumb things I did when I was younger, from tagging my name on my neighbors house, egging a Comcast mans can with my boys cuz he shut off our illegal cable and being chased with a knife, to getting caught by mom dukes mid stroke an saying "it's not what it look like" , what did y'all do that was dumb but u look back at it now and laugh
6 pages and no 1 quoted this? im DYING over here
 i wanted to see how long it took for it to be quoted....pg 5 smh 
There was a stupid gag people did in the bathrooms where they wet a paper towel by dipping it in the toilet (if you were really bout that life you dookied and wiped some on it before) and getting it wet then throw it up onto the ceiling. It would harden and get stuck up there and eventually fall down hours or days later hopefully onto someone. I also came in one time and saw like 3 dudes at the same time all standing up on the sinks peeing into the soap dispensers. I never partook in either of these

I used to get in house suspension on purpose. You got to go to lunch earlier and longer, and it was quiet and nobody really bothered you; even got less course work in there because teachers didn't like the extra work of filling out those forms to have the work delivered and assigned to you. If you knew anyone else in there, tossing papers or anything over the barriers between desks while teacher wasn't looking helped pass the time

The cunning ways to skip class or leave school even with the parking lot police officer out there was always fun. If you missed a class, they would call your parents for example but more often than not use the home # than the work # on file so getting home early and deleting the message then calling back pretending to be your dad was crucial. They got online portals now and systems that automatically text and +$@% I'm sure it's a whole new ballgame trying to get away with stuff.

My favorite thing to do though, was get a hall pass to go to the bathroom, and go to the teacher's only bathroom way on the other side of the campus, lock the door, and just take a good solid comfortable one. Somehow people got wind of it though and I walk out feeling all released and there's like all 3 principals standing there with their arms crossed shaking their heads.

I had a teacher who was an obvious pedophile. We used to catch him all the time doing things and he hated me for it and would send me to the office just because I caught him miring some young booty (trying to find the picture of this chic but can't, probably married now, new last name. He never got caught (massive rumor is the reason he left is because a girl's mom found out and threatended him) but his homeboy Coach Cox did.

I was a 5 A's, 1 B type of student all throughout High School too. +$@% was just that easy, the extra was just to amuse myself I guess, and I never did homework.

Who else did the safety pin and towel around your neck then got on your bike and tried to go really fast so it'd fly behind you like a cape? It worked until you slowed down and it got caught in your chain and flipped you off the bike.
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

We used to coofie smack on the back of each others necks.. 

son.. this right here was a everyday thing, had ninjas not wantin to walk behind u ,
too much real life
i know that feel too well 

Slap boxing

folding paper into pellets and shooting them with rubber bands

booty tag (

drinking juice/soda with sour power straws
Get spray paint or anything in a spray can was flammable and light it on fire.

Steal basketball cards from KMART for the rush.

As a teen, I thought it was so cool to drive to San Jose from Salinas with friends and go to Mercado.

Go to Raves

As a kid, take batting practice with hard balls with my friends, while kids were playing on the playground and park over the fence.
- My friend and I used to pick up pebbles and small rocks on our way to the train station and proceed to throw them at cars while we walked up the stairs. We dented many cars.
- Stole a paintball gun from a teacher and used it afterschool on the handball court.
- Backyard wrestle with Trash cans and whatever object was at reach.
- Throwing paper planes and spitballs at the substitute teacher.
- Sneak in one of those mini antenna t.v's and watch Jerry Springer during class with my friends.
- replicate stunts seen on Jackmass. (To this day I can run into a door and make it look like I just bashed my head into it)

Good topic, can't think of more right now. Maybe later.
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