Dumb fun things you did as a kid and teen

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

ninja knocker was the all time funniest thing to do, bored on a summer night, go ruin people's evenings lol
what is ninja knocker?
basically you knock on somebody door then run 
I remember my friend trolled the computers in the library something serious..in Microsoft word everytime you typed I it would turn into bit#& and the was @ss..nobody knew how to fix it lmao but of course someone snitched on him
I rememeber me and my cousin would invent our own drink. We would mix orange juice with olive juice, hot sauce, mustard and sazon goya.
lol we use to pour it in different bottles and give them out after a football game. Everybody drank with no hesitation and spit it back out.

For halloween i would be up in the roof top shooting people with paintball guns. I had people in back of every car that was parked for hours lol.

I remember buying stink bombs and throwing them at cab driver when they would have their window down. It was about to go down that day, never again.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by BrockBo

7TH-9TH grade friday and saturday nights we would and copp like 6 dozen eggs and most up at a spot and hit cars driving by hoping they would get out and chase us or it would be a cop. Got chased a bunch but there were 3 times that stuck out.1. We were rolling deep had like 10 people with us boys and girl we hit and a car and it stopped we all took of running and I ended up in a back yard fort that ever kid dreams about and was alone a scared for my life for about and hour. 2. It was getting late and we were about to call it a night so my boy was on the other side of the street and if he wouldnt have started smoking he would be playing college baseball anyway small red car drives boy he pops it car makes a U turn and I hit it again they stop 2 "brothas" (im black) get out and yell we +!$**@$ see you and we all take off i started to get tired and kicked in a old garage window and was posted one of boys hoped in a trash can and there others were hiding in a ditch 3. some kid we didnt like heard we were egging and drove by with paint ball guns and we went to war till somebody called the cops

skipping to go smoke all the time......... friday before are regional playoff game for football we went out to lunch and skipped 5th hour so we could smoke and go to red robbin well we didnt smoke and i still had my piece on me searched us when we got back got suspended kicked off the team whole 9 yard

sneaking out to break in to cars a good 4 nights a week for 3 months

staying home sick just to have people over

my best friend ran away and was hiding in my basement and this fool was smoking down there when i was at football mom came home and that was just a funny scene

getting high before football and messing with are coaches who were high 2

just dumb stuff im only 16 but memories dont have have an age right?
Ya, very dumb. I never understood egging... There's harmless pranks, and then there's pranks that can cost somebody alot of money.
Breaking into cars? Thats not fun and dumb, you're a criminal. I hate people like you. I hope you get egged and robbed by a fellow criminal. 
ok mr perfect child i learned my lesson so please stop hating
-Called 911 told them F U 
-Cousin dared me to put this smelly lotion on my face since he hooked me up with a dime piece.  Found out the lotion was old hair remover.  No eyebrows for a few months 

-In kindergarten, this kid kept clowning my dad for being overweight. So my friends and I set up pissing in a cup, telling the kid that it was apple juice, and he drank it 

-Girl I didn't like was running by and I sticked my foot out for her to trip.  Girl straight planked into the tile floor.  Felt 
 even though she didn't know how she tripped.

-Soaked this girl with my water guns when she was walking up to this guy's crib for their date

-Was like 7yrs old.  My friend told his female cousin to cover her eyes and kiss a sock rolled up like a ball.  We switched it out and he let me kiss on her 

P4L when I have some more stories
We used to throw random parts of our lunch at cars.. I remember taking a big *#@ cookie that came with my Subway sandwich and throwing it at the open back window of a cab. Damn thing went straight in and hit the passenger in the head. Dude jumped out the cab and chased us a good couple blocks. 
Racing the express bus to the next stop... one of us would get off and leave their stuff on the bus with the rest of the group. It was then on you to run the 10 blocks and get there before the bus.

Kids with the backpacks on wheels... we'd run up and kick them from behind and send them in the air.

The absolute WORST thing that ever went down was "Car jumping"... on a side street you got 2 rows of cars. One kid would start on each side and run down the block jumping car to car and see who got to the end of the block first. 
-we were like 15 deep playin football in the street when the boys pull up so they can get past, out of nowhere this fat yo we used to hang with drops his pants and moons the cop car, heard sirens and we was gone
-got an eraser burn cuz mom dukes wouldnt let me get real tat

-bought some itchin powder with my friedn from spencers and he aint think it would work, so he puts it on his nuts to see if it worked, needless to say he ran for tha hose

-stealing !%%+ from the local Walgreens, no security ftw
-Throwing water balloons off the school bus in the mornings
-Leaning a garbage can full of water up against an inward opening front door and knocking on the door late night, LULZ were had but I'm going to hell for it.
shooting dice in middle school
we werent even playing craps right but I made that paper. I thought 5-10 bucks a day shootin dice was great. Bet quarters at a time. Eventually got caught and got detention for gambling at school.
Throwing water balloons from the top floor of the dorms and hitting people

Throwing smoke balls in a moving ice cream truck
Writing bad things on park slides
Having wrestling matches on twin beds that were put outside
We used to make these hood, bow/sling shot type things.
-Grab a random piece of wood about 3" x 1" x 10". Stick a nail on one end of the stick and nail one of those clip close hangers on the other. Wrap a rubberband around the nail and grab rocks/bottle caps, pull them back to the clip hanger. Then all you gotta do is press down on the clip hanger and the bottle goes flying
. Used to shot at each other

-Buy dry ice from the ice cream dudes and make homemade bombs in a 2 liter soda bottle

-Not me, but apparently my brothers used to steal ice cream from our ice cream truck driver neighbor

-My neighbor used to do the ol' Quarter on a string at the arcades. Idk if it ever work but it never did for me. Maybe he just trolled me

-Hide and go get it.

-Me and my boy used to play WWF in the park around the corner. I was a little fat kid and he was frail as hell so I used to power bomb, choke slam, etc. pretty mucha ll the cool moves
I'm surprised he never got hurt.

This thread brings back memories.



Someone leaving their backpack on the lunch table, ziptying em to the bench

Ziptying all the zippers together. Ziptying all the BP's in sight together


Rubbing the pen tips on your desk and putting it to peoples necks

Go to one side of someone walking, your friend takes the other and shouting "LEFT NUT!" "RIGHT NUT!" And start to punch the life out of them until they start spitting

Ahh man good times. Kids these days don't know a damn thing about having fun.
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