Dumb fun things you did as a kid and teen

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA


I forgot about this, we used to do this too.. 


yo I remember this
YOOO... I still to this day get peoples neck on a daily basis!!!
Used to sneak out with my neighbor buddies all the time to go window tapping. You get a fishing rod and tie a washer to the end of the line. Tape it to the window so the washer is dangling. Go back as far as possible and whip the rod so the ripple effect makes the washer bang on the window back and forth. Its really loud inside the house..Eventually lights turn on and they look out clueless but cant see anything from the inside while we can see them from the outside. Even if they put their hands around their eyes to look out, we're too far back laying prone and you cant see the fishing line. One time the guy was so confused he would duck down below the window and hide and pop back up trying to catch the cause of the noise. While we're sitting 40 yards back watching this guys head popping up and down still banging the washer everytime he ducks 

Eventually if it gets to the point of people coming outside, you just pull the rod and run. 
Well my school would have dance sessions in the hallways. could get up to 40 people in a big circle.
whenever there's a big fight in the school it would happen on one street and every fight happens there.The cops chill there but it dosent stop the fights.

my friends and I would ride our bikes at night with air soft guns and shoot passing cars and houses windows.

kicking over trash cans

stealing candy and drinks

epic nights of ding dong ditch
- Friends and I found a huge porn magazine stash in the back of a truck that we hid under a huge Rock next to where we lived. I always wondered if it's still there.
- Used to tie dollar bills to a fishing line and yanked it away from people in the lunchroom.
- Spork Fights. nuff said
- Answer questions in WWF voices, I used to do Stone Cold.
- clog the urinals and have them overflow.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Used to sneak out with my neighbor buddies all the time to go window tapping. You get a fishing rod and tie a washer to the end of the line. Tape it to the window so the washer is dangling. Go back as far as possible and whip the rod so the ripple effect makes the washer bang on the window back and forth. Its really loud inside the house..Eventually lights turn on and they look out clueless but cant see anything from the inside while we can see them from the outside. Even if they put their hands around their eyes to look out, we're too far back laying prone and you cant see the fishing line. One time the guy was so confused he would duck down below the window and hide and pop back up trying to catch the cause of the noise. While we're sitting 40 yards back watching this guys head popping up and down still banging the washer everytime he ducks 

Eventually if it gets to the point of people coming outside, you just pull the rod and run. 

we used to put strips of duct tape on the street with a rock on one end.  people would drive over it, the tape would stick, then the rock would bang against the tire and make it sound like it was flat.  we'd hide in the bushes by the road and watch people pull over and check their tires confused as hell
i remember me and my friends used to fart in water bottles...basically capture as many different farts as possible...only to unleash on the unexpected
Originally Posted by smellyginger

i remember me and my friends used to fart in water bottles...basically capture as many different farts as possible...only to unleash on the unexpected

master troll
-From like the 4th-6th grade we would slap each other on the chin and yell BALLS!!
-Slap a kid on the neck then say,"Open neck,no respect"

-We would go up to a teacher and yell, "HOLY SHHHHIIIItake mushrooms!"
Hide and go get it
!%+!% knock
Truth or dare
Make ppl eat bugs..smh I had to do it a couple times
Football in the street with sideline pop
Basketball on the monkey bars
The bacon club..%*$%+# used to have contest who had the best bacon and climb this tree and eat bacon on the branches Lmfao
I remember the girls would grab all the guys wangs that lived on our block..we used to fake like stop but we loved it lol!!
TeePeeing houses, peeing on stuff,wrestling in the front yard
Smacking lightning bugs out the air
Bball tournament 1 on 1 and 2 on 2..for platinum,silver,gold,bronze,and ribbon Lmao
Cats knew I was the knew I was the best on the block yet they cheated..pushing the hoop wen I shot or fouling
It used to get real in those tourney's..mad fights and scuffles..then after the game go steal honey buns,juice,candy from the store
I remember with a dollar you would get mad stuff
Madden tourney's
Magic Johnson theater Saturday night
Geagua lake..I remember I went. Up there had the baddest chick with me...felt like a true player that summer lol
Getting caught by my dad tryna smash..and my boy got caught in the basement Lmao he tried to hide in dirty clothes
Man my friends and I used to watch wrestling than tried imitating what they did.
Throw rocks to scare people, ended up hitting my boy once in the face breaking a part of his tooth

Stealing chips from the local grocery store everyday after school till I got caught.
Cart racing with shopping carts going down hill and than letting the person inside go by themselves

Fighting with the bus drivers giving them a hard time, had the cops called once too because we were acting up so much.
Man there's so much more it's crazy
Raced bottle caps down the curb from the corner of the street to the gutter when it rained.
7TH-9TH grade friday and saturday nights we would and copp like 6 dozen eggs and most up at a spot and hit cars driving by hoping they would get out and chase us or it would be a cop. Got chased a bunch but there were 3 times that stuck out.1. We were rolling deep had like 10 people with us boys and girl we hit and a car and it stopped we all took of running and I ended up in a back yard fort that ever kid dreams about and was alone a scared for my life for about and hour. 2. It was getting late and we were about to call it a night so my boy was on the other side of the street and if he wouldnt have started smoking he would be playing college baseball anyway small red car drives boy he pops it car makes a U turn and I hit it again they stop 2 "brothas" (im black) get out and yell we +!$**@$ see you and we all take off i started to get tired and kicked in a old garage window and was posted one of boys hoped in a trash can and there others were hiding in a ditch 3. some kid we didnt like heard we were egging and drove by with paint ball guns and we went to war till somebody called the cops

skipping to go smoke all the time......... friday before are regional playoff game for football we went out to lunch and skipped 5th hour so we could smoke and go to red robbin well we didnt smoke and i still had my piece on me searched us when we got back got suspended kicked off the team whole 9 yard

sneaking out to break in to cars a good 4 nights a week for 3 months

staying home sick just to have people over

my best friend ran away and was hiding in my basement and this fool was smoking down there when i was at football mom came home and that was just a funny scene

getting high before football and messing with are coaches who were high 2

just dumb stuff im only 16 but memories dont have have an age right?
damn i remember back in 7th grade, my friends and i would get as many oranges as we could during lunch and go out in the middle of the field and start throwing them at each other.
Also after that we would grab one of us and thrown them on the ground so we could dog pile them. I remember pushing a kid who was in midair about to jump into the dog pile only to land on the ground.
Too much dumb ###%. I still get caught occasionally but I find ways to get around the "trouble" part. But hey, I'm only 16 fam
Originally Posted by BrockBo

7TH-9TH grade friday and saturday nights we would and copp like 6 dozen eggs and most up at a spot and hit cars driving by hoping they would get out and chase us or it would be a cop. Got chased a bunch but there were 3 times that stuck out.1. We were rolling deep had like 10 people with us boys and girl we hit and a car and it stopped we all took of running and I ended up in a back yard fort that ever kid dreams about and was alone a scared for my life for about and hour. 2. It was getting late and we were about to call it a night so my boy was on the other side of the street and if he wouldnt have started smoking he would be playing college baseball anyway small red car drives boy he pops it car makes a U turn and I hit it again they stop 2 "brothas" (im black) get out and yell we +!$**@$ see you and we all take off i started to get tired and kicked in a old garage window and was posted one of boys hoped in a trash can and there others were hiding in a ditch 3. some kid we didnt like heard we were egging and drove by with paint ball guns and we went to war till somebody called the cops

skipping to go smoke all the time......... friday before are regional playoff game for football we went out to lunch and skipped 5th hour so we could smoke and go to red robbin well we didnt smoke and i still had my piece on me searched us when we got back got suspended kicked off the team whole 9 yard

sneaking out to break in to cars a good 4 nights a week for 3 months

staying home sick just to have people over

my best friend ran away and was hiding in my basement and this fool was smoking down there when i was at football mom came home and that was just a funny scene

getting high before football and messing with are coaches who were high 2

just dumb stuff im only 16 but memories dont have have an age right?
Ya, very dumb. I never understood egging... There's harmless pranks, and then there's pranks that can cost somebody alot of money.
Breaking into cars? Thats not fun and dumb, you're a criminal. I hate people like you. I hope you get egged and robbed by a fellow criminal. 
Originally Posted by smellyginger

i remember me and my friends used to fart in water bottles...basically capture as many different farts as possible...only to unleash on the unexpected

did it actually work ive always wondered
I lived in an apartment complex so when my friends spent the night we used to sneak out late at night and throw rocks at people's balconies. We used to steal the complex's parking cones and block off 4-way intersections and then when people would go the other way around we would then move the cones to other intersection and hide in the buildings. Those fools used to get out of their cars and look around. If youtube was popping when I was younger we would have went viral.
...generally trollin people in real life.
Wow a lot, but that's for sure...

We bet on who dared to lick a pole in maybe 10-15 F. We had to get hot water a lot of times...
"Borrow" preparated animals from the school and throw random puppet shows.
Find random pieces of clothing in the lockers, if they were stronger then 4 of us would stretch it horizontally and use it as a trampoline or slingshot for a fifth person who was seated in the middle. If it wasn't too rugged then 2 would grab it from the front, one would crouch on it and they would pull him across the halls.
Make loud and irritating noises any way possible.
organizing a karate tournament ala bruce lee, but in the end I was the one who cried and got my a** whooped

hid bags of my classmates all throughout the school (brought this to college also), worst of all is the one where I suppose to hid one in the football field, only him to find out it was just in the c.r.

threw a piece of tissue or some sort of paper at the ice cream vendor's face, she yelled at me so bad that I got out of the store..

stole the money I was supposed to give to our grad class organizer for the liquor we drank, but they (gc members) soon found out that it was us..

can't remember all, but there was so many more...
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