EASILY the creepiest/most terrifying video i have ever seen...

Creepy indeed. The whole swaying back and forth, the way he says baby girl. It really seemed like he could've been saying all that to her while she was laying in a pit.
If you were able to look into his face the entire time while he was talking.........
I literally had to scroll down because it was making me mad uncomfortable
Both these videos are strange.

The first one because he is on the camera the whole time.
The second vid i only watched it for 2 seconds and saw skinny legs with the music.
I was like no way im watching this.

I wonder what Briona thinks of this.
yo what's up with son and those eyebrow raises? that was the most uncomfortable video i've ever watched.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by Mexcellence

I honestly thought it was going to be this video.. nothing gets creepier than this.�
@ that deep %@+ bass

That video used to creep me the !+%+ out

yoo this is scary and only watched 2 seconds of it. this should be banned . Reminds me of the ring
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