East Coast Global Warming Appreciation Thread...vol. Today ONLY

Yeah it sucks to break your back shoveling a spot for someone else, but guess what, someone else is shoveling a spot you'll eventually take....is just what you deal with when a big storm hits, don't want to deal with that headache, simple...don't move your car.

Yeah it sucks to break your back shoveling a spot for someone else, but guess what, someone else is shoveling a spot you'll eventually take....is just what you deal with when a big storm hits, don't want to deal with that headache, simple...don't move your car.
I blame the American mentality. We think everything is a competition and we squeeze our cheeks really tight over anything we think may be ours.

It was shocking driving around in another country, where people wouldn't try to cut you off all the time, but instead every driver would try to help every other driver make a turn, avoid an accident, etc.

If we had that mentality here, we would all be out shoveling, not just to be selfish pricks to get our one car out or our one space clean, but to clear away as much of the street and the sidewalk so that the community can be safe and can return to normal life as soon as possible. What a world that would be...

I park in a garage but I'm buying a shovel for next storm and will go around helping dig out spots for others.
Not in Asia. I wouldn't even attempt to drive there. Looking like people make their own driving lanes there. My cousin moved here to America and was asking why we have speed limits and why drinking and driving is frowned upon.
Not in Asia. I wouldn't even attempt to drive there. Looking like people make their own driving lanes there. My cousin moved here to America and was asking why we have speed limits and why drinking and driving is frowned upon.

Right? The only places in Asia I've been to with normal drivers are Singapore and Hong Kong. Koreans drive crazy sometimes but they follow traffic signals and lanes. Now countries like Thailand, India, Vietnam, etc...I swear I've almost died trying to cross the street 100x during my stays there. No damns given at all :lol:
People are like that everywhere, I remember I left my car parked in a closed in block somewhere in Yonkers overnight, it was in front of someone's house, came back the next morning to get my car, lady that lived in the house started cursing me out, I flipped and told her to show me where it said it was private property, her son came out trying to flex and felt stupid after he realized his mother was wrong...the street is public space, having grown up in the BX and spent years visiting my wife's old block (Gerard Ave) right up The block from Yankee Stadium I've come to realize how ruthless it can be, you just gotta understand is a cut throat environment when people trying to find a space and wooooooozaaa yourself in order to not get into a dumb fight or catch a bullet.

Someone taking my assigned spot which I pay for monthly tho....that's when the petty in me comes out, I didn't slash this dudes tires once, but I did deflate all of them....I tried to call the tow truck company but the fools said there was nothing they can do
I was livid.
You gave an elder the finder dude???????
two cars on my block last night has snow piled back on top of them. Public spots mind you. You got the time and energy to get snow and put it back on a car though?

The problem is in the city there literally is too much snow. We are facing fines for not shoveling side walks. But we can't put snow in the street and its not like we have lawns.
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People are getting fines in DC I think if they reserve a public spot. Also the fine goes up if they see that you're still doing it after the first ticket. [emoji]128514[/emoji] It's a struggle man.
I read some article that DC wrote 1 mil in tickets already because they banned public parking in certain places? That's sick
two cars on my block last night has snow piled back on top of them. Public spots mind you. You got the time and energy to get snow and put it back on a car though?

Well, maybe they're transferring the snow from the new spot to the old spot that someone just happens to be in *shrug*
I read some article that DC wrote 1 mil in tickets already because they banned public parking in certain places? That's sick

DC has emergency snow routes and you are not allowed to park in snow routes when DC is in a snow emergency. People were getting stuck all over the city and would just leave their car where it sat. Mayor said stay off the streets and that if your leave your if would get ticketed and/or towed.

It was cheaper to get the ticket and towed than pay for someone to pull you out during the storm.
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63 by Monday ...

this oped in the Post sums up perfectly why the nat cap reg does not handle snow well...
Northerners: Washingtonians aren’t winter weather wimps, we’re just uniquely vulnerable

When winter storms batter the D.C. area and shut it down for days, Northerners often laugh and poke fun at how soft we supposedly are. For example, we published a guest commentary Wednesday titled, “Dear Washington, this is ridiculous. Go back to school. Love, a Minnesotan.” It was well-written and provocative, and it raised a topic worthy of discussion.

But such arguments reveal a lack of understanding about Washington, our climate, our demographics and our infrastructure. Not to mention, Northerners have challenges of their own coping with weather that is out of character.

How well any region responds to hazardous weather depends on how well adapted they are to said conditions. In Minnesota, dealing with snow and bitter cold is a way of life. In Washington, our winters are mild but fickle. While it snows here each winter, its occurrence is irregular enough that each event is a new adventure.

It simply doesn’t snow with enough regularity most winters for us to truly get the hang of it. Complicating any effective response, we have a significant transient population that arrives in the region each year from states and countries where it seldom, if ever, snows.

As we receive less snow than places such as Minnesota, we understandably don’t commit the same resources for snow removal. So on those rare occasions in which we are knocked down, it takes longer to bounce back.

The very characteristics of snow we get is different than most places in the North. Minnesotans or New Englanders may laugh when our schools shut down because of an inch or two of snow. But our snow, often mixed with sleet and freezing rain, tends to fall with temperatures very close to 32 degrees, meaning that it often melts and refreezes, turning into a sheet of ice. Their snow tends to be fine and powdery, laying a smooth and navigable foundation on roads, which persists for much of the winter.

Based on its very demographics, our region is more vulnerable to disruption when storms strike. We have a bigger and denser population, so more resources are required to respond.

Finally, it is a myth that Northern areas are immune to winter disruption. Just two winters ago, during the great polar vortex outbreak, schools in Minnesota shut down for days because of cold weather. “School districts around the state are starting to make up days cancelled due to the extreme cold,” wrote CBS Minnesota. “In some cases, school was closed as many as six days this winter because of the sub-zero temperatures.”

In any climate where weather outside the norm occurs, society is disrupted. None of this is to say that each location shouldn’t work to take a hard look at how well it prepares for and respond to winter weather events and try to, as much as possible, lessen their effects.

But two to three feet of snow — the amount the recent Snowzilla unloaded on us — is an amount greater from one storm than we receive in an average winter and one of the biggest on record. Those waist-deep amounts are greater than most places in Minnesota ever get from a single storm, while Washington had something called the Atlantic Ocean to draw moisture from. And they’re going to cause a few problems in a dense and sprawling metro region of more than 6 million people.

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Parking wars real out there in NY. I remember that show on bravo where cameras follow around the meter maids in Philly just giving out tickets. They're ruthless out there.

That was a dope show, I wish it still came on. I was always paranoid parking in places I wasn't familiar with, that showed didn't help.

Trippin. That's how you get your tires slashed or a potato in the tailpipe

Or worse. I would never fight over something as petty as a parking spot, especially if I don't have the right to be sole person that parks in it. I've seen two cars fighting for one spot. If I were to "win" the spot, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my car unattended. It just isn't worth in my opinion. Arguing over a spot, or dealing with vengeful petty person who damages your car when you leave. Even if you get the license plate and inform the police, the aggravation isn't worth it.

Again, this is why I don't fool with street level parking anymore. I usually tell people to uber or cab to the crib because they might be taking a risk parking in a spot in a neighborhood they don't live in. I'm in jersey city, people around here are petty like that.

Pettyness runs dip all over. I remember a story in NY about a chick holding a spot for her man while he went to the store. A dude pulls up and they go at it arguing because she isn't allowed to hold it. He gets out and bodies her, I think she hit her head on the curb and ended up in a coma and I think paralyzed. He is locked up, her life is done, family on both sides are burdened now. It just doesn't make sense to fight or ague about **** like that.
It was my first day back at work in DC yesterday and while i was walking back home the city looked like a wreck lol. Did not pass by one intersection that wasn't blocked :lol: Glad to be off driving for the next few months.
I read some article that DC wrote 1 mil in tickets already because they banned public parking in certain places? That's sick

Adding insult to injury, DMV and parking violation fines are an absolute joke....nobody should be gettin fined until they clean up these **** streets, people trying to survive the best they can with nothing but a damb shovel...now they issuing ridiculous fines...just like alternate side parking fines, 65$ because you wake up 2 minutes late to move your car :stoneface: they just ready to use any excuse to drain more money out the public
DC voids 2,800 tickets issued for parking on snow emergency routes last Friday


At $250 each, the forgiven citations totaled roughly $700,000.
Bowser said unpaid citations that had been issued will be voided administratively, while those who have already paid the ticket will get a refund. The towing and storage charges will still apply, however.

:lol: a__holes
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Monday was almost better because people stayed off the roads. yesterday was bad because everyone was trying to drive again but very little was cleared. today is the first day that was decent.

and +1 to the article that was posted on the previous page talking about why the mid-Atlantic can't handle these storms. the ice and slush makes it tough, the rarity of these storms means we don't have the equipment or expertise on hand, and the cities are very populated with mostly street parking that's already at capacity to begin with.
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