Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Originally Posted by JuiceEsquire

I've pickpocketed, lockpicked, and stolen so much *#%+ in this game 

-The Juice
hahaha OJ Simpson: Volume Skyrim 

damn dirty thief.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Originally Posted by JuiceEsquire

I've pickpocketed, lockpicked, and stolen so much *#%+ in this game 

-The Juice
hahaha OJ Simpson: Volume Skyrim 

damn dirty thief.

son probably made him look exactly like OJ too
"i dont wanna leave no mysteries"
Originally Posted by OmarsOK

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Fallout is Elder Scrolls' little sister tutor.
Fallout 3 is the greatest video game of all time.

as for dudes question on gameplay....like old boy said FO w/ guns Skyrim w/ swords
I always felt like the scale on Elder Scrolls games was much larger than Fallout.
I agree on the last part, though.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Plus I hadn't saved
. I ended up getting out of the cave unscathed and had to turtle crawl the rest of the way to Winterhold, !#%% took me like an hour
. Then when I get to Winterhold I find out there's not even a proper blacksmith or anything so I can't sell any of my heavy stuff
. I had to go into the Inn and hide all my junk in a chest and then fast travel back and forth to sell items off. This was easily one of the most annoying things I've ever experienced while playing a videogame. And I loved every second of it. 

The moral of the story is...
DO NOT PUT ALL OF THE WEAPONS YOU WANT TO KEEP / SELL ON YOUR COMPANIONS. Fast travel back to a town and sell them before venturing on.
dunno why yall turning autosave off.
Could have just loaded the last autosave which would have been you entering the cave
to you tho for walking back cause I damn sure wouldn't have done that.
ol' snail speed %@% movements
Oh I had autosave on, but I wasn't about to turn back and try to do all that junk again. I gained like two levels in that cave 
. Plus it proved that Lydia couldn't hang with me, I don't want someone like that watching my back. 


There are alot of mercs in the different inns and whatnot that are 10x better than Lydia...truth.
Originally Posted by RighteousKungFu

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Just ordered it from Amazon for $35. I couldn't wait any longer.

$35? How?
He probably had a $20 future amazon credit that gets applied to your next purchase on amazon from a game he bought off them before.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by RighteousKungFu

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Just ordered it from Amazon for $35. I couldn't wait any longer.

$35? How?
He probably had a $20 future amazon credit that gets applied to your next purchase on amazon from a game he bought off them before.
Yeah I did. You guys should check out Amazon next week it should be cheaper.
[h1]Parents Get Free Games From Skyrim Baby Name Challenge[/h1]
One couple has named their new son Dovahkiin in order to claim a lifetime of games from Bethesda.

What do two Elder Scrolls junkies do when they fall in love, get married and conceive a son born on November 11, 2011? Call him Dovahkiin.

That's right: the son of Megan and Eric Kellermeyer was born on the same day Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls V: Skrim finally hit store shelves for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. Because of this, they decided to name him Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer, Dovahkiin meaning "Dragonborn" in the Elder Scrolls universe.

"I am due on 11/11/11. What’s so special about that day?" mother Megan wrote prior to the birth via this blog. "First off, it has the awesome triple like digits. Second, for all the gamers, it is the release date for the long-awaited Skyrim. Third, if our son does make it out on 11/11/11, we are going to name him Dovahkiin."

Ok, so why name your son Dragonborn? Isn't that just a tad bit creepy like Damien Thorne? "The reason being it is an awesome name… and, yes, it comes with a fantastic prize in Bethesda’s baby-naming contest to coincide with the release of Skyrim," she explained. "Now, my husband didn’t know of the contest to start with. We conceived long before hearing of it. But it’s been a tough year and I wanted to do something special for my son."

That "something special" means free games for life from Bethesda despite the boy having to live with a devilish name forever. She admits that the two pondered over the name for quite a while, weighing the implications a video game-based name would have on their son's life. "But the more I thought of it, the more I settled on Dovahkiin, contest or no," she said.

Bethesda launched the Skyrim contest back in February, challenging fans to name their child Dovahkiin if he/she is born on 11/11/11. "While it may be difficult to play Skyrim from the hospital, just think of how many late nights you’ll have to lull your little Dragonborn with Jeremy Soule’s soothing music," Bethesda said in a blog. "And with that, we have possibly doomed a child. I’d say this calls for a hefty disclaimer."

Now thanks to Bethesda, Megan and Eric Kellermeyer own a Steam key that will grant them (and presumably Dovahkiin himself) every ZeniMax/Bethesda game -- past, present and future -- for life. But despite the rewards, Megan said they've received a lot of criticism about using the name.

"I’ve read several posts on the site and most condemn anyone who would dare name their child such a thing, all for capitalism," she said. "I really don’t play many video games, and I would never name my child a name I found horrible or even terribly mediocre."


Started my game day before yesterday, played it for an hour and haven't had time to play it since. Initial impression? #piff.

I don't know where I'll find the time to play this game. I played Oblivion forever and felt like I ain't even dent the game. I hope it's not on some glitch fest like New Vegas was (terrible execution for an otherwise solid game, too many add-ons to mask the mind-numbing repetitiveness).

The whole dragon thing though, I hear it's random attacks right? They better not make these things weak on some "4 town guards can handle one" type steez. Each dragon battle better be some epic "I've had to reload my game 52 times, FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU" type steez.
Just made it to level 14th, and loving every moment.

Question- do the enemies increase in strength when you level up?
Have you guys leveled up your thief / stealing skills so that when you take stuff from people's homes / businesses that they don't notice?
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

So how do I play? Do I just do whatever?

there is a main storyline that ties it all together but outside of that, the world is your virtual oyster
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by presequel

gah, i shoulda read up on here before i started. i chose sven
What's wrong with choosing sven?  I didn't choose him but i'm curious.
I'm up to level 6 in my restarted game.  I'm taking my time right now, once winter break hits i'll be in full game mode.  Need to pick up the game guide.

well with Faendal or whatever he can train you each level in archery I think? And since hes your follower, after you pay him to train you, you can just goto his equipment and take all that gold back. 
Just picked it up. 


What kind of guy should I be? This is my first time playing a game like this mind you, I think ill dig it but not sure yet... Leaning towards being a Redguard...
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Just picked it up. 


What kind of guy should I be? This is my first time playing a game like this mind you, I think ill dig it but not sure yet... Leaning towards being a Redguard...
That depends on how you wanna play. Do you wanna be a knight and just use swords and weapons? Be a pure mage? A combination of both? a thief? assassin?
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Just picked it up. 


What kind of guy should I be? This is my first time playing a game like this mind you, I think ill dig it but not sure yet... Leaning towards being a Redguard...
That depends on how you wanna play. Do you wanna be a knight and just use swords and weapons? Be a pure mage? A combination of both? a thief? assassin?

I chose a High Elf that looks like HHH and named him Tripolache.

Found a couple towns and talked to some people... What should be my "always on the look out" objective?
Originally Posted by DaHero1017

How do you kill witches? I'm getting owned by them

I just get real close to them and start slashing them to pieces.

Where can I find other companions like Lydia?
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by DaHero1017

How do you kill witches? I'm getting owned by them

I just get real close to them and start slashing them to pieces.

Where can I find other companions like Lydia?
Check all the inns/taverns. You can usually hire a mercenary.
Originally Posted by DaHero1017

How do you kill witches? I'm getting owned by them
Are they the same as the necromancers?  I've been getting ambushed by them when I'm randomly walking.  What the hell are those glowing green things that attack you with bees and how do I kill them?  I've killed one but most of the time I end up dying.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Just picked it up. 


What kind of guy should I be? This is my first time playing a game like this mind you, I think ill dig it but not sure yet... Leaning towards being a Redguard...
That depends on how you wanna play. Do you wanna be a knight and just use swords and weapons? Be a pure mage? A combination of both? a thief? assassin?

I chose a High Elf that looks like HHH and named him Tripolache.

Found a couple towns and talked to some people... What should be my "always on the look out" objective?
The main story is the main objective but you don't have to do all of it, at least not early in the game. You just pick whatever quest from your objectives list looks more interesting or you can just go explore random places.
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