I'm sorry but what exactly does your company do? I'm lost.

Do you build the drones and sell them? You were vague in that thread and you're still vague here about what your ocmpany does.
His company generates memes for clients. EWDs business model is to post something on NT and wait for users to generate memes, which he then sends back to the client. 0 overhead. For example a few months back he needed memes making fun of drones...

But for real -- congrats on this. We're all pulling for you, both to succeed and also to post more fodder for OGBobbyJohnson.
I still don't know what's going on. I don't understand how you could make this thread and not tell us what in the hell you do...
[COLOR=#red]Yes consultation for companies/firms who are looking to utilize drones for their operations is one of the services I provide. I don't manufacture or sell drones, those are intensive and have high overhead. mynameaintG has an idea of what we do as well.
:lol: whywesteppin [/COLOR]
Not selling any shares just yet, but when I do I'll sell some to NT'ers who may be interested. Of course before doing so I'll send my Company Profile and financial projections. I'm saving most of them for a potential buyout...I'm on the radar for Intel the company.
Would definitely need a look at your projections but 
[COLOR=#red] Even though I was the focus of it, the roasting on the first thread was legendary :rofl: Almost all of it was in good nature, save for a few but it's all good. KSteezy, it may be time for you to start looking into UAVs for your line of work bro...they're putting better cameras on them as we speak.

Carver, Yanky, Stay Lurkin preciate the support my dudes. Haha no Porsche, as a matter of fact I sold the Durango R/T. I ride my Mountain Bike to get around and rent cars and fly when I go to my clients. I did that to lower my overhead even more. Not selling any shares just yet, but when I do I'll sell some to NT'ers who may be interested. Of course before doing so I'll send my Company Profile and financial projections. I'm saving most of them for a potential buyout...I'm on the radar for Intel the company.

a blinkin, you already know it's about achievement...that's you, me, all of us. [/COLOR]

Good ish my dude, glad to see it's workin out for you, and thanks for being a good sport in the OG thread :lol:. We haven't update the programming thread in a min so I hope everything on that end is workin out as well.
[COLOR=#RED]"THEY LAUGHED AT ME, SAID I WAS HAVING DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, MADE MEMES. BUT..." I knew my company was going to start to experience a meteoric rise. Now that time is happening. Not do I not only have some amazing high powered clients, I'm also partnered with a highly respected research institution for advanced research and development projects. My consultation fees average $10k alone, and that's just me helping firms develop their own UAV capabilities. The company is fully registered with the Fed Gov't to receive funding and contracts from the Gov't, DoD, DARPA and so far I'm the only dedicated small-UAV company (not like the big military drone companies) to be registered to do so. My company has 10 million shares of common stock and 5 million shares of preferred stock. The most amazing thing about this all is that I did all of this with no VC funds or without taking out any loans. My profit margin hovers around 70% since it has extremely low overhead, and I reinvest most of that right back into the company.

So I just wanted to say to my fellow NT'ers...thank you for your support, even though it was really an attempt at mockery. :lol: [/COLOR]

i hope to drive a 911 Turbo with you one day


**** NT
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a blinkin, you already know it's about achievement...that's you, me, all of us.

Every field of human endeavor :pimp:

Glad things are going well. Can't wait to invest. If you need to consult with someone on the IT/programming side, lemme know.
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The company is fully registered with the Fed Gov't to receive funding and contracts from the Gov't, DoD, DARPA and so far I'm the only dedicated small-UAV company (not like the big military drone companies) to be registered to do so.


I know my post has been quoted already...

NVM about my og post EDW. Wish you the best.
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The company is fully registered with the Fed Gov't to receive funding and contracts from the Gov't, DoD, DARPA and so far I'm the only dedicated small-UAV company (not like the big military drone companies) to be registered to do so.

O really?

Whats the company's PIIN? what's their CAGE?

They are already registered correct, what items have they got on contract? Post or PM me the NIIN.

Who is the ICP RIC? How long did they get for FAT? Being that this would be a COTS item being newly introduced, who supervised, TARDEC? Did they need a J & A to award?

I have my work comp with me, so Ill wait for your response.

edit: just for fun, what milestone is your item at? What PM is utilizing/managing this technology?

He already said he wouldn't be sharing the details of his company. Judging the tone of your post, I would be surprised if you persaude him otherwise.

While you might be honestly curious and eager to know (ha,) there are NTers who try to stockpile info on others in attempts to "expose" them. Someone might even go as far as posting pics of your grandma to prove their point :lol:
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