my pictorial interpretation of the original post:

[COLOR=#RED]"THEY LAUGHED AT ME, SAID I WAS HAVING DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, MADE MEMES. BUT..." I knew my company was going to start to experience a meteoric rise.

View media item 2008067

[COLOR=#RED] Now that time is happening.


[COLOR=#RED]Not do I not only have some amazing high powered clients, I'm also partnered with a highly respected research institution for advanced research and development projects.

View media item 2008068
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If he's legit, I completely understand keeping it a secret from NT. There's at least one person out there who would try to mess with his business just for the jokes and attention.
All yall bout to get hustled quicker then a pimp wit no cane and a half smoked unlit black and mild hangin out his mouth soon as EWD drops the link to his site.

Spittin game he ear hustled off his peers.

Who you think you foolin homie??
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I literally laughed so hard after reading the first post that I can't even read anymore posts in this thread, cue Homer Grandpa gif
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There's literally zero chance that OP is actually doing the things he's saying.

Common stock? High powered clients? Highly respected research institution for advanced research? :lol: come on man, who are you trying to impress? It's like you read an article about this stuff and you're just throwing up words on a page. Those are the kind of phrases I expect to read in a scam email. No one actually says that for real.

Who the hell is going to buy stock for a one-man consulting gig? You own zero proprietary software/hardware/products, your business model is extremely easy to replicate, the list goes on.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
Yes consultation for companies/firms who are looking to utilize drones for their operations is one of the services I provide. I don't manufacture or sell drones, those are intensive and have high overhead. mynameaintG has an idea of what we do as well.
so companies are willing to pay 10k for the opinion of a guy with less than half a year experience and one mid tier drone rather than just doing some research on google? 
There's literally zero chance that OP is actually doing the things he's saying.

Common stock? High powered clients? Highly respected research institution for advanced research? :lol: come on man, who are you trying to impress? It's like you read an article about this stuff and you're just throwing up words on a page. Those are the kind of phrases I expect to read in a scam email. No one actually says that for real.

Who the hell is going to buy stock for a one-man consulting gig? You own zero proprietary software/hardware/products, your business model is extremely easy to replicate, the list goes on.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
This the kind of post that gets the ball (memes/gifs) rollin' :nerd:
Congrats Nupe!  You made your vision a reality, and was even a good sport through all the jokes :lol: :nthat:

Salute!  Let me know when those stocks are available I'll definitely invest in your company :smokin  

[COLOR=#red]Shimmy, what's good phi? Preciate the support, and yeah that's what it's pretty much about, sticking with it even when things are tough in the beginning. How's the tech career treating you?[/COLOR]
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There's literally zero chance that OP is actually doing the things he's saying.

Common stock? High powered clients? Highly respected research institution for advanced research? :lol: come on man, who are you trying to impress? It's like you read an article about this stuff and you're just throwing up words on a page. Those are the kind of phrases I expect to read in a scam email. No one actually says that for real.

Who the hell is going to buy stock for a one-man consulting gig? You own zero proprietary software/hardware/products, your business model is extremely easy to replicate, the list goes on.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

[COLOR=#red]BTW, one of those reps come from me bro. Your first paragraph is actually quite a compliment and I appreciate it actually. When you are doing something that is hard for another person to believe/conceive yet it's really happening, then you know you're doing something right.

Here's a few tips for those who may wish to be tech based entrepreneurs someday.

1. It helps to have work experience or at the least internships so that you can sharpen your skillset and observe the way big business does things.
2. Make contacts while you are in your career...not just coworkers, but vendors, and customers/clients. (this is important as you'll need them in some capacity once you get going).
3. Do your market research and find a niche in which you can operate. You'll not be able to compete at the big boy level at first, but you can own your niche.
4. Be able to convey what you know, how you know it, and where you know it from. This helps as far as credibility, which is essential as a new business.
5. Get a REAL corporate structure. At the very least this means an LLC, if you're really going all out start a C-Corporation like I did but make sure you assemble a real board/team. Also you can authorize shares with a C-Corp. If you're really really really going for it, incorporate in the State of Delaware since most VCs and Angel Investors prefer that State when it comes to providing capital and funding to a startup. And while you could always switch to a C-Corp in Delaware, sometimes it's better to do so outright. Also you'll need that EIN/Tax ID # for corporate bank accounts.
6. Look at Gov't funding and contract opportunities that may be available for you. Browse the SBIR website to see if there are any projects you can try for.
7. Have a business plan with financial projections, and executive summary. Also a quick and dirty company profile to send out to potential investors and network contacts.
8. Network, network, network. Be ready to explain what you do within 30- 60 seconds in a way that's intriguing. This can be with friends, family, classmates. My biggest clients came from a connection from my best friend, and another from my classmate at Texas A&M.
9. Have proof of YOUR work. Not internet examples. This is the ultimate in credibility. At the end of the day if you cannot produce what you say you can, then you're dead in the water and your credibility and business is shot. It's much better to honestly say that you cannot do something at the time.
10. Be careful about who you allow in your inner circle. A bunch of negative energy can have cumulative effects on you.

[COLOR=#red]Nice use of the lowercase "ok" with the ellipses at the end. Conveyed so much tone, and feeling my dude. I mean all it took was five characters to convey "like I care, who even asked you for all that". Brilliant!![/COLOR]

I am saying "ok..." I don't care anymore. I wished you the best. I am not gonna point out in one part of the thread, you are saying you have a CAGE code (the company anyway) and you are also awaiting one and will talk to another NTer when you get it. You have contradicted yourself, but I don't care to make this a long drawn out thing.

Do I believe you? No. Being the ONLY small business that offers what you state you offer, does not mean your company gets to be the only provider of an item, that goes against the FAR as a solicitation would still need to go out on the street. It is Highly unlikely an 'emerging technology' that you are 'providing technical expertise' to another company who is still in still in testing is now identified as a Sole Source Provider...as you make it appear. (Read what I just wrote, all those what-ifs I just provided for you to make your tale even somewhat possible.)

again, I don't care. I WISH YOU THE BEST.
Two paragraphs battling the internal conflict of wanting to expose him while maintaining the air of not caring, from the guy that doesn't care to make it a long drawn out thing. :rofl:
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