Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

so the police ain't gonna admit they poured gasoline into the house?

Smoke bombs don't start a fire like that. He didn't have any explosives there because he didn't plan on running into the house.

So how are they going to explain this fire?..
My brother said he heard the gunfight on the radio, and they had to keep apologizing for the language every few minutes.
i heard it live on the net this true so much cursing

just wait it will be on YouTube in no time
I do not believe he is dead. I think he is long gone and that law enforcement was just giving the public closure
where fam at b this some GTA san andreas

I do not believe he is dead. I think he is long gone and that law enforcement was just giving the public closure
Doubt it

That puts him in too easy of a position to harm their reputation. He obviously isn't in the right mental state. He's liable to upload a Youtube video a week afterwards of him laughing at the police, and it would go viral in 5 minutes. Imagine the backlash.

If the guy is confirmed dead, he's probably dead. 
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I do not believe he is dead. I think he is long gone and that law enforcement was just giving the public closure

I think he's dead. Seeing all the cops they had in that area I don't see how he could have gotten away. What I think they are trying to do is stall and figure out a way to explain the fire of the cabin and cover up how they killed him.

Not condoning what he did but this whole situation just makes the lapd look bad :smh:
Man, the lady that owned that cabin should sooo be suing whatever police department was responsible for that fire. Start an investigation and publicize it like nothing else. Media would probably let you get some airtime since this whole situation draws in ratings. Police want this whole ordeal over and done with so she'd probably get a nice settlement.
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I don't think he was even there to begin with. Why would he stay there? It just does not make any sense
LA Times story, sounds accurate at first. Now the story changed. How do you find a body, then announce you didnt find a body? They're making seem like he killed himself and set the place on fire. [COLOR=#red]

A body was found inside the burned-out cabin Tuesday night where Christopher Jordan Dorner was believed to have kept law enforcement authorities at bay before officers fired tear gas into the structure, a source told The Times.

]The body, which was found in the charred rubble of the mountainside cabin, was not positively identified, the source said. The process of determining whether the body is that of the former Los Angeles Police Department officer could take hours or even days, the source said.

As authorities moved into the cabin earlier Tuesday, they heard a single gunshot.

UPDATE: Confusion over whether body was found

According to a law enforcement source, police had broken down windows, fired tear gas into the cabin and blasted over a loud speaker, urging Dorner to surrender. When they got no response, police deployed a vehicle to rip down the walls of the cabin "one by one, like peeling an onion," a law enforcement official said.

By the time they got to the last wall, authorities heard a single gunshot, the source said. Then flames began to spread through the structure, and gunshots, probably set off by the fire, were heard.

As darkness descended on the mountainside, Dorner's body had not been found, authorities said. Police were planning to focus their search in the basement area, the source said.[/COLOR]
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I though on the news they said the fire started then after it burned a while was when they sent in the SWAT truck. So much contradiction.
Are you still inferring that a killing spree was his only option just because he exhausted all traditional means?

That is a profoundly stupid sentiment.

yes, if not then what should have been done?

there is no way you are older than 12.

Even that's being generous to him.
Can get what you want? Frustrated? Start killing random people.....it works in his video games.
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