Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

That's what I was telling my girl last night when we were watching, "maybe he has a tunnel!"

On a side note, my girl said some really dumb things when we were watching this last night. She thought they were using night vision at 4:30 PM.....I told her they were on the west coast and it is, in fact, day time even though it was night time for us on the east coast. Then she asked me if AM and PM were used on the west coast or if that was just an east coast thing View media item 265960

It was a witch hunt man. Media covered as such and yes RACE had a lot to do with it. This much coverage over a man whom killed a couple and shot at cops?

I don't think the media coverage was about the casualties as much as it was the potential of there being more casualties. Dude wrote a manifesto. People were put on notice. You have a guy who is a skilled marksman still on the loose. It wasn't about what he had 'accomplished.'

She believed they were either using night vision, or they were showing footage from earlier, because it said 4:30 PM.....and she was not aware that the AM PM system was also used on the west coast.

This is a college grad we're talking about here. I think she just wanted to talk to me because I kept shushing her and pushing her away because she said she was horny and I was trying to watch this whole thing. Still. I had to go outside and smoke a cig after that one
Women....what can you do!?! Repped.
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more innocent people the police killed 

View media item 265890

que the joker and here we go gif

HOLY ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wow:

this is a phtoshop right?

Thats not the headline on my CNN whats going on?

Didn't the CONFRIMED give it away, kids? :smh:
i believe dorner sent that manifesto in to the lapd threatening to expose not kill them. they then went in panic mode, killed that couple and altered the manifesto so it can be tied together. then gave the media all these reports and gave the T.O.S order so he wouldn't have anyone or anywhere to go. i honestly believe they set him up and he killed no one. thats just me tho. glad its over.

Meth, forget restocking the New Era fitteds. You need these.

View media item 265995
It amazes me how such a "monster" let the 2 cleaning ladies live, when he could've easily killed them, stuffed them in the basement of the cabin and they would've never been able to report their car stolen.
allegedly being burned alive isn't tough enough for you guys?

and ya'll seriously think it's that far fetched for somebody to carry more than one form of identification..

I think people are more perplexed as to why he had ID on him at all.

It's not like was gonna stroll to the liquor store and pick up a 12 pack

or order a glass of wine when he decided to grab some dinner.

I know people who don't carry ID and they're not even wanted. :lol:
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I think people are more perplexed as to why he had ID on him at all.

It's not like was gonna stroll to the liquor store and pick up a 12 pack

or order a glass of wine when he decided to grab some dinner.

I know people who don't carry ID and they're not even wanted.
not everybody is like that though..

i carry my damn license everywhere i go, you never know when you might need it.

especially because of the way i look.
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