Ex-Ny Giants Super Bowl Hero David Tyree: Gay Marriage Will Lead to 'Anarchy'

What about 1 woman raising a boy to be a man? Why don't we ask the millions of people who have grown up without a father.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Women can't control boys once they turn into men.[/font]

INB4 the recent gay rights movement is compared to civil rights movement of the past. Oh wait....

You can't be for civil rights based on race but not civil rights based on sexual orientation.. it's the same thing i don't care how you try and slice it...
Well at least we can say we made it to page 2 before this comparison was brought up, I guess that's progress.

How can a single mother show a man how to be a man?

Try as hard as many mothers do and ALOT OF THEM DO A GREAT JOB in place of the missing father, but as the saying goes......."momma ain't strong enough to raise no boy".
The whole logic of "how can two men show a girl how to be a woman" should have to apply to a single father raising a girl as well. Should we remove opposite sex children from single parents, for fear that they won't be able to learn these "womanly" traits from a man? Same goes for single mothers raising sons.

It's an especially poor point when you can look at studies showing children raised by homosexual couples are no worse off than ones raised by heterosexuals.. in fact it suggests they're better off in some instances.

Tyree is the man for that catch and I'll forever remember/appreciate him for it... but I can't get jiggy with this
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

SMH dude is worried about gay people instead of his people....thats why we dont get anywhere

Gay-marriage won't lead to anarchy Mr. Tyree,  but centuries of colonial oppression might have something to do with that.. 

Go catch some footballs for a million dollars bruh. 

and then this article has the never to compare this to interracial marriage. 

you knew it was coming when they interviewed the black guy
They'll always compare the black struggle to the gay struggle when its two entirely different situations.

if anyone says anything wrong about homosexuality then they're lives are over...
Agreed. Isaiah Washington found out the hard way and Tracy Morgan is about to get the same treatment.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF HOMOsexuality... its an agenda for the elite . they are the steerers of this agenda... it isnt normal and its just wrong.. this anglo saxon european american dictatorship that is pushing homosexuality upon people who dont even want to be bothered by it..

its the next step in "evolution" to have adam and steve procreate...

if anyone says anything wrong about homosexuality then they're lives are over...

i wont even go hard here cuz i'll prolly get banned

Good, keep that ignorant sh to yourself

  • [h1]Republican New York Senator Comes Out For Gay Marriage With Awesome Quote[/h1]
    Politics BuzzNew York State Senator Roy McDonald, one of a handful of Republicans bucking their own party who will vote to legalize gay marriage in the state of New York, got sick and tired of being pushed around by gay marriage opponents. He released a statement to the press with the following quote. You did the right f%$%%ing thing, sir.

    Gavon Laessig posted about a day ago


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    Senator Roy McDonald.  “You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing,
-We already knew Tyree was an idiot. Anyone who makes
a catch like that in NY and falls into obscurity can't be that bright.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by Deuce King

To reinforce his point, Tyree says, "You can't teach something that you don't have ... so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."

He's right about this though.


what does that have to do with gay marriage though? sounds to me that hes against gay couples adopting 
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by Deuce King

To reinforce his point, Tyree says, "You can't teach something that you don't have ... so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."
He's right about this though.

I read that thinking what does this have to do with gay marriage? or was he asked about gay couples having kids?

I mean what he said right there goes for all single mothers as well.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by CWrite78

These outspoken anti gay marriage people always say the most idiotic %%%!.

Or end up being closeted self hating homosexuals.

That's the next step in their evolution.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

SMH dude is worried about gay people instead of his people....thats why we dont get anywhere

Gay-marriage won't lead to anarchy Mr. Tyree,  but centuries of colonial oppression might have something to do with that.. 

Go catch some footballs for a million dollars bruh. 

and then this article has the nerve to compare this to interracial marriage. 

it's not that much different from (if not the same thing as) interracial marriage when you consider the legal/constitutional/religious arguments against both.
what does that have to do with gay marriage though? sounds to me that hes against gay couples adopting

The statement I quoted itself has nothing to do with gay marriage but it's still an accurate statement to me which is why I said...."He's right about this though".
Originally Posted by Deuce King

what does that have to do with gay marriage though? sounds to me that hes against gay couples adopting

The statement I quoted itself has nothing to do with gay marriage but it's still an accurate statement to me which is why I said...."He's right about this though".

why shouldn't gay couples be adopting?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

SMH dude is worried about gay people instead of his people....thats why we dont get anywhere

Gay-marriage won't lead to anarchy Mr. Tyree,  but centuries of colonial oppression might have something to do with that.. 

Go catch some footballs for a million dollars bruh. 

and then this article has the nerve to compare this to interracial marriage. 

it's not that much different from (if not the same thing as) interracial marriage when you consider the legal/constitutional/religious arguments against both.


I'm sick and tired of idiots like him who claim homosexuals can't do a good job raising children. Everywhere I look in this country/planet is a plethora of unfit parents who should have never been given the right to have children
In certain communities, the rates of abandoned unloved children is abysmal. until heterosexuals learn how to take care of their own children they have no right to tell someone else whether or not they're fit to be parents.
Damn that republican quote was pretty awesome... That took a lot of stones to say that... RESPECT...

But now that David Tyree said it I'm against gay marriage now  
.. Rather know what Ja Rule's feelings are about this.. 
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