Ex-Ny Giants Super Bowl Hero David Tyree: Gay Marriage Will Lead to 'Anarchy'

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by cartune

Yall laughing at son but we've seen thousands of cases of a father or mother molesting a child.
If you have straight parents who do messed up things to their kids. Whats stopping messed up gay parents from doing something terrible?

O yea yall think ALL homosexuals are care bears. 

I thought gays and straights were all the same? 
Wait, is this supposed to be an argument against homosexual couples having children? I'm curious who said that ALL homosexuals are "care bears". It sounds like you're taking some statements a bit too seriously.

This is an argument against the people for the last couple pages laughing at "What happens when gays adopt straight kids with the intent on turning them gay? Couldn't see that happening? "
The overall gist  is that "gays would never do such a thing" Like all homosexuals are somehow incapable of the same evil heteros are.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by wildmoodswings

Originally Posted by an dee 51o


Yall laughing at son but we've seen thousands of cases of a father or mother molesting a child.
If you have straight parents who do messed up things to their kids. Whats stopping messed up gay parents from doing something terrible?

O yea yall think ALL homosexuals are care bears. 

I thought gays and straights were all the same? 
IDK how many times its gonna have to be said in this thread, but nobody is saying gay parents are gonna be better parents then straight couples or that they can do no wrong.... what were saying is that they are EQUAL to straight parents, of course there can be gay couples that are terrible parents just like there can be straight couples that are terrible parents. So why not give them the same rights as a straight couple?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by cartune

Yall laughing at son but we've seen thousands of cases of a father or mother molesting a child.
If you have straight parents who do messed up things to their kids. Whats stopping messed up gay parents from doing something terrible?

O yea yall think ALL homosexuals are care bears. 

I thought gays and straights were all the same? 
Wait, is this supposed to be an argument against homosexual couples having children? I'm curious who said that ALL homosexuals are "care bears". It sounds like you're taking some statements a bit too seriously.

This is an argument against the people for the last couple pages laughing at "What happens when gays adopt straight kids with the intent on turning them gay? Couldn't see that happening? "
The overall gist  is that "gays would never do such a thing" Like all homosexuals are somehow incapable of the same evil heteros are.
I think it's more so the idea that it's so highly unlikely that that is an agenda for a majority of gay couples. Furthermore, those suggesting that as a possibility are the ones that are looking for ANY excuse to stand against the issue. Finally, the idea of gay couples pressuring their children to be gay is absurd to even consider. People don't just magically become gay or straight.
Cartune you realize theres a difference between pedophiles wanting to adopt a kid so they can molest them, and a regular gay couple wanting to adopt a kid to turn them gay right?
Originally Posted by cartune

Gays have more rights than blacks
um....  no.

the whole point of this thread is that gays don't even have the SAME rights as other groups.  much less more rights....

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

 Gay people aren't touching penises in front of your face. Dudes in here are acting like gay people are having sex on their front lawn in front of everybody. Like heterosexual couples, gay people have sex in the privacy of their own home. .
See I live in the real world . People like you act like all gays are up standing citizens. The type of $%#+ I've heard in a Waffle House at 2 a.m. will make you dislike some homosexuals too. 
You got good and bad gays just like every other "group" this whole defend a gay movement is lame especially in 2011 since they run damn near everything meanwhile black people still struggle. But I guess black people arent the flavor of the month on the Liberal messageboard revolution. 

FACT You got a better chance getting a job being gay than you do being a black man. 

Black people were getting murked during the civil rights movement a movement FOR ALL PEOPLE. Conveniently homosexuals kept there sex life secret until the coast was clear. Now they reap the benefits and Gays have more rights than blacks so stop comparing being judge for where you stick your penis to me being judged from a mile away.
lol the hell does this have to do with anything we were talking about? 

but anyway like you said there are good people and bad people in every group, that's what we have been saying this entire thread. there equal to any other group, no better, no worse. so why shouldn't they have the same rights?

gay people have more rights then black people? word? 


This thread is amazing
now the black/gay argument is in full force. What about gay black men? Do you feel for them or are they abominations also?

Its not about who had the worst struggle, its about CIVIL @%!%+## RIGHTS. Comparing the two as if one is more important makes you look ridiculous. Equality is the topic. No one said gay people are perfect beings because there's no such thing. They want their rights and freedoms just like us black people do. People don't care until it effects them. There are teenagers killing themselves because of how the world views them. Because of something they can't even control. Discrimination is discrimination is discrimination. Same people ready to cry racism at the slightest thing... Funny people on here. All we need now is the God says its wrong argument
It's sad to see how much fear runs peoples lives.  
Anyways, why does no one talk about how insurance companies are helping fund the fight against gay marriage?  Smh.  
OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
No. As long as a church is not publicly funded, it should not be forced to marry gay couples.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
No. They aren't forced to do anything now. Churches turn away marriages all the time.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
No. They aren't forced to do anything now. Churches turn away marriages all the time.
OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Please stop comparing sexual preferences to race.

Just because Bob likes to get his butt licked on Saturdays by a transvetite if thats what he likes who am I to judge right? But he can keep that private just like all other sexual acts.

If you dont want to be judge on what you do in the bedroom stop letting it be known what you do in the bedroom.

 Gay people aren't touching penises in front of your face. Dudes in here are acting like gay people are having sex on their front lawn in front of everybody. Like heterosexual couples, gay people have sex in the privacy of their own home. .
See I live in the real world . People like you act like all gays are up standing citizens. The type of $%#+ I've heard in a Waffle House at 2 a.m. will make you dislike some homosexuals too. 
You got good and bad gays just like every other "group" this whole defend a gay movement is lame especially in 2011 since they run damn near everything meanwhile black people still struggle. But I guess black people arent the flavor of the month on the Liberal messageboard revolution. 

FACT You got a better chance getting a job being gay than you do being a black man. 

Black people were getting murked during the civil rights movement a movement FOR ALL PEOPLE. Conveniently homosexuals kept there sex life secret until the coast was clear. Now they reap the benefits and Gays have more rights than blacks so stop comparing being judge for where you stick your penis to me being judged from a mile away.

The stupidity in this thread is literally mind-bottling. I'm doing a hard *** practice exam for my big exam coming up and the nonsense in this thread is giving me a bigger headache. Here comes the typical my struggle is better than yours nonsense. People bring up parallels between the gay struggle and other struggles for equal treatment to show that it is the EXACT same kind of ignorance and hate. What u just said has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.

No one said all gay people are saints, it's ignorant homophobes that keep bringing it up because they can't fathom anyone defending the right for gays to marry. No one is saying gays are better parents, or better ANYTHING. If anything we're simply saying that homosexuals are no different from anyone else fundamentally....they just happen to have a preference for the same sex.

LOL you sound like a white racist who would say "oh the sh$$ I've seen from negros in Compton at 3 am in the morning would make you dislike them too". Get a grip. I'm friends with A LOT of gay people. Many of my colleagues, classmates, etc are gay. Most gay people I know are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, that's not to say there aren't gay people out there who are A-holes. They're no different from anybody else. I don't know what kinda waffle house you've been frequenting
....and I guarantee you they haven't done anything that would warrant hatred.

You can fight for black civil rights without undermining the struggles of another group of people.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
No. They aren't forced to do anything now. Churches turn away marriages all the time.
OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.

then the argument in this situation would be between gay groups and the CHURCH, not gay groups and the STATE.

we're trying to get STATES to change their laws to afford the same basic rights.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

No. They aren't forced to do anything now. Churches turn away marriages all the time.
OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.

then the argument in this situation would be between gay groups and the CHURCH, not gay groups and the STATE.

we're trying to get STATES to change their laws to afford the same basic rights.
What if the states gave civil unions the same rights as marriage? Would that count or is the main target marriage (the union of man, wife and God)
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.

then the argument in this situation would be between gay groups and the CHURCH, not gay groups and the STATE.

we're trying to get STATES to change their laws to afford the same basic rights.
What if the states gave civil unions the same rights as marriage? Would that count or is the main target marriage (the union of man, wife and God)
It is marriage. It is about equality, not equivalence.
This shouldn't even be a topic of discussion, there is absolutely no reason why gay people shouldn't be able to get married. Sure you can make up reasons against it based on personal hate or bias and pretend it's rational..humans are great at rationalizing anything...so we can keep arguing about something so benign, while the real cancers of the world continue to spread throughout society. Distract and destruct
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.

then the argument in this situation would be between gay groups and the CHURCH, not gay groups and the STATE.

we're trying to get STATES to change their laws to afford the same basic rights.
What if the states gave civil unions the same rights as marriage? Would that count or is the main target marriage (the union of man, wife and God)

a church is free to define a marriage however they wish, and to grant such a title to whomever they wish.

as long as the state gives me the same rights as a heterosexual person, i don't care what it's called....  although the term should be the same regardless of orientation.

like lobotomybeats said... it's about equality.  using "civil unions" vs "marriage" smacks of "separate but equal"
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK, so gay marriage passes one day. Do you all think Churches should be then forced to recognize gay marriage and perform the ceremonies?
No. They aren't forced to do anything now. Churches turn away marriages all the time.
OK. BUT what if there is a gay right out cry that comes from that? I'm not saying it will but yeah, churches were bombarded with condoms during service.
Then the gays can start their own church which isn't hard to do. I'm pretty sure there already is a church with openly gay pastors or something. Although I don't see why homosexuals can't go to court to get married.

No need to worry about your religion's churches being forced to marry them. I'm sure there's going to automatically be a business for it. Even for Jewish gays.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

then the argument in this situation would be between gay groups and the CHURCH, not gay groups and the STATE.

we're trying to get STATES to change their laws to afford the same basic rights.
What if the states gave civil unions the same rights as marriage? Would that count or is the main target marriage (the union of man, wife and God)

a church is free to define a marriage however they wish, and to grant such a title to whomever they wish.

as long as the state gives me the same rights as a heterosexual person, i don't care what it's called....  although the term should be the same regardless of orientation.

like lobotomybeats said... it's about equality.  using "civil unions" vs "marriage" smacks of "separate but equal"

But it wasn't even intended to be for people out of the church. I don't even know why or how it got outside the church and is still recognized as marriage. I don't have anything against you (like who you want), I have a overall issue with how things have become. Even religion and how a central belief has been stretched, manipulated and changed over time. Its obvious there was one then people started branching off which has divide and broken the church.

In all fairness, I do feel it is kinda late to block gays from marrying since non believers are aloud to do so. Which is why I wouldn't vote on the issue. Jesus did say don't discriminate and me OK'ing Lobo and some 260 pound female to marry over two guys would probably fall into discriminating.

^^^There are also some churches that will/do allow gays to get married.
Yeah they're churches that will.

Then the gays can start their own church which isn't hard to do. I'm pretty sure there already is a church with openly gay pastors or something. Although I don't see why homosexuals can't go to court to get married.

No need to worry about your religion's churches being forced to marry them. I'm sure there's going to automatically be a business for it. Even for Jewish gays.
I'm not worried. Just one of those things that either will or wont happen in the future.

It'll all work itself out in the end.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

What if the states gave civil unions the same rights as marriage? Would that count or is the main target marriage (the union of man, wife and God)

a church is free to define a marriage however they wish, and to grant such a title to whomever they wish.

as long as the state gives me the same rights as a heterosexual person, i don't care what it's called....  although the term should be the same regardless of orientation.

like lobotomybeats said... it's about equality.  using "civil unions" vs "marriage" smacks of "separate but equal"
 Jesus did say don't discriminate and me OK'ing Lobo and some 260 pound female to marry over two guys would probably fall into discriminating.
Wait, when did you meet the missus?
*Knock knock*

Who's there..

It's reality calling to tell you to grow the !%## up...

Civil Rights issues whether it is Black Civil Rights, Woman's civil rights, Hispanic Civil Rights, Homosexual Civil Rights are not the exact same, but are all similar... The disservice some of you are doing to the people you admire most is sickening... The same bashing of gay people in speech is similar to that black people have faced... Were gay people enslaved? NO... Have they been beaten and discriminated against and in some cases killed? YES.... Do you honestly think that the Civil Rights leaders of the day no matter how Christian they were would be openly anti-gay in 2011? YOU ARE DREAMING if you think they would be..

MLK talked about content of the person's character.. Loving everyone equally... Coming together to accept each others differences and embracing them.... That message has seemingly been lost on a lot of you..

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

a church is free to define a marriage however they wish, and to grant such a title to whomever they wish.

as long as the state gives me the same rights as a heterosexual person, i don't care what it's called....  although the term should be the same regardless of orientation.

like lobotomybeats said... it's about equality.  using "civil unions" vs "marriage" smacks of "separate but equal"
 Jesus did say don't discriminate and me OK'ing Lobo and some 260 pound female to marry over two guys would probably fall into discriminating.
Wait, when did you meet the missus?
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