Ex-Ny Giants Super Bowl Hero David Tyree: Gay Marriage Will Lead to 'Anarchy'

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

You always know what you get with Ninjahood. Sadly that is someone who is a pretty awful, myopic person. Keep up the good fight Ninjahood...you make it easy to not only despise you but to also feel somewhat sorry for you.

Da fact dat people like that exist keeps me awake at night
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

assuming you're right and many people do choose the gay lifestyle.

what does that have to do with the gay marriage debate?  (bear in mind i probably will make a race based marriage comparison soon.  don't blame me, blame the united states government, churches, and generally ignorant people everywhere.)

Nothing really but I just don't understand why people gay or straight want a title that comes from a source that isn't meant for them. I'm done here.
Traditional monogamous christian marriage isn't an African institution.  One of the reasons it was originally denied to slaves here (well that and because those fools made us legally less than a person).  We still fought for the right to not only marry other Blacks but people of other races too... 

The reason the Supreme Court sidesteps a lot of marriage and social debate is it isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution but it is understood by many to be a fundamental right.  That's why it's governed by state law and not federal law.

The thing is marriage is specifically a religious institution.  The second governments started to regulate it and dole out the right to every heterosexual couple regardless of their religious affiliation they opened up a can of worms.

You see my point?  Why regulate something that you should have never touched in the first place.  Either acknowledge marriage as a fundamental right and let everyone do it, or treat everyone equally, and say "No, this is something you can get done in your temple and church" but we won't recognize it and give special treatment to those who do it when we specifically won't allow certain other people to.

I'll reply when I get home but this was good.
Please stop comparing sexual preferences to race.

Just because Bob likes to get his butt licked on Saturdays by a transvetite if thats what he likes who am I to judge right? But he can keep that private just like all other sexual acts.

If you dont want to be judge on what you do in the bedroom stop letting it be known what you do in the bedroom.
Originally Posted by cartune

Please stop comparing sexual preferences to race.

Just because Bob likes to get his butt licked on Saturdays by a transvetite if thats what he likes who am I to judge right? But he can keep that private just like all other sexual acts.

If you dont want to be judge on what you do in the bedroom stop letting it be known what you do in the bedroom.
i dont understand what ur getting at? how would you keep being gay private if your trying to get married?
Originally Posted by cartune

Please stop comparing sexual preferences to race.

Just because Bob likes to get his butt licked on Saturdays by a transvetite if thats what he likes who am I to judge right? But he can keep that private just like all other sexual acts.

If you dont want to be judge on what you do in the bedroom stop letting it be known what you do in the bedroom.

 Gay people aren't touching penises in front of your face. Dudes in here are acting like gay people are having sex on their front lawn in front of everybody. Like heterosexual couples, gay people have sex in the privacy of their own home.

Reminds me of that Louis CK bit. I'm sick of cutting around these damn $$%#% having sex on my lawn.

And there is nothing wrong with comparing the ignorance behind some of this debate to that of the ignorance of racism....same %$%. The only people who don't see it that way are people who have a problem with homosexuals and what to distance their own struggles from a "lifestyle" they have deemed unsavory.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by rashi

What difference does it make that people choose to be gay or not?

in all honesty?  none.  doesn't change anything in the debate either way, except for the argument that people should therefore choose to be straight.  you know, since it's a choice, make the right choice.

Who decides what is right?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by rashi

What difference does it make that people choose to be gay or not?

in all honesty?  none.  doesn't change anything in the debate either way, except for the argument that people should therefore choose to be straight.  you know, since it's a choice, make the right choice.

Who decides what is right?

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

You always know what you get with Ninjahood. Sadly that is someone who is a pretty awful, myopic person. Keep up the good fight Ninjahood...you make it easy to not only despise you but to also feel somewhat sorry for you.

Wow despise is a strong word for someone who you disagree with. I disagree with you on top of you completely trashing my beliefs but I think you're probably a cool dude. Cool off.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

You always know what you get with Ninjahood. Sadly that is someone who is a pretty awful, myopic person. Keep up the good fight Ninjahood...you make it easy to not only despise you but to also feel somewhat sorry for you.

Wow despise is a strong word for someone who you disagree with. I disagree with you on top of you completely trashing my beliefs but I think you're probably a cool dude. Cool off.

I despise racists, and I'm pretty unapologetic about it. When hate is channeled appropriately I'm completely fine with it.

Edit: I guess hate is too strong a word, even for those I deem the worst in society.
All of you all are not taking into account how much this would hybridize our current society into something else we haven't even seen before. We are going into to unknown territory if this happens. It's not about me personally agreeing with it or not. It's just adding fuel to the fire of a nation that seems (to other nations) morally corrupt from the get go. Think of this as giving other nations in the world that are religiously fervent in their doctrines another reason to claim US as an abomination and giving legitimacy to their argument (I'm not asying their argument is right, im saying people will have more reasons to listen to extremist and be manipulated by them)
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

You always know what you get with Ninjahood. Sadly that is someone who is a pretty awful, myopic person. Keep up the good fight Ninjahood...you make it easy to not only despise you but to also feel somewhat sorry for you.

Wow despise is a strong word for someone who you disagree with. I disagree with you on top of you completely trashing my beliefs but I think you're probably a cool dude. Cool off.

I despise racists, and I'm pretty unapologetic about it. When hate is channeled appropriately I'm completely fine with it.

to despise racist is to put yourself into a category of your own. Once people agree with your views, you all have become another race. 
The key to healing racism is not to despise, but to understand why and work from their. We cannot attack a lynch mob mentality with another lynch mob mentality under a different title. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Wow despise is a strong word for someone who you disagree with. I disagree with you on top of you completely trashing my beliefs but I think you're probably a cool dude. Cool off.

I despise racists, and I'm pretty unapologetic about it. When hate is channeled appropriately I'm completely fine with it.

to despise racist is to put yourself into a category of your own. Once people agree with your views, you all have become another race. 
The key to healing racism is not to despise, but to understand why and work from their. We cannot attack a lynch mob mentality with another lynch mob mentality under a different title. 
You're right?

When i say i despise racists, it doesn't mean I don't think they have the right to breaths on this earth.....I should say I'm intolerant of racists. I don't hate them enough to want them to suffer the same inhumanities they wish on others.

But yea i guess I take that back....I don't wanna be like them
Originally Posted by ninjahood

smh @ people comparing da plight of gays of that of race in America.

Their histories aren't the same, but both have been rocky roads and many, many people hate gays. They go through a lot of tough times, especially in high school (then there's the whole Matthew Shepard thing).
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Dont see the problem, he can say whatever he wants........If you dont like it, dont listen.

yes and on the same note, we are allowed to contend and express our distaste for what ignorant people have to say.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by DaBulls23

lol. anarchy. Thats just a stupid comment.

If gay marriage became legal, it would have no effect on him or any other straight person's day to day life.
Which is why I'm all for it. It won't bother me one bit.

didn't read the entire thread but i guarantee ninjahood is bashing Gay Marriage, again.
there isn't one good reason why to this day, we (especially minorities), are limiting rights to others based on traits that are out of their control.
Like i said, tit for tat. Sexual preference and orientation will be a dividing debate until the end of time. Much of the world outside the united states is far more harsh on issues like this.
for those who say dont compare race and sexual orientation in terms of prejudice.

ask the bigots. they hate the n-words as much as the word grant hill says its not cool.

if you say its not the same, it's prob because you can't open your eyes and see that its the amount of oppression that has occured in history to kunta kinte vs. liberachi is not the issue, but rather the fact that this oppression exists. on what ever meaningful level it holds towards you personally, the fact that oppression has tainted society and continues to do so.

people feel "gay" is bad because it's not "straight". well guess what black and white imply?

it's interesting because alot of homophobes like many nters in this thread are porb insecure about their own sexuality word to the homophobes gettin hard of gay pron thread.

Da End
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Whatever yo...its two completely different scenarios that share a common tie in discrimination.
Yeah gay people can be great parents, they can be bad parents to...you act like gay people are proven to be better parents somehow 

What happens when gays adopt straight kids with the intent on turning them gay? Couldn't see that happening? 
Do you really think that that is their main objective?
Why would two gay dudes adopt a straight child to turn him gay?
Why wouldn't they just adopt a gay child instead of going to all the trouble to turn the straight kid gay?

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by Deuce King

To reinforce his point, Tyree says, "You can't teach something that you don't have ... so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."

He's right about this though.
Don't like the Giants but he's right, I agree with him.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Who in here would want to grow up with 2 men or 2 women raising them?

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What happens when gays adopt straight kids with the intent on turning them gay? Couldn't see that happening?

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Lol. But on a different not, we do know for a fact that they're people whose choose to be gay. Born gay? Eh I need some statistics and scientific proof.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

StaXX wrote:

Originally Posted by DaBulls23

lol. anarchy. Thats just a stupid comment.

If gay marriage became legal, it would have no effect on him or any other straight person's day to day life.
Which is why I'm all for it. It won't bother me one bit.
oh yeah? wait till your kids ask you if they should date maria or joe this week?

"normalizin" and equating homosexuality to heterosexuality is gonna have serious consequences to da kids growing up...


AntonLaVey wrote:
Look dog, I don't like you and if you penetrated me now I wouldn't enjoy it....but do you wanna have sex just for the sake of me exercising my right to choose my sexuality.


Originally Posted by CWrite78

When it comes to serious topics, I take what ninjahood says with a grain of salt. He needs to stick to his ninja turtle/friends metaphors.
I wonder if his parents feel like failures for raising such an ignorant kid. Think moms opens his closet sized room and shakes her head when she sees Porsche money worth of sneakers and his bum $+% still living at home? That'd make me more embarrassed than what sex my child is %+%*%+@.
WOW!, you're on my swag list now.

I just read this whole thread.
Shout out to everyone that's refuting the ignorance of the posters that disagree with gay marriage.
I literally lol'ed at the notion of a gay couple adopting a child to turn him gay. Are you serious?! Lmao lmao!

I'm seriously concluding that a lot of you are probably te most closed minded people I've ran across on the web. Its like homosexuals and non-religious people, or just anybody that differs from your beliefs, are a completely different spices. Like they arent human. On some they come from the sky type #%@!. Seriously? I wished I could question reality right now just for da sake of doing it, but it's a sad reality. Sad sad sad. Still good loulz.
Originally Posted by rillo561

Great catch in the Superbowl, but he's and idiot.

the irony is glaring at me.

and i really don't see the problem with comparing this to interracial marriage...
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