Excessive or not? Police confrontation after being hit by a drunk driver.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
Here's a link to the video I don't know how to embed.


A 58-year-old Baltimore man was arrested and cited for DUI after he hit a Montgomery County police officer who was on foot on the Beltway. But the 20-year veteran officer could face a misconduct investigation for his reaction after it happened.

As the officer was redirecting cars around a multi-car crash on the outer loop of the Beltway, a gray sedan veers around the bumper-to-bumper traffic and directly at the officer. According to police, the officer is hit and that is when things take a turn for the worst.

The officer starts pounding on the window and hood of the car. When the driver gets out, he falls and hits the ground hard. At first, it appears he was shoved by the officer. But now that is put into question. Police say that driver was drunk; his blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit.

“The 58-year-old Baltimore man was arrested under suspicion of DUI after he was failed a field sobriety test,” said Capt. Paul Starks with the Montgomery County Police Department.

The driver was then taken to the station where he had a breath test and police say he had a blood alcohol level of .22. The Baltimore man was cited and released.

While the officer was hurt and taken to the hospital following the incident, some people question his reaction.

“I mean, that’s so aggressive, you don’t expect that from a police officer,” said Aneth Gomez, a Germantown resident.

“That’s kind of crazy for an officer to do something like that,” said another man. “I think that was kind of wrong what he did.”

Montgomery County police will investigate whether there was misconduct.

The names of the driver and the officer have not been released

The investigation into officer misconduct will involve interviewing witnesses as well as the officer himself, and taking a look at other evidence such as the video of the incident. ]

View media item 1057481
Police officer could have died or seriously injured. Thanks to someone being intoxicated. If he pushed him that was wrong. Everything else I've seen worse. I have zero tolerance for people who get drunk let alone drive. That's coming from someone who dislikes most cops.
I dont think it's right.

But I dont think its excessive.
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I can understand his frustration, but everyone has rights. Just because dude was driving drunk and hit the officer, it doesn't justify the officer to act in such manner. He could have simply grabbed him out and cuffed him, then get medical help. I DEF. HAVE NO REMORSE FOR DRUNK DRIVERS THOUGH. LOCK HIS *** UP

INB4 People start bashing Police Officers
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Am I supposed to feel bad for the drunk driver? 

cosign on inb4 cop bashing
Driver should of gotten worse. Families with innocent children driving around and its people like him to take their lives.
Officer should have had more composure, but you gotta put yourself in his shoes for a second. I do think the misdemeanor is warranted due to how he reacted and I'm sure there is something written about how to conduct yourself when a police officer, but I have NO respect for that idiot driving drunk. 3x the legal limit and was that blatant w/ his erratic driving? **** that. Situation could have been 100x worse. If this is a police bashing or bait thread, save it for something else.
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The drunk driver was a foot away from seriously hurting the officer or worse. A punch to the face is the least of that drivers worries.

Waits for police bashers to wage in as to why the officer should be beaten into the ground.....
This is so stupid, he hit the police officer and we're over here talking about excessive force :smh:
I'm sure the officer has seen his fair share of drunk drivers either from a traffic stop or severe accidents caused by a drunk driver.

I bet that when he realized he was a direct victim of what he is so used to seeing, he probably went nuts. I know I would have. 

Overexcessive? Please.
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Dude was driving with BAC .22... 

Lol at anyone getting mad at the cop.  Another few inches to his left and hes getting run right under some car tires or hes tossed over the hood probably breaking his leg(s).

Dude pounds the window and questionably "shoves" the guy whos hammered drunk in broad daylight and hes the bad guy here?

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I'm sure the Po will pursue the harshest penalty possible and the driver will get the his from the prisoners and guards in jail.
This must have taken place in bizaro world because I don't see anything wrong. He was hit by a drunk driver and people are upset that he banged on the hood and the driver window? :smh: The man is lucky the cop didn't pound on his stuipid face.

That was reckless for the driver to being driving in that condition, he could have seriously injured and or killed someone. Some of you act like you would be sitting down having a conversatin with the person afterward.
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That wasn't a punch, the officer did nothing wrong.
Most of us probably would have reacted a lot worse
Can't believe this is a thread. I know there is anti-police sentiment on here, but he could have died due to the drunk driver. His reaction is well warranted.
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