Excessive or not? Police confrontation after being hit by a drunk driver.

so fairytale idealism crafted into your perceived vision of a hypothetical utopia > the realities of actual life.....!?!?!?!

wow... how long did it take you to come to that conclusion?

:lol: the only fairytale idealism here is the one you're living by accepting this nonsense as your reality. And you're attitude is the reason yourself and manny others will die never understanding or knowing true freedom. Not really concerned with convincing you of otherwise tho so ima "let u cook". Keep supporting the system [emoji]128077[/emoji]

"The realities of actual life" :rofl: the irony
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america with police > an america without police :x

Yes I fully agree given our current state. My rebutle to that would be a well informed freethinking population with a with true gnosis of right and wrong, practicing and teaching the non aggression principe as well as the self defense principle to our youth > America with police.

The collective consciousness is engineered and taylored so that we have an ignorant and fearful population that "needs" policing. Who knows if it will change in our lifetime. All I know is I'm not gonna act like it's something it's not. These guys are not heros. Mislead with good intentions at best. **** the police

You let me know when you find this hypothetical society in America
You let me know when you find this hypothetical society in America

Bruh nobody's going to be "finding" anything. It has to be created. By you and me. Ground work has to be laid to stop the propetual madness that we're experiencing. It's a hamster wheel. Ignorance breeds ignorance. Unfortunately we have too many left brain thinkers who advocate and condone the current social condition as "reality" and so the wheel continues to spin. We need more people with the guts to educate themselves and their children on the reality of right and wrong. Natural Law principles over man made laws. Discovery and recocognition over belief and blind faith. If people want to remain ignorant then fine all I ask is that u keep your indoctrinated ideologies to yourself so that maybe the future will have a chance. Hand me down beliefs is the problem. "Oh that's the right thing to do it's written law" smh. Order followers. My bad for wanting better for my people
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You let me know when you find this hypothetical society in America

Bruh nobody's going to be "finding" anything. It has to be created. By you and me. Ground work has to be laid to stop the propetual madness that we're experiencing. It's a hamster wheel. Ignorance breeds ignorance. Unfortunately we have too many left brain thinkers who advocate and condone the current social condition as "reality" and so the wheel continues to spin. We need more people with the guts to educate themselves and their children on the reality of right and wrong. Natural Law principles over man made laws. Discovery and recocognition over belief and blind faith. If people want to remain ignorant then fine all I ask is that u keep your indoctrinated ideologies to yourself so that maybe the future will have a chance. Hand me down beliefs is the problem. "Oh that's the right thing to do it's written law" smh. Order followers. My bad for wanting better for my people

Wait... who's "your" people?
He talks like he just took his first college philosophy course. Lol.

In reality "Natural law" = feudalism
:lol: @ the 2 idiots at the end of the video.

I would've hit that dude w/ the most powerful Stone Cold Stunner of all time, jumped on his car and then hit his drunken *** w/ a 5 Star Frog Splash.

Dude got off easy.
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