Originally Posted by parada45

Soon everyone will go over to Twitter
No they won't. Twitter has already reached its peak and there are thousands of accounts that are not being used.

I will say one thing about Facebook though. People aren't using it as much as they used to say maybe 2 years ago.
words cant describe how much i hate facebook, histrionic idiots thinking people care what they do
FB is slow this week because a majority of college students are on spring break. For the rest of us, it's business as usual.
I just got into FB and skype within the last year.

I dont see how it can be "Dead" tho.....it all depends on who you are and what you use it for.

I only use it to keep in touch with classmates and family........im not on there trying to get on chics n stuff so.....to me, its still cool to use.

And i like skype to talk to my cousins in other cities that usually only come to stl every other year or something.
FB was 10x better when college kids only. Now you see parents and aunts on there requesting you stuff, not that I'm totally against it thought.

When I got on FB in 2004 it was fun, but now not so much.

Shout out to Mark Zuckerberg for selling his soul. I ain't mad at cha
I personally don't see the point of FB. I have an account and get friended by people who

A) I will never talk too


B) People who I talk to regularly, but not via FB

Pointless for me...

Rougly 6.7BILLION views in the month of Jan and the recently had their 400 Millionth user... yupe their dying.

If anything Twitter is starting to become a bit boring... it has its moments but doesn't have the longevity of FB
facebook is at its best when your in 12th grade - sophomore in college after that its just not the same cuz people get older and have less time for it
I sure hope it dies. Im starting to get so sick of how invasive all of this social networking is. Also, with facebook constantly changing their layout, it's so hard to keep up with it all. I feel that it is just "too much." I dont care about everything you're doing at every second of the day. I also don't care about what you cooked for bfast, lunch and dinner.

Social networks have taken a true toll on society. People know way too much about people that they wouldn't have a clue about if this was 10 years ago. I feel that it gives people a different way to keep in touch, which can be beneficial for families who live far, but at the same time it cancels out NORMAL human communication. People would rather talk on twitter and facebook than call me, even texting.

Ugh. I was having this conversation last night with a friend. I really hope facebook dies out...
Social networks have taken a true toll on society. People know way too much about people that they wouldn't have a clue about if this was 10 years ago. I feel that it gives people a different way to keep in touch, which can be beneficial for families who live far, but at the same time it cancels out NORMAL human communication. People would rather talk on twitter and facebook than call me, even texting.

You say that but you have a Myspace, Twitter, FB, Tumblr and a blog. You have more social networking profiles than probably the avg FB user
I think the beginning of the end for Facebook was when they incorporated third party apps. Where I'm at, twitter is poppin', though.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by nightruans

there is way to much spam and applications where people send you crap you dont want.... the peek was a while ago IMO and the lifespan is going to be less then myspace IMO
Facebook willl last longer because it caters to a more mature audience, not just trendy teens..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You don't really believe that stupidity do you? I always hear people say this. Funny, because the same teenage birds you saw on Myspace and Localz are now on Facebook. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] A mature audience? Give me a break.[/color]

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Social networks have taken a true toll on society. People know way too much about people that they wouldn't have a clue about if this was 10 years ago. I feel that it gives people a different way to keep in touch, which can be beneficial for families who live far, but at the same time it cancels out NORMAL human communication. People would rather talk on twitter and facebook than call me, even texting.
You say that but you have a Myspace, Twitter, FB, Tumblr and a blog. You have more social networking profiles than probably the avg FB user


Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

Always been dead to me.

Along with myspace, twitter, skype, and all that other bs
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Co-sign.[/color]
I deleted my account about a month ago. Got sick of it all. Its kind of nice to not have it there as a distraction, and to be a bit harder to reach. If a friend needs to contact me they can use my cell phone, FB shouldnt have to be the first means of communcation.
Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

Always been dead to me.

Along with myspace, twitter, skype, and all that other bs

i dont see what skype has to do with those other sites. that goes to anyone else mentioning skype in this thread. as far as the whole argument of social networking being invasive, you do understand that with any network, you only share what you want to be shared?
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Social networks have taken a true toll on society. People know way too much about people that they wouldn't have a clue about if this was 10 years ago. I feel that it gives people a different way to keep in touch, which can be beneficial for families who live far, but at the same time it cancels out NORMAL human communication. People would rather talk on twitter and facebook than call me, even texting.

You say that but you have a Myspace, Twitter, FB, Tumblr and a blog. You have more social networking profiles than probably the avg FB user

Yes, i have all of these things. But i do not depend on them to communicate with people, AT ALL. I use a telephone, unlike most.

I use these websites as tools to network and promote my business and photography. I've said it before, but it's a double edged sword. I think technology can be used beneficially, but it is TOO invasive and i've cut down on what information i let the public know.

my tumblr is used to post images, my blog is used to post art and cool info, my facebook has almost NOTHING about me on there, my myspace is outdated and is a "music" page... and twitter, let's just say the world for sure doesnt know where i am and what im doing every second. i use it more as an outlet for thoughts and promotion.

you entirely missed my point.
and who are you, anyway?...
As the users get younger and younger I think it will PEAK for users at earlier stages. Like past couple years the peak time to use Facebook was as a college fresh-junior, and then most seem to grow out of it. With so many high school and even middle school users I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of kids are "over it" by their senior year in high school. Doesn't mean they won't still use it in college, but maybe not to the same degree...

my $0.02
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68


Rougly 6.7BILLION views in the month of Jan and the recently had their 400 Millionth user... yupe their dying.

If anything Twitter is starting to become a bit boring... it has its moments but doesn't have the longevity of FB
Nice that you used that chart but didn't post the graph from another article that said their main user base has declined by about 400%. Older people are the newer members of the website.
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