Favorite city outside of your own?


Sep 22, 2013
I'm from Boston. Proud to be from here. but...visited friends in Philly yesterday for the 4th of July and realized how much better of a city it is (people wise). So much more diversity and got an overall friendlier vibe. Talked to plenty of Philadelphians last night at bars and BBQs and the ones that visited Boston agreed with me.

Outside of your own state/city...where would you live or where do you wish you grew up if you had to pick?
Was born in San Fransico 

moved to NYC when i was 3

outside of NYC , SF is 
From the bay. Currently living in Vegas....my fav city is DC! If this whole entrepreneur thing doesn't work out ill move to DC and get a comfy fed job :lol:
I'm from Boston. Proud to be from here. but...visited friends in Philly yesterday for the 4th of July and realized how much better of a city it is (people wise). So much more diversity and got an overall friendlier vibe. Talked to plenty of Philadelphians last night at bars and BBQs and the ones that visited Boston agreed with me.

Outside of your own state/city...where would you live or where do you wish you grew up if you had to pick?

That's funny. Boston is one of my favorites places to visit (when it's not snowing), but overall it's a tie between San Francisco and Santa Monica.

I've always felt that you can't judge a city by it's people.You have to meet friends of friends and things like that to feel comfortable with people. Strangers though? Nah. They're always superficially friendly especially in the big cities like NYC, LA (you get it).
Been back and forth between New York And LA all my life.

Vegas is cool in 2 day spurts.

Aside from that Miami and Austin TX have been very good to be visiting wise.
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