Favorite city outside of your own?

I never hear a single bad thing about San Diego, so probably there. As far as cities I've actually been to, more than likely Atlanta and parts of Florida
visited friends in Philly yesterday for the 4th of July and realized how much better of a city it is (people wise). 

I'm from KC but live in Jersey, so I'd also have to say philly too, although the people are not great, and there are some bad areas. But I like it. 
Born in SF moved to houston in middle school and after college.
3. San Diego
4. Seattle
5. Houston
Edit: I will see how Japan Prefectures go( honeymoon trip at the end of the month..
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From NYC, currently residing in NoVa. Outside of these areas I'd have to say Chicago. The only other place I'd move want to live. If foreign cities count then Paris as well.
I would like to say ny but haven't been enough. So dc
I'm from la
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Live around San Francisco but, I thoroughly enjoyed Chicago and than LA comes in second. Still plan to visit Seattle, San Diego, and NYC though.
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