Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties


"Of the 12 states that allow individuals to carry concealed weapons (CCW) in public without a permit — Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming — eight report above-average firearm death rates."

I mean do these gun loving idiots even read these studies before saying @#$@ like "places with the strictest laws have the most gun violence?" Look at the damn top 10 :lol:
One can argue that Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership in the world and less violent crime. I'm on your side, but I think this particular argument doesn't work.

many of these arguments dont hold water. theyre just talking points people hear in passing. but these kinda talks dont help because they never end in a plausible solution. we need to have meaningful talks, filled with real education on the subject matter, so people can come to an understand of what both sides want, then meet in the middle. otherwise its hatfields vs the mccoys and it will remain deadlocked (no pun intended) and nothing will get done.
Nobody is saying it's going to prevent these things, but to do nothing time after time is just freaking stupid. So just because it's going to still happen, we shouldn't do nothing? Just sounds silly af.

Raise the legal age to buy a rifle to 21.

Actually put money into NICS so it works the way it's supposed to.

No more peer to peer sales without a background check.

The first 2 alone would have stopped the shooting in Florida and the church shooting in Texas.
your first point is hoopla. everybody has the potential to stop being a law abiding citizen at any given time. irrelevant statement.

what criminal has access to MY guns right now? none. if i had kids, my guns wouldnt just be on a table or under the bed, hence why i say adding harsher punishment for negligence will curb these issues.

this thought implies that the number of guns available is tied to the amount of people getting killed. but thats easily proven to not be true. because the amount of guns has been slowly increasing for the past 30 years, but the amount of mass shootings has only been increasing (dramatically at that) for the past 10, and especially in the last 5. so the number of guns in circulation has no correlation.

1. You just re-said my statement. It’s “irrelevant” to you I guess but it’s true and you just agreed with it

2. Ok thanks, nobody has access to YOUR guns...

3. 300 people + 300 guns = 300 people can shoot
300 people + 299 guns = 299 people can shoot
300 people + 298 guns = 298 people can shoot

Is this logic so hard to understand?
Raise the legal age to buy a rifle to 21.

Actually put money into NICS so it works the way it's supposed to.

No more peer to peer sales without a background check.

The first 2 alone would have stopped the shooting in Florida and the church shooting in Texas.

i want to see them start using smart gun technology. its readily available but the NRA and lobbyists dont like it. I dont think the finger print on the gun thing is smart, but on safes? definitely. also, i saw talk of miltary-grade magnetic docks for guns if the gun is ever undocked then an alert goes out to the owner. they have remote trigger blocks that can be tied into that tech as well. imagine a parent at work and the alarm for their gun being taken out of the drawer or safe goes off. they literally tap a button and the gun is disabled. this kinda stuff should be commonplace EVERYWHERE
1. You just re-said my statement. It’s “irrelevant” to you I guess but it’s true and you just agreed with it (agreeing that something is true, doesnt make it relevant to a discussion. example. 1+1 =2. the statement is true, but not relevant.)

2. Ok thanks, nobody has access to YOUR guns...(youre the one who implied criminals will have access to any guns in circulation. i proved that wrong.)

3. 300 people + 300 guns = 300 people can shoot
300 people + 299 guns = 299 people can shoot
300 people + 298 guns = 298 people can shoot
(this example makes senses but is irrelevant. because guns outnumber citizens. so an accurate example is more like 300 people + 400 guns. so unless u have a plan to halt production, seize, and liquidate about 50 million guns... your example would never come into play)
So basically you want to retroactively punish law Abiding citizens for a crime they never committed. How is that fair?
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It’s all good until is your Kid/sibling/family member that’s laying dead in a school or any of those places where multiple people have died in mass shootings.
1. You just re-said my statement. It’s “irrelevant” to you I guess but it’s true and you just agreed with it (agreeing that something is true, doesnt make it relevant to a discussion. example. 1+1 =2. the statement is true, but not relevant.)

2. Ok thanks, nobody has access to YOUR guns...(youre the one who implied criminals will have access to any guns in circulation. i proved that wrong.)

3. 300 people + 300 guns = 300 people can shoot
300 people + 299 guns = 299 people can shoot
300 people + 298 guns = 298 people can shoot
(this example makes senses but is irrelevant. because guns outnumber citizens. so an accurate example is more like 300 people + 400 guns. so unless u have a plan to halt production, seize, and liquidate about 50 million guns... your example would never come into play)
You need to rethink and then assess your counter points because they either don’t make sense or prove nothing wrong.
So basically you want to retroactively punish law Abiding citizens for a crime they never committed. How is that fair?
What law is essentially fair? It’s against the law to have sex with kids. Some people (white christian males) like to do that. Is that law fair to them?

There’s nothing fair about laws
It’s all good until is your Kid/sibling/family member that’s laying dead in a school or any of those places where multiple people have died in mass shootings.

how is it all good? O _ o wtf? we're trying to have meaningful discussion here and bring up changes that could stop it and u come up with this foolishness?

You need to rethink and then assess your counter points because they either don’t make sense or prove nothing wrong.
they make sense to anyone who made it out of 5th grade. saying that a person told the truth, doesnt mean what they told the truth about is relevant to the discussion. i then gave a basic example. if ur confused, thats on you. he then said A gun isn’t only accessible to that law abiding citizen. i looked to my right and saw a gun on the counter, then looked for a non-law abiding citizen. turns out... im the only person with access to my guns. thus, he is proven wrong. finally he makes an example to try and illustrate how the number of guns available show how many people have the ability to shoot them. i showed why his example doesnt work because in his example there are less guns than people, so for every gun taken out, 1 less person can shoot. but thats not reality where here in the US there are MORE guns than people. so unless he took out 50 million or so guns from circulation, there will always be more guns than people.

What law is essentially fair? It’s against the law to have sex with kids. Some people (white christian males) like to do that. Is that law fair to them?

There’s nothing fair about laws
my heart stopped reading that second sentence. glad i kept reading to see where u were going with that lol
You missed the sarcasm.

Sadly That’s the mentality all these gun nuts have tho.

And fox news wants to give them guns.

There have been too many altercations where teachers and students have actually fought. Give that teacher a gun that he has the right to use when he thinks he or other students are in danger and it’ll be a disaster. He shoots a kid and uses the old “I felt like my life was in danger” and what can you do?

Banning assault rifles should be a start. There are plenty already out there but once they’re banned, they’ll be significantly harder to come by and the supply on the street will eventually disappear. Crazy that this happens as often as it does and there is never anything done about it.

Edit: saw someone posted an old Chris Rock clip. Was watching his new special and was thinking damn those first few minutes were rough right behind this school shooting.
how is it all good? O _ o wtf? we're trying to have meaningful discussion here and bring up changes that could stop it and u come up with this foolishness?

they make sense to anyone who made it out of 5th grade. saying that a person told the truth, doesnt mean what they told the truth about is relevant to the discussion. i then gave a basic example. if ur confused, thats on you. he then said A gun isn’t only accessible to that law abiding citizen. i looked to my right and saw a gun on the counter, then looked for a non-law abiding citizen. turns out... im the only person with access to my guns. thus, he is proven wrong. finally he makes an example to try and illustrate how the number of guns available show how many people have the ability to shoot them. i showed why his example doesnt work because in his example there are less guns than people, so for every gun taken out, 1 less person can shoot. but thats not reality where here in the US there are MORE guns than people. so unless he took out 50 million or so guns from circulation, there will always be more guns than people.

my heart stopped reading that second sentence. glad i kept reading to see where u were going with that lol
Lol yeah, I won’t a false equivalence argument into the mix.

You keep taking yourself as the norm or even the average owner. Based on what we’ve seen that’s not the case. You need to take yourself out of the equation
Taking an AR away from an owner brings an inconvenience to a very small fraction of Americans, those that hunt to survive and even they can find other alternatives to hunting, aside from that owning an assault rifle is nothing but a luxury which WHITE Americans have taken for granted, going out their way to terrorize innocent people, gun nuts wanna hang on the premise that their home will be raided by armed criminals ready to gun you down, FOH...invest in a state of the art home security...bunch of grasping at straws to justify a luxury.
There have been too many altercations where teachers and students have actually fought. Give that teacher a gun that he has the right to use when he thinks he or other students are in danger and it’ll be a disaster. He shoots a kid and uses the old “I felt like my life was in danger” and what can you do?

Banning assault rifles should be a start. There are plenty already out there but once they’re banned, they’ll be significantly harder to come by and the supply on the street will eventually disappear. Crazy that this happens as often as it does and there is never anything done about it.

false. what item becomes harder to come by cuz its not sold in brick and mortar stores anymore? especially when there is AMPLE supply of it? they couldnt even keep guns out of chicago and it was a gun free city. thats not to mentioned the current looming danger of people literally 3d printing them now, but lets not even go down that road atm. cuz thats a whole different beast altogether
Taking an AR away from an owner brings an inconvenience to a very small fraction of Americans, those that hunt to survive and even they can find other alternatives to hunting, aside from that owning an assault rifle is nothing but a luxury which WHITE Americans have taken for granted, going out their way to terrorize innocent people, gun nuts wanna hang on the premise that their home will be raided by armed criminals ready to gun you down, FOH...invest in a state of the art home security...bunch of grasping at straws to justify a luxury.

you dont get to dictate what luxuries other people indulge in as long as theyre legal. and the very small fraction of americans ur talking about that are inconvenienced, are an overwhelmingly larger percent of people than those negatively impacted by ARs. and, lets call a spade a spade. NOBODY needs a AR to hunt with.

I really hope no one is out there stalking Bambi with an AR
EXACTLY. thats just some BS
I really hope no one is out there stalking Bambi with an AR

they had to make special cartridges to make the ar deer hunting friendly...that should tell you something...

"The AR-15 platform has been around for more than 50 years, but only recently has it really moved into the deer hunting arena. This is due to modern bullet technology and a new crop of AR-15 compatible cartridges. Here’s a look at seven good deer hunting cartridges for the AR-15."
Taking an AR away from an owner brings an inconvenience to a very small fraction of Americans, those that hunt to survive and even they can find other alternatives to hunting, aside from that owning an assault rifle is nothing but a luxury which WHITE Americans have taken for granted, going out their way to terrorize innocent people, gun nuts wanna hang on the premise that their home will be raided by armed criminals ready to gun you down, FOH...invest in a state of the art home security...bunch of grasping at straws to justify a luxury.

Its weird to me when people of color are so pro gun control when every major civil rights movement had people of color arming themselves.

Hell California never did anything gun control wise until the Panthers started open carrying.
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