Flu Shot Season


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
scam or nah?

Heard the flu shot decreases the chance of getting a flu by 10%.

Vitamin D also reduces the chance of getting a flu by 10%

You actually infect yourself with the flu(antibodies) when you get a flu shot.

I never gotten the flu, and never will need a flu shot cause i know its full of BS, by big pharma.

Drink OJ and you should be good.
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Miss me. I've gotten the flu 3x, coincidentally every 6 six years. **** knocks me down, absolute hell.

Still, miss me with a flu shot.
You actually infect yourself with the flu(antibodies) when you get a flu shot.

I never gotten the flu, and never will need a flu shot cause i know its full of BS, by big pharma.

Drink OJ and you shoulf be good.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

1. You’re not “infecting yourself” with the flu. A dead/attenuated version of the virus is injected into you.
2. The flu isn’t “antibodies.” Antibodies are created by your own body after the exposure to the dead virus.
3. About 0.01% of “big pharma” profits come from flu vaccines.
4. Most recent evidence suggests no link between Vitamin C intake and infection prevention.
scam or nah?

Heard the flu shot decreases the chance of getting a flu by 10%.

Vitamin D also reduces the chance of getting a flu by 10%

The efficacy of the flu shot varies from year to year.

My favorite argument for not getting the flu shot is “it’s only ____% effective anyways.”

...as opposed to the 0% efficacy of not getting it.
The efficacy of the flu shot varies from year to year.

My favorite argument for not getting the flu shot is “it’s only ____% effective anyways.”

...as opposed to the 0% efficacy of not getting it.

Its effective if thier isn't a different strain of flu out there. Your ____% screwed even if you get a shot. I guess for preventive measures it helps, but thats it.

The Lord will protect me from the flu

Drink 1 liter of Holy water you should aight/praised.
What do you think the flu shot is?

Better yet, what else do you want it to do?

I understand your a medical professional and your obligations to adovocate for preventive medications, but If my doctor or a medical professional tells me to get a flu shot i have the right to decline. Ill take the risk cause its my body not theirs.

Lets not neglect thier are side effects of a flu shot and if a new strain is out there and doesn't play well with the human body We're still screwed.
You actually infect yourself with the flu(antibodies) when you get a flu shot.

I never gotten the flu, and never will need a flu shot cause i know its full of BS, by big pharma.

Drink OJ and you shoulf be good.


During past seasons, approximately 80% of flu-associated deaths in children have occurred in children who were not vaccinated. Based on available data, this remains true for the 2017-2018 season, as well.
Anyone that thinks the flu shot is a scam is a moron, and unless you have an egg allergy or a history of Guillian-Barre your reasoning for not getting the flu shot is probably stupid.

I’m an RN, if that matters.

I am a big believer in vaccines and I think antivoxxers are idiots.

However, the Flu shot is sort of based on a guesstimate right?

They pick a Flu strain they think will dominate and use that and the actual strain could be completely different. Like last year I just made a commitment to wash my hands every chance I had access to a bathroom and didn't catch it. The year before I get it and did catch the Flu, cause I ran into a strain they hadn't prepped for.

Shouldn't we at least wait to hear if they guessed right this year cause I remember last year they guessed wrong?
So statistics are useless?

get the **** outta here

"Here's some data to prove my point"

edit: forget it

i personally haven't gotten it in a yr

i do think it's a good idea for young children or elderly though

thx herd immunity
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