Flying Cockroaches bruh (Vol. I didn't know they existed)

Word give people a heads up or else its just a cycle. Ive heard a lot of horror stories. Landlords lying about the building being clean and a month or 2 into the lease tenants find it but cant back out of the lease. Smh i wouldnt wish that on anyone.

Theres a website called bed bug registry. Lists all apartments and people comment on their experiences with the building, management etc
do vegans kill cockroaches? or do they just let them do their thing all in their house?
Bed bugs are the worst for real, roaches I hate but I can deal with the occasional one, the destruction and headache of dealing with a bed bug infestation that almost EVERYTIME goes unnoticed till is too late, is the absolute worst, we had to throw out our 1 year old mattress and West Elm bed and pay for the treatment, at then end those little ******* had me down 5k and 2 weeks without a bedroom....THE WORST.
I used to think that the saying "Don't let the bed bugs bite" was just that, a saying, never knew they existed until they stopped using DDT and they made their way back to the states.

I've had em before they are definitely not fun. Cats that didn't speak English moved in next door to my moms one summer and gave em to us. They moved out, the landlord "cleaned" the house but they were still there. Them things infested about 5 homes on the block.

It was so bad that I slept in a recliner all summer since I researched and found that they can't climb up metal and plastic.

Only way to kill em is w/ extreme cold or dry heat. As much as I hate roaches, they are definitely easier to get rid of than them lil bloodsuckers
The psychological toll of bed bugs is too much. That's why pest control charges a ridiculous amount for treatment, because they know people will pay it in a second to get their peace of mind back.
I pray I never get bed bugs :x

I'm very particular about what hotels I stay in for this reason.

YES man. VERY particular with hotels. This job wanted us to stay at some sleezy motel at this one job site. I checked in for 1hr and something did not feel right or seem right so I checked right out :lol:. I just felt like it was a place that could catch or has dealt with bed bugs. I paid my extra $20/night on top to stay at MUCH better hotel and have peace of mind.

I don't want those problems man.

I keep hearing Toronto and NYC are the two worse places for bed bugs. Yall dudes be safe out here :x :smh:
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Very big problem in the tri-state, a lot of cases happen when people put their bookbags etc...on the floor when on the train. The bugs hitch a ride and they bring them home just that easy.

I spend high on hotels when OT also for this very reason. 5* places don't want their reputations tarnished with the allegations of bed bugs so they take pest control more serious than the economy spots.
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Very big problem in the tri-state, a lot of cases happen when people put their bookbags etc...on the floor when on the train. The bugs hitch a ride and they bring them home just that easy.

I spend high on hotels when OT also for this very reason. 5* places don't want their reputations tarnished with the allegations of bed bugs so they take pest control more serious than the economy spots.

Its crazy because i was thinking that too. I try to avoid putting my bags and such on any floor because of roaches..forgot bed bugs can find their way.
I started reading this thread and I see this very coincidental advertisement I've never seen before
Yes. RIP.
Nah, I'm a bug assassin. I stop everything in my tracks if I see a bug in my house. They must die, and I will do whatever to kill em. I've broken photo frames and mirrors but at the expense of the death of one of these disgusting, vile, creatures, it's a small price to pay.
Nah, I'm a bug assassin. I stop everything in my tracks if I see a bug in my house. They must die, and I will do whatever to kill em. I've broken photo frames and mirrors but at the expense of the death of one of these disgusting, vile, creatures, it's a small price to pay.

Cosign. My crib be hot af esp at night so i open the sliding door to the balcony a lil cept we dont have a bug screen. I usually keep all the lights off cuz ill be in my room so moths and mosquitos and **** dont come in. Maaaan the other night i swear they blitzed me. I got up to get some water and its a huge *** moth on the wall, i wanna go for the fly swatter but cant see it so i flick the light on and he start flyin around. I finally get the swatter and as im waiting to get a clear swat at it i see 2 more fly into the crib. Swear i felt like he was bringing reinforcements. Ended up smackin the **** out 2 of em and the 3rd one flew into the "bowl" cover on the lightbulb (or whatever its called). Guess he seen what i did to his homies and he offed himself
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Nobody give a damn about moths. Turn a light on and they'll kill themselves.
This thread is comedy [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I'm out here in Georgia and can confirm that flying cockroaches are not only a real thing but some of the scariest **** you'll see in your life time

Trying to kill one is like signing your own death certificate. When you hear their wings buzzing like bees :wow: :wow: :x :wow: :x

My first encounter with one was in Georgia as well. :x 0]
Nah, I'm a bug assassin. I stop everything in my tracks if I see a bug in my house. They must die, and I will do whatever to kill em. I've broken photo frames and mirrors but at the expense of the death of one of these disgusting, vile, creatures, it's a small price to pay.

This.. I kill anything I see unwanted on site. ESP at night when they like to creep around and I dont sleep until I find it and kill it
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