Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

This was posted in the car thread. Don't think homie needed his license plate to tell us who's driving "The Batmovil"[emoji]128514[/emoji].



that @ninjahood?
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Savage of the year

okay, so you get your video. thousands of likes, shares on shares, yay!

but in this timeline, you didn't quite get away fast enough on your little Mongoose and the supercar ends up putting the metal to your pedals after a short pursuit.

you don't die, no...but your injuries almost leave you wishing you had.

paralysis from the waist down, shattered pelvis, two separated shoulders, three crushed fingers, multiple broken ribs, a punctured lung and a cracked skull leading to memory loss and brain swelling.

oh sure, the driver will get his, kinda. he'll plead out to some ******** reckless driving charge--obviously he can afford a hotshot lawyer with wheels like that--get a 12-18 month sentence, fully commuted of course. perhaps a little house arrest at the estate to make things sound better.

5 years probation, suspended license, but who gives a ****, dude can afford a chauffeur.

hell, he could pay your half a mil in medical bills and not really sweat it, but he won't because why the **** should he?

you won't win your civil suit when a jury of your nonpeers decides they're sick of these millenials and their stupid prank videos and disrespect for the property of others, so you're not getting paid.

so, final tally: this guy is out a luxury car cosmetic repair bill, legal expenses and maybe a night or two of his life in the county lockup after he initially panics and runs, but confesses over the phone when he sees the video on the news and turns himself in on his own time after consulting with his legal team.

you are a broken and penniless man who will never walk or **** again...but hey, cool video man!
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