Friend Caught Up in MLM scheme

Mar 26, 2009
About 5 or 6 years back my friend and his wife joined Amway. I'd be riding in his whip and he'd have a motivational tape of this guy Larry Winters talking about his rags to riches story, all the people under him he's helped "go platinum and diamond" (monthly sales records).

His whole introduction to it was a local dermatologist who cured his acne problem in the early 2010s....after a few years of taking the products, they developed a personal relationship and the derm took on a mentor role. Dude lives in a $280k house so I guess that left a deep impression on my friend. But the glaringly obvious thing I see is, the derm is in a position of power where people are coming to him seeking solutions, which naturally facilitates sales. For an average person trying to jump in the MLM game, they harass their friends, family and neighbors which is what gives it a bad name. I've met some of his "down lines" and these people have a strange enthusiasm and look in their eyes similar to religious groups like Mormons.

From what I've gather, during Covid my friend and his wife were bringing in $1k a month, and slowly have built up to $3k a month this year. But the thing is, they put ALOT of time into it. They attend a weekly meeting on Wed nights (his Wife is a nurse that works 3 twelves which happen to be Tues-Thurs). And every other month they'll travel to a huge conference seminar thing. Orlando, Charllotte, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Seattle were cities they traveled to in 2022.

They're slightly older than me though, and I guess the closer you get to 40, the harder it is to make new friends. For what it's worth, the members are pretty loyal, say one person in their group has a home improvement project, they can get 5 people to come help out for a day or two. Hell, some of them even attend each other's weddings.

Anybody else got friends in situations like this?
All I know is, they’re common place on Facebook and IG. But if people are into it and it makes them feel like they’re part of something, it’s cool.

It’s not for me though. Those pyramid schemes and MLMs don’t fly with me. But again, some people enjoy it.
what is a MLM?

also, how’s the cat?

Multi Level Marketing. Typically known as pyramid schemes where people make money by selling products but also recruiting other people to sell products under them and those people have to recruit other people to work under them etc
My thing with the MLM people which always irked me is that they would constantly be ****ting on someone else’s job instead of letting their “great opportunity” speak for itself. Like if it’s so great, you shouldn’t need to throw shots at other people for “making some big company money, and not working for themselves”. And don’t get me wrong. I’m all for being independent and having multiple streams of revenue. I’m just not for being an independent idiot getting pimped out by MLM’s.

I remember this clown who went to my local community college years ago was constantly trying to push that vector crap and would try to get people to go to the meetings and was relentless with it while making little passive aggressive remarks about other peoples jobs (who were making more than him) Wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Once I assume everything went sour with vector, he stopped bugging people and didn’t want to talk about it when everyone asked him what happened. Fast forward a semester or so later he was trying to get people to go to meetings about energy drinks lmao.
My thing with the MLM people which always irked me is that they would constantly be ****ting on someone else’s job instead of letting their “great opportunity” speak for itself. Like if it’s so great, you shouldn’t need to throw shots at other people for “making some big company money, and not working for themselves”. And don’t get me wrong. I’m all for being independent and having multiple streams of revenue. I’m just not for being an independent idiot getting pimped out by MLM’s.

I remember this clown who went to my local community college years ago was constantly trying to push that vector crap and would try to get people to go to the meetings and was relentless with it while making little passive aggressive remarks about other peoples jobs (who were making more than him) Wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Once I assume everything went sour with vector, he stopped bugging people and didn’t want to talk about it when everyone asked him what happened. Fast forward a semester or so later he was trying to get people to go to meetings about energy drinks lmao.

What’s funny is those same dudes be wearing ill fitting suits and square toe dress shoes, trying to kick knowledge and tell you what to do :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like bro you don’t even care about how you step out into the world

Some young, dusty looking dude approached me in the mall once on his vector marketing/pyramid scheme shtick. I’m like, I respect your grind Youngblood but, truthfully, I ain’t the one :lol: :lol:
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What’s funny is those same dudes be wearing ill fitting suits and square toe dress shoes, trying to kick knowledge and tell you what to do :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like bro you don’t even care about how you step out into the world

I’m dead at the ill fitting suits and square toe dress shoes parts lmao.

The sad thing is if some of these dudes invested the effort they put into trying to get a quick come up into doing something relevant. They would be doing so much better. Same dudes who would fall for those turn $100 into $1000 scams on social media while arguing nonstop that it’s legit.
oh ok yeah some dork tried recruiting me at my gym while i was lifting

like, how good can the job be that you are looking for recruits at the local gym?
I got a friend like this. He has probably jumped on every pyramid scheme that has came out in the last 12 years. Posts about it daily, goes to all the conventions and trips....then one day it just stops. Then a couple months later he pops up showcasing a new venture.

Does he see money outta this? Idk. Not my business to ask or to care. Still my boy. He has a full time gig and this is something that he does on the side and seems to enjoy. He only pitched to me one time and I politely declined and its never came back up again. Just because it aint for me doesnt mean it cant be for someone else.
Got a ton of friends in the life insurance thing

It’s a big ol scam but these dudes making some big money
Wow, it never dawned on me that ppl joining these pyramid schemes are doing it cuz they're lonely and can't make friends in their current social environments.

I can now totally see how it may provide a sense of community despite the fact it is a scam and they're more likely to lose money then make a lot.
i know some people that do it.. it works if you put the effort into selling it..

but their biggest selling point is a "quick money" or "extra money in your pockets" type sale and that's where they get the suckers.
Are these the folks that try to recruit you while you’re grocery shopping??
no one is stupid, we know your the “friend” and your “wife” is your girl.
Be less ambiguous and just asks us if we’ve been in a mlm scam.

Story was whack btw.
My guy came in guns a blazing and I love it.
Seems like something that'll have a lot more losers than winners.

I see this stuff all the time online. Noticed most hustle culture stuff isn't nothing but get rich quick scams.
if you need friends that badly join why waste money on a pyramid just to meet people smh
TIL is actually a thing.
is it not full of weirdos and creeps?
OP’s username and thread title go hand in hand like Jodeci’s opening lyrics from their hit song Feenin’ .... “Take my moneyyy. My house and my caaars..
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