girl I smanged called and told me she caught the Herps...


Jul 5, 2013

We used a condom...

She said she was good after we did it . but went back raw when her and her dude hooked back up (after us)

I went and got tested... And I'm good...


Apparently, he caught it while they were broken up.

Word of advice to my NTers...

Don't send your running back up the hole with no helmet.
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How nice of her to actually tell you (well aware that its the right thing to do, but I doubt most would do so). I would hate to have to be the one who had to deliver that kind of news to people. IDK if I could handle it.
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Good thing she hit you with the heads up fam. A lot of these **** would either blame you, or act brand new when you accuse them.
you can still catch herpes even with a condom.....i'm sure she'll have to have an outbreak for that to occur though 
Man I used to rep team raw to the fullest smh. Team raw randoms everything. By the grace of god my **** clean and always been. I been team faithful its crazy, Detroit/Wayne county is leading in HIV and other stds this year or some **** I read that everybody was putting on ig
:lol: anyone ever bust out a condom with a recent ex or side piece that you went raw with for months, but stopped hooking up with for a bit for whatever reason (break up, travel, etc) and they hit you with the worst scolding look you've ever gotten?

That has to be one of the worst, yet funniest looks you can ever recieve. The talk that comes after is even worse


Doesnt matter if they're the freakiest dirtiest chick you've ever been with, or the most innocent polite girl. All girls universally get crushed when their man pulls out a condom :lol: :smh:
I hate when a chick you're about to smash is acting hesitant to smash then you finally get her wet and ready and start fumbling with a condom trying to get it on only for her to be like "no we can't do this" :smh:

When your #teamraw you just slide right in when the time is right :lol:
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