God of War III | The Official Thread of Kratos Wants Blood & Vengence | It's OUT!

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I havent played any of the previous God of War games. Is it still worth it to play 3?

Yeah its a @%!$** badass game.

The story isnt that deep where you need to know whats going on to enjoy it.

I'd at least read something on what happened in the previous two to get the gist of what your character is doing, tho.
but like the dude above me said some gamestops are havin deals n they got the collection out its not alot of money at all for both the first two games. I'd recomend playing them in order, but either way. The new one is a nutty game and everyone should play it.
for those of u who finished the game..

Spoiler [+]
  [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]im stuck where u descend to break the chain, im fighting the cerberus and those goat looking thing with the spears,  how the hell u kill these things?   ive died at least 100 times during this game and 80 of them have been at this point, some strategy would be appreciated it[/color]
Hermes is fast
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Going to get GOW today. Should I grab 1&2 since I haven't played GOW before?

To get a better understanding/appreciation of Kratos' story I would say yes.

I'm just about finished GoW, hopefully by the end of the week I'll be done.
For those of you who haven't played the first two and don't have the time hit up the Wikipedia pages for GOW1 & 2. there is a pretty good plot summary for both.
Originally Posted by waterboi85

im a little disappointed on how it ended....
I was too, but then again.. it was perfect. Shows just how much he wanted his vengeance, and only that

So I just picked up this game yesterday and its my first experience with the GOW series. Whats all the hype about? Granted I've only played about 15 minutes of it, but it seems like a souped up version of old school Dynasty Warriors (endless waves of dummy enemies). Is it the storyline? Are there special moves or combos that I dont know about? Or is it just random button mashing at its finest?
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

For those of you who haven't played the first two and don't have the time hit up the Wikipedia pages for GOW1 & 2. there is a pretty good plot summary for both.

I did this earlier. Thanks for the recommendation. I've been missing out
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

For those of you who haven't played the first two and don't have the time hit up the Wikipedia pages for GOW1 & 2. there is a pretty good plot summary for both.

I did this earlier. Thanks for the recommendation. I've been missing out
Yeap...gonna head up to the gamestop by my place with 16 old games.  Wish me luck.

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

For those of you who haven't played the first two and don't have the time hit up the Wikipedia pages for GOW1 & 2. there is a pretty good plot summary for both.

I did this earlier. Thanks for the recommendation. I've been missing out
Yeap...gonna head up to the gamestop by my place with 15 old games.  Wish me luck.
They about break you off. They will be giving you an addition 50% per game

Also get the "Chaos Red" Dualshock 3.

Sony you owe me $ for marketing your controller.



I'm going to say $86.30.
The 50 percent bonus is still going on? Damnit. I want to get rid of MW2 and Forza, I coulda used that to buy GOW3 instead of buying it at best buy.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

The 50 percent bonus is still going on? Damnit. I want to get rid of MW2 and Forza, I coulda used that to buy GOW3 instead of buying it at best buy.

It would have saved you $40 or more.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

The 50 percent bonus is still going on? Damnit. I want to get rid of MW2 and Forza, I coulda used that to buy GOW3 instead of buying it at best buy.

It would have saved you $40 or more.
Im aware, which is why Im pissed
. I woulda gotten like 35 for MW2 and 20ish for Forza. I was just hesitant because I didnt want to deal with the mall compared to just walking in best buy, and I thought the promo was over. Whats good that just came out... Bad Company 2 or Bioshock 2?

Guesstimate on how much Id get for Heavy Rain?
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