Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by Noskey

Man #$#$ Will Lyles.


I dunno, I kinda like dude, seems like good people to me. 

Ya'll start gettin top class recruits, and thought kids grew up dreaming of playing in Eugene or some @#$%? 

Texas kids no less, CP...

Huff, Williams, Lache, Wallace, James, etc... Dudes was bound to get caught, especially with how dumb Kelly was about the whole thing.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Kids from one state decide go to a college in another state?! Breaking news at 11.

Not this state. 

Oregon was gettin USC's leftovers FOR YEARS and there was many many many reasons for that. 

Uncle Phil started to help out with gimmick locker rooms and what not, but even that only goes so far.  I wonder if Phil backs off now with the whole 1 of 2 pair of Jordan's and stuff.  Does he get his name dirty and get into this, or just back out altogether?  That's the interesting angle to me.  Chop is most likely gone, nothing can be done about that, but Phil is another matter, and arguably more important really. 
My thing is why didn't Lyles just go to the NCAA instead if just going to Yahoo if he really wanted to do something?

It does make him come off as a scorned lover, not that it makes it right or anything or Oregon less guilty. If I was Oregon I would fight it.
Statis22 wrote:
My thing is why didn't Lyles just go to the NCAA instead if just going to Yahoo if he really wanted to do something?

It does make him come off as a scorned lover, not that it makes it right or anything or Oregon less guilty. If I was Oregon I would fight it.
Company check, hand written notes, a dead "recruit", and some emails helpin grandma skip over the mom, plus the shoes.......they better hire Casey Anthony's lawyer or some @#$%. 

  Man, cheer up, I'm sure Miami will do something stupid soon for you to feel better about, come on. 

And I don't even mean to needle you and Noskey or the rare cool duck fans in here, but for every one of you guys, you have a bunch of tool bags like Exile that still hiding after Boise St a few years ago.  Those types don't wanna hear from me these days. 
  Dudes at work won't even look me in the face right now. 

And after I was so nice to print out copies of the Yahoo report and leave it on their desks for them. 


Noskey, Ches, Funk,  I'm sorry to you guys, truly, you all get the bigger picture of college football that many other Duck fans simply do not. 
Logan Thomas is up to 6'6.5, 260 now. ACC DB's and LB's you have been warned.

*Coaches probably told him to add weight so he'd be more durable. We are seriously screwed if he goes down.
Originally Posted by CP1708

  Man, cheer up, I'm sure Miami will do something stupid soon for you to feel better about, come on. 

You guys are starting Jacory again?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Statis22 wrote:
My thing is why didn't Lyles just go to the NCAA instead if just going to Yahoo if he really wanted to do something?

It does make him come off as a scorned lover, not that it makes it right or anything or Oregon less guilty. If I was Oregon I would fight it.
Company check, hand written notes, a dead "recruit", and some emails helpin grandma skip over the mom, plus the shoes.......they better hire Casey Anthony's lawyer or some @#$%. 


The cover up will probably be more damning than anything.
Random fact but I just saw it tweeted.

Ralph Mancini
TX Longhorns haven't had an O-lineman drafted since 2008. Unreal when you consider that school's resources. The heat is on Mack Brown

Couldn't believe it, that's pathetic for a school like Texas.
If you woulda told me that even without showing that tweet I woulda took your work for it. If you look at their ground game since Cedric Benson left and it would tell the story.

Not surprising but Mack is still doing alright for himself.
Between that damn song Iron Man posted, and that gif from Ches, some squirrelly dudes followin Pac 9 football. 

Just got told Lyles is on 750am in Portland right now talking to John Canzano...

Found this kinda interesting...

Lyles wants everyone to know that he doesn’t just deal in four and five-star players. That he’s in the business of helping kids get themselves to college programs, sometimes unknowns headed to small colleges. Frequently, Lyles said, he worked without compensation.

Said Lyles: “Who do you think got Oregon State on (running back) Storm Woods?... I gave him to (former Beavers assistant) Reggie Davis. I was the one dealing with Oregon State. And I gave James Rodgers to Laney College (a junior college) who gave him to (offensive coordinator) Danny Langsdorf at Oregon State.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Just got told Lyles is on 750am in Portland right now talking to John Canzano...

Anyone listen?
CP I know you're a sports radio fiend. What'd he say??
Chester, we'll take your pac 10 title from last year after you vacate it. Perfect season, thanks bro.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Logan Thomas is up to 6'6.5, 260 now. ACC DB's and LB's you have been warned.

and like most Vtech QB dude cant throw the ball 10 yards down the field i bet
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