Got a speeding ticket, should I go to court?

Nov 21, 2012
Wussup NT! So I got a speeding ticket in Richmond, VA last month (53 in a 35). My question is what are my chances of going to court and possibly getting the fines reduced or less/no points added to my record. I have a clean record for the most part, maybe a speeding ticket from a couple years ago. I was thinking I could talk to the judge about being unfamiliar with the area (since I am not from there/don't go to school there either). I was lost and did not realize the speed limit decreased on the particular street I was heading towards. Also being a student and in a tough situation to pay this ticket, etc. etc. Any one else been in this situation or have any advice on how to handle myself in traffic court? If they ask how do i plead do I just say guilty and then explain my case or what? Haha i don't just want them to throw me out soon as I say I plead guilty. Also, what are the additional costs (court fees and such) if I go to court and don't win or don't get my fines reduced? 

btw I have been on NT for a while lurking and just to lazy to sign into my account. I didn't just join to post this question lol. but any help is much appreciated
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1) Plead not guilty.

2) Show up to traffic court.

3) Agree to whatever terms the DA rep gives you.

4) City of Richmond profits.

PS - 2 months doesn't count as "lurking for a while".
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My first speeding ticket was in Richmond, VA too. I was doing 45 in a 25 on like a quarter mile of road
. There was no fine amount for me just a summons to court. I went to court, plead guilty and requested driving school. The judge granted it and I only had to go to an 8 hour class and poof, nothing on my record. No points, court costs or even history of that ticket.

I recommend you do the same. No story explaining, just plead guilty and request driving school. In and out.
every time i've gotten a ticket i went to court and it was always lower than the OG ticket including court costs
got a 300 speeding ticket down to 100 by going.

DA, what happened?
me, nothing. I was in traffic, how im speedn? dont know why i got this.
DA, smh. I can do 100. thats it.
me, :smokin

in CT .
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