Got an Interview Monday! I'm EMPLOYED!

Feb 8, 2011
I got an interview monday with this company at their retail store. I really want this job. I've been out of touch with the working world for quite some time due to school, but like I said I really want to land this job :lol: I'm not good with questions on the spot but I'm gonna try to exert confidence and just answer with the best of my abilities. What are some things to expect?? :nerd: Provide me with something like gameshark cheats I need a 100% sure I'll get this :lol: i kid. But my professional NT brethrens help a young'n out.
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First off dress like you are going to interview and not paintball fighting on a Friday. Seen many young people not hired for simply not dressing the part. Bring resume that list skills applicable to the job your interviewing for. If they ask you a question and your unsure of how to respond take a second and think. Speak clearly and remember you got this. Hope u get it man
Also think about each question and then answer. No need to try to answer questions quickly, just give well thought out answers.

Sit up straight

Look the interviewer(s) in the eye when answering questions

Simple stuff like that helps
Wear a suit with a tie if you have one, if not dress shirt with a tie and slacks is fine.

Shake hands firmly.


Make eye contact.

Speak slowly and clearly.

Always have a couple questions about the company for the end.

At the end ask if there is anything else you can provide, or any other questions you can answer for them.

Say thank you and re-iterate how much you want the job.
preciate the info guys! when ya'll are saying "ask them a question" what type of question? I am currently doing research I want to be the one to stand out most among all other interviewees and just somehow during the interview show that I am really enthused and want to work for that company.
:rofl: @ "type 35+ WPM"
:lol: i thought thats something to be proud of. :rolleyes i went to a tech school and upon completion that was one of the few things they said to list on a resume. :smh: the managers who read that probably just be giving the resume a :x face and then :lol:
35 wpm is not the greatest... at least bend the truth a little and say'll look a lot better on your resume.
I'll make an attempt at revising it and will probably bring it along for the interview. Would it look bad if I change my resume but there's already this submitted copy on my applicant profile?
srs. do this in the bathroom before they call you in

View media item 315163

was watching this vid from ted talks suggesting to do powering poses to raise testosterone levels and decrease cortisol(stress) levels

havent had the chance to experiment myself. try it out op
The one question I ALWAYS ask at the end of an interview is something along the lines of: I hope in this interview I gave you a better idea of who I am, but I am curious to know why you(interviewer) are here, what brings you to this job everyday? Where do you find satisfaction in this job?

It's really just a clever question that makes you seem genuinely interested in the job, and even if the interviewer hates his job, he is going to be forced to sell you on the position. In less polished words the question is: why am I applying for this job if you don't even like yours mr. Interviewer.
are objectives on resumes really necessary anymore doe? ive always heard mixed things about it ... seems like it is just there to take up space.

oh yea and pre-game dump
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srs. do this in the bathroom before they call you in

View media item 315163

was watching this vid from ted talks suggesting to do powering poses to raise testosterone levels and decrease cortisol(stress) levels

havent had the chance to experiment myself. try it out op
gotta do it in my car before I get up in there :lol: can't ask to use the restroom then head in for the interview...boss man might think i was doing something weird before the interview :nerd:
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