Guy walks around with handgun and rifle in CALI. Vol. its legal

Originally Posted by AJMasta

He got those cops real good. They tried to run up on him thinking they were gonna snatch him up but instead he made them look like clowns.

that i agree but the cops are going to remember his face and name and little things they would show leinance on, they would make a big deal about with him because of this incident.

i rather save the "i know my rights card" for a situation when their really trying some funny stuff and i know it would help get me outta trouble.
Originally Posted by AJMasta

He got those cops real good. They tried to run up on him thinking they were gonna snatch him up but instead he made them look like clowns.

I admit. It was entertaining to see that 

4,000th post
what is the point of even open carrying? it's not like you can roll around with it loaded and one in there like you can when you conceal it.  so if this fool really had to use it he's going to have to go through the extra steps of loading it.  seems dumb.

all this so you can wear an ar on your back?
Dude is annoying..seems like he was trying to provoke the cops into an argument. I wish they woulda slammed his !*%
I imagine in AZ you can have it loaded. you dont even need a to have a permit to conceal anymore...
It is because of people like this that laws get tougher

sure its protected by the constitution but one must exercise common sense. Just like you don't walk around with your fleshlight around your neck..... you dont do it with guns
He also get a bonus for being white..... my brown !!# would have gotten smoked first then questioned....

but props to him.... the people always have more power!
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Props for him knowing the law.

But am I the only one annoyed at people who seem to purposely do crap like this and record it so they can show their knowledge of the law? Sit down.
he doesn't know %#*+. he speaks like a ##%+#+@ fourth grader who read the bill of rights twice and thinks that he knows how to interpret and apply 
a few of his more idiotic nuggets:

"this is my constitutional"

"i do not consent to searching"

"you don't have reasonable suspicion"

nothing pisses me off more than !#+@%#@%$$%$% who think they know the law, and just start rambling off amendments like it's going out of style

this dude thinks he's doing it, but i guarantee he's a ##%+#+@ loser

!$@$ him

self-defense my %%%
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

It's asinine to even think that what this guy is doing is "normal". He may have a right to carry, but he's an idiot to think that what he's doing is within the confines of normal behavior. 
no different than the ows crowd.  a lot of constitutionally protected weirdos out there.  thats what makes this the best country on the planet.
Originally Posted by AJMasta

He got those cops real good. They tried to run up on him thinking they were gonna snatch him up but instead he made them look like clowns.

Make them look like clowns? Yeah you go with that buddy... at the end of the day, the Cops were doing their job, and who is walking around down the street with a rifle and handgun?

Now YOU tell me who looks like the clown?
I still think there are very few reasons why any normal citizen should have a gun.
Keep your constitutional right talk cause that +*$# can be outdated as hell.
Originally Posted by tyisny

So because he defies the police by being completely in his legal rights he's a douche. He just did to the police what the police do to thousands of people everyday
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Would you honestly feel safe if you were to walk by this dude?  see this dude walking by your kids/family?  by a school? [/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I hate cops like the next black person, HOWEVER, dude's behavior was unnecessary.......He did it to prove a point which was pointless from start[/color]
AZ gun laws > Cali, you can walk around in broad day light in most public places with a loaded firearm as long as you have it's permits and it's visible.

Cops don't even trip when you get pulled over and they see a gun on your passenger seat.

Though there was that time I caught a case because I had some weed (well my dude had some bud on him actually but I digress) and because some other %*#@ that happened that night.....Don't think any of ya'll remember that thread....

But yeah, this dude is clearly being an attention %%%*%. What's the point of him walking around armed to the teeth? I can understand exercising his right to defend himself and the right to bare arms but two pistols and a rifle? Not even loaded (which is stupid, what's the point of carrying them around if you can't have them loaded Cali? AZ you can have them loaded no problem, just can't have one in the chamber).

Real life trolling.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

AZ gun laws > Cali, you can walk around in broad day light in most public places with a loaded firearm as long as you have it's permits and it's visible.

Cops don't even trip when you get pulled over and they see a gun on your passenger seat.

Though there was that time I caught a case because I had some weed (well my dude had some bud on him actually but I digress) and because some other %*#@ that happened that night.....Don't think any of ya'll remember that thread....

But yeah, this dude is clearly being an attention %%%*%. What's the point of him walking around armed to the teeth? I can understand exercising his right to defend himself and the right to bare arms but two pistols and a rifle? Not even loaded (which is stupid, what's the point of carrying them around if you can't have them loaded Cali? AZ you can have them loaded no problem, just can't have one in the chamber).

Real life trolling.

but then you'd have to live in AZ.

and who the hell in their right mind would want to live in that crap hole of a state?
I applaud this man.
A lot of the responses in here are very ignorant, and the majority of NT are only familiar with firearms through COD.
Dont any of you question yourselves as to why you would run or feel uncomfortable if you saw this guy walking down the street with firearms?
Its because of the FEAR thats been instilled in you!! The stigma and stereotypes that are associated with firearms keep law abiding citizens from exercising their rights and having the capability to depend them selves if needed. What the laws are saying, is not to keep innocent people from being killed by guns, but rather people are too stupid to have the ability to carry a weapon for any self defensive or recreational purpose. The laws say that US citizens are incompetent.

I myself am a responsible firearm owner

and it seems now that any US citizen is guilty until proven innocent

If the law was changed country wide and all citizens were allowed to carry openly or concealed, do you think that increase crime????
You may be surprised at the answer


* During the years in which the D.C. handgun ban and trigger lock law was in effect, the Washington, D.C. murder rate averaged 73% higher than it was at the outset of the law, while the U.S. murder rate averaged 11% lower.[37]
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

AZ gun laws > Cali, you can walk around in broad day light in most public places with a loaded firearm as long as you have it's permits and it's visible.

Cops don't even trip when you get pulled over and they see a gun on your passenger seat.

Though there was that time I caught a case because I had some weed (well my dude had some bud on him actually but I digress) and because some other %*#@ that happened that night.....Don't think any of ya'll remember that thread....

But yeah, this dude is clearly being an attention %%%*%. What's the point of him walking around armed to the teeth? I can understand exercising his right to defend himself and the right to bare arms but two pistols and a rifle? Not even loaded (which is stupid, what's the point of carrying them around if you can't have them loaded Cali? AZ you can have them loaded no problem, just can't have one in the chamber).

Real life trolling.

but then you'd have to live in AZ.

and who the hell in their right mind would want to live in that crap hole of a state?
I live in AZ and I like it.  I'm not saying it's the best place to live, but there's plenty of crappier states to live in in my opinion.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

It's asinine to even think that what this guy is doing is "normal". He may have a right to carry, but he's an idiot to think that what he's doing is within the confines of normal behavior. 
no different than the ows crowd.  a lot of constitutionally protected weirdos out there.  thats what makes this the best country on the planet.
VERY DIFFERENT than the OWS Crowd. If you can't tell the difference between non-violent protest and some nut walking around with assault weapons strapped to his back, then I don't know what to tell you. 

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

I hate cocky sons of @%$@$#$ like this fool. As a regular person I wouldn't be comfortable with any fool walking around my neighborhood with 2 exposed pistols and an assault carbine, whether it's loaded or not. The point is nobody knows if this guy is a normal person or a crazy deranged ahole ready to shoot at any moving thing he sees fit.

It's asinine to even think that what this guy is doing is "normal". He may have a right to carry, but he's an idiot to think that what he's doing is within the confines of normal behavior. 

couldn't the same be said about cops?

what makes them more special than us?

i understand what you're saying, that this dude is doing it more for attention than anything but.. you can apply the "deranged ahole" to cops also and they can carry with no problems.
Cops have badges man. And whether you and I agree to it or not, that badge signifies that they've been trained to a level that is satisfactory to society and have earned the right to carry based on the their responsibility to uphold the law and  protect society. I understand there may be instances where a cop might abuse this power but for every one of these instances, I can show you 5 instances where an armed citizen opens fire on innocent people with their firearm...
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