"Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

To all the people who want responses, I will answer all of your questions in about 2 days, after my exams are over until then plz bear w/ me lol. 

theres' too much to respond to all at once
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which was revealed 1400 years ago, does have a precise description of the developing Embryo....

His textbook is used as a standard textbook in medical schools across the United States and world. 

I'm telling you guys, the Quran is 100% the word of God and it does not contain conflicts with scientific discoveries.

Who's to say that someone from an advanced race far away on another planet didn't come to Earth a couple thousand years ago & described how an Embryo forms and other knowledge? And in turn these indigenous people worshiped them like a God and described it in writings like the Quran? Maybe that's how most of these religions came to be?...

Now I'm not saying this is true, but its a possibility and one reason why I don't have a blind faith in religion like other people...
Exactly why I'm agnostic. Who the hell knows. Most times dudes will argue with the most ridiculous logic.

You can't prove it, and can't argue with anyone about it as everyone always feels their religion is the one true religion.

I just try to avoid the topic all-together.
Same here bruh. I hate talking about religion cuz it always leads to someone ******** on someone else's beliefs and suggesting they're an idiot.

No one knows the whole truth and if someone does they're not coming forward with solid proof. You don't have to agree with someone's beliefs but don't belittle them.
Who's to say that someone from an advanced race far away on another planet didn't come to Earth a couple thousand years ago & described how an Embryo forms and other knowledge? And in turn these indigenous people worshiped them like a God and described it in writings like the Quran? Maybe that's how most of these religions came to be?...

Now I'm not saying this is true, but its a possibility and one reason why I don't have a blind faith in religion like other people...
This is coming from someone who has clearly never read the quran. 

The quran is a miracle in many different ways - including it's linguistic perfection

Believe me, if you engaged the Quran and read it, you would be humbled by it... Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world for a reason. 

Islam is the one religion that will make sense of the modern world, give an accurate - non conflicting depiction of the past and provide verifiable facts about God (rather than myths such as the trinity etc.) 
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"Time travel" and "scouring the galaxy for earth like planets" so we can mess those things up too... All I'm being is realistic. I'm not saying dont research it but I do not expect "time trave" in my lifetime.

"Muhammad is the most influential man in history" 

Written by an academic, hard to refute the reasons why. 

It's all linked homie - the quran's scientific miracles, it's linguistic perfection, it's beauty... the character of Muhammad, they're hard to refute for someone who actually has knowledge about them. You can see for yourself how academics discuss Muhammad and i've already posted videos of scientists who have talked a little bit about the science within the quran 


This is coming from someone who has clearly never read the quran. 

The quran is a miracle in many different ways - including it's linguistic perfection

Believe me, if you engaged the Quran and read it, you would be humbled by it... Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world for a reason. 

Islam is the one religion that will make sense of the modern world, give an accurate - non conflicting depiction of the past and provide verifiable facts about God (rather than myths such as the trinity etc.) 

Can you show us some examples word-for-word out of the Quran that provide these"verifiable" facts of "God"?
Can you show us some examples word-for-word out of the Quran that provide these"verifiable" facts of "God"?
Answer my post/questions from the previous page too Tizzle if you can. Lies, talking about you got exams, you're probably chilling on Spring Break 
. Just playing haha. But I am curious as to your opinions on what I said. 

And I don't know if you guys noticed, this thread is ruined. 
I watched the 2 vids, and looked up the supposed verses that outline embyrology and I'm not impressed.  I mentioned earlier many civilizations had knowledge of human form including the fetus. The Ancient greek had many detailed drawings of human anatomy, many of which are still accurate and applicable to today's knowledge of anatomy. The few verses i read from the Quran seem very vague.

"Then out of a piece of chewed flesh, partly formed and partly unformed."

This part of Sura 22:5 seems to indicate that the embryo is composed of both differentiated and undifferentiated tissues.

NOTHING absolutely nothing about this indicates to me that they had knowledge of the genetics and biomolecular mechanisms that govern human development. It sounds like a scientist who is partial to Islam found a way to extrapolate very basic knowledge of embryology to extremely vague verses in the Quran. And if they had extensive knowledge of this I expect more than 10 lines in the Quran about it.  Not enough detail, not enough specificity, way too vague.

"And We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term."

This next part of Sura 22:5 seems to imply that God determines which embryos will remain in the uterus until full term. It is well known that many embryos abort during the first month of development, and that only about 30% of zygotes that form, develop into fetuses that survive until birth. This verse has also been interpreted to mean that God determines whether the embryo will develop into a boy or girl.

Perhaps you're right... but keep in mind the Quran is an arabic text - it cannot be 100% translated to english

your refutations are valid, perhaps even true, I wish I knew arabic well enough to analyze the verses... I'm interested in analyzing these verses more, but it will require studying arabic and historical/thematic contextual analysis. If you are interested in getting into this discussion further - when I finish the semester up, I'm down to get more answers for you and have a real academic discussion about this stuff perhaps via email or something

and i'm not intersted in posting arguments that are invalid because of my bias... I want to be able to discuss this in a way that is 100% unbiased and academic. 
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intredasting video that addresses a lot of what people be talking about...


more in depth from Dr. Michio Kaku's lecture, entitled "Contact from Outer Space"...with an awesome gray animation 

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intredasting video that addresses a lot of what people be talking about...


more in depth...

Kaku goes in depth about the potential technology present in type 0-3 civilizations in his book Physics of the Impossible. Good read I highly recommend it.

For those with an open mind I also recommend watching the UFO Disclosure Hearing that happened last month if I recall. A lot of high up government officials giving their take and knowledge on ET's, not random dudes who say they've been probed.

To add to the religion debate I would say I believe in Truth. I don't want his-story, myths, retold stories from flawed books. Etc. No matter how ugly it is I want the legit 100% accurate truth which is why I try to keep an open mind and listen to every interpretation of our existence.

I feel like if the truth is out there no one is going to do all the work and tell you, you yourself have to actively go out and seek it.
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You're on the internet on a website about shoes, you're in no place to talk about wasting money. You want a crazy invention where you can talk to humans across a screen instantly? How does that help you?

WOW.......again if we all thought like you we'd still be living in pre-historic times. We should fund something as incredible as time travel because you're not imaginative enough to know how that type of technology may change the humanity for good. Coming from the guy sending messages over something invented by scientists that by your thought process is actually pretty damn useless as well.
sometimes you don't know the application of something until you actually apply it.. A great example is the internet.. when the internet was first made.. people opposed the idea of sharing information worldwide (which is why there www.) now you we all know that was wrong.. 

Just because YOU can't see the application of something doesnt mean its a waste of time/money.. 
I mean at some point Islamic people regressed and other civilizations picked up the slack. And there were some civs that made equally impressive discoveries eg. African, South America, Asian before the Middle East became the center of knowledge. There were great civilizations with equally impressive discoveries that preceded and then obviously followed the middle east, my point is I don't think Islamic civs are unique or more impressive than others.

Chinese civilization had an equally impressive catalog in the study of the stars, chemistry, medicine, math etc etc.
Yo maybe I'm wrong, but isn't Fraiji basically saying a possible reason for the regression was due to the shift into religious belief, which hindered scientific pursuit? I don't think he's saying the reason for scientific knowledge was due to the religion? 
Initially I was making an open statement, I really wasn't arguing either side of what you mentioned, I pointed out that the Islamic center not long after the Quran was written in the 600's AD, was enthralled in a "golden age" of science/math/astronomy.  I was giving credit to the region while trying to humble the statement that "the Quran is 100% the word of God".

But since you bring it up, allegedly a large influence in what brought this golden age to a crash around 1100 AD was Imam  Hamid Al-Ghazali who related mathematics the work of the devil... After this, (to quote NDT) "Revelation replaced investigation".
LOL, you know I posted that line sarcastically. I was using the internet as an example of something people weren't sure of its application, basically calling some people in here hypocrites.
my bad.. i was skimming and saw that.. proceed.
Initially I was making an open statement, I really wasn't arguing either side of what you mentioned, I pointed out that the Islamic center not long after the Quran was written in the 600's AD, was enthralled in a "golden age" of science/math/astronomy.  I was giving credit to the region while trying to humble the statement that "the Quran is 100% the word of God".

But since you bring it up, allegedly a large influence in what brought this golden age to a crash around 1100 AD was Imam Hamid Al-Ghazali who related mathematics the work of the devil... After this, (to quote NDT) "Revelation replaced investigation".

To answer the other dudes question, I wasn't asserting that YOU think their scientific discoveries were due to religion I am just saying that Islamic civilization isn't special. There have been other equally impressive civilizations.

I've heard that the fall of Islamic golden age of math and science is actually linked to an increase in religiosity and the desire to spread Islam to other parts of the world.

I second this post.
To answer the other dudes question, I wasn't asserting that YOU think their scientific discoveries were due to religion I am just saying that Islamic civilization isn't special. There have been other equally impressive civilizations.

I've heard that the fall of Islamic golden age of math and science is actually linked to an increase in religiosity and the desire to spread Islam to other parts of the world.

You're absolouely right.
To answer the other dudes question, I wasn't asserting that YOU think their scientific discoveries were due to religion I am just saying that Islamic civilization isn't special. There have been other equally impressive civilizations.

I've heard that the fall of Islamic golden age of math and science is actually linked to an increase in religiosity and the desire to spread Islam to other parts of the world.
I don't think I was asking a question haha, but yea I definitely get you and agree. Maybe I wasn't that clear. 

But even with this statement, none of that matters to me at least. It can always be argued that the interpretation of religion by humans is what messed up scientific discovery at that time, not the religion itself. The religion doesn't specifically teach that or what not. 

What matters/interests me more, is claims of like scientific evidence that prove these texts were possibly word of god. That's what I like to really break down/question because IMO there's so much flaws in them. Ultimately, I can't get down with anything that tries to segregate people. By saying if you don't believe this you damned, that's separating people in my mind, and it's just terrible. 

And I don't know what Mohammad being the most influential person has to do with anything. So he's influential? Muslims in my experiences are the most religious people for some reason and really stick to the book. Doesn't mean anything to me at least. 

@Tizzle  still has to answer my questions from the previous page, but I understand you're busy, take your time. 
"Muhammad is the most influential man in history" 
Written by an academic, hard to refute the reasons why. 

It's all linked homie - the quran's scientific miracles, it's linguistic perfection, it's beauty... the character of Muhammad, they're hard to refute for someone who actually has knowledge about them. You can see for yourself how academics discuss Muhammad and i've already posted videos of scientists who have talked a little bit about the science within the quran 



Muhammad is no different than Joseph Smith Jr.

Both convinced people to believe in their nonsense.
What a ******* waste of money :smh:

i agree
some of the the most potentially gifted minds in our world comply with looking down the wrong path

breaking news: nasa says there may be a possibility we don't know ish - update to come in 20 years
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Muhammad is no different than Joseph Smith Jr.

Both convinced people to believe in their nonsense.
If you disagree with people's views that's fine, but don't be disrespectful.. 

there are over a billion people on this planet that believe in his "nonsense".   
Muhammad is no different than Joseph Smith Jr.

Both convinced people to believe in their nonsense.
If you disagree with people's views that's fine, but don't be disrespectful.. 

there are over a billion people on this planet that believe in his "nonsense".   

Not understanding how this was disrespectful at all. Speaking for general atheistic people, any type of religious rhetoric (regardless of sect) is nonsensical to us.
If you disagree with people's views that's fine, but don't be disrespectful.. 

there are over a billion people on this planet that believe in his "nonsense".   

You underestimate the power of stupidity in large numbers. The fact that a majority believes something should never be used as a lithmus test of for its validity. A majority of people used to think black people were animals in this country. Hitler was able to convince a majority that the Jews should be exterminated. I'm just saying that's not a very good angle to take.

Stem cell research :smh:

Religion and warfare, the two biggest problems of humanity in my opinion.
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