Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

i'm not riding for anyone, it's dangerous and irresponsible to spread things like this without proof, screenshots of anonymous post online
isn't enough to brand someone a child molester. It's funny how some people will doubt or make excuses when you have actual humans coming forward
but lap up a series of screenshots with nothing concrete behind them.
The ****?

I can remember being with my little sister and bro watching this show less than a decade ago. It's crazy that this was happening this recently.

I'm a strong believer of where there's smoke there's fire.

In Scheneider is really innocent...then he's innocent. **** does it matter if people "suspect" of him of somthing. It's the internet. There's always going to be people trying to put 2 and 2 together.

**** there was chatter of Kevin Spacey being a creep long before the "actual proof" came out.
can seemingly made up stories on the web really be considered "smoke" though?
can seemingly made up stories on the web really be considered "smoke" though?

Being that smoke simply means "speculation"...and that can happen on or offline...yes. In this case...the speculation isn't all "made-up" stories. Alot of it is ACTUAL scenes that exist...and people pointing out eyebrow raising things. It's up to the viewer to cast judgment on what they're seeing.

I don't need the internet to watch some of those scenes and determine that something may be a lil off.
as someone who grew up on those shows i always found the feet and the innuendo to be odd being that their shows are for kids

at first it was silly stuff like megan calling drake and josh "boobs" but i def noticed he had an obsession with feet and awkward sexual innuendo around the time iCarly and especially Victorious came out.

Being that smoke simply means "speculation"...and that can happen on or offline...yes. In this case...the speculation isn't all "made-up" stories. Alot of it is ACTUAL scenes that exist...and people pointing out eyebrow raising things. It's up to the viewer to cast judgment on what they're seeing.

I don't need the internet to watch some of those scenes and determine that something may be a lil off.

when it comes to something as serious as this? We can all speculate about someone doesn't mean it's "smoke".
I think the speculation could stem from a host of other
factors surrounding this guy. All i'm saying is don't put too much stock in stuff like this.
You know who else might come forward?
Folks that had to do "wild stuff" when attempting to join frats/sorors
Them dudes might wanna keep that info lol you do something strange to be a gamma man that's on you.

I think the spartans and a lot of the greeks regularly had sex with boys.
I remember watching the show Spartacus and they would show these pedo parties. They wouldn't show anything crazy but you knew what it was.
Corey Feldman said it A LOT of kids that go through this. They be having parties with pedos and kids, that's the same type of **** they was doing in Rome and all through Europe. It's always been part of European culture.

You may want to pick up a book because this is still going on today in the Middle east and Africa. Kids are being sold off and forced into marriages. Also check out "The dancing boys of Afghanistan"





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You stay deflecting. lol Historically and now this stuff way more rampant amongst Europeans.

Defending a dirtball like Sheen

Then say you got touched but don't wanna say, so why even bring that up you weirdo

Plus his mans lookin and sounding kinda zesty
Sulu strikes back

“Friends, I’m writing to respond to the accusations made by Scott R. Bruton,” Takei tweeted Saturday. “The events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now. I have wracked my brain to ask if I remember Mr. Brunton, and I cannot say I do.

“But I do take these claims very seriously,” Takei continued, “and I wanted to provide my response thoughtfully and not out of the moment. Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that nonconsensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful.”

“Brad, who is 100 percent beside me on this, as my life partner of more than 30 years and now my husband, stands fully by my side,” he concluded. I cannot tell you how vital it has been to have his unwavering support and love in these difficult times. Thanks to many of you for all the kind words and trust. It means so much to us.”

You're wrong but if that makes you feel better than believe what you want.
You deflect from white drug dealers and users now you deflecting from white sickos. Nobody is saying ONLY white people do this stuff but it's rampant in white culture. Stop tryna shift the attention to other groups. That's probably why this stuff keeps happening.

America ignores white terrorism, shows sympathy to the drug problem in white communities. Been protecting all these Hollywood pedos for decades. These chickens coming home roost
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