has anyone on #NT ever used monster.com careerbuilder.com?

Dec 31, 2009
I am currently looking for a new job. I have a profile on both of these sites and have sent out my resume to tons of employers. I have a good resume and I am sending it out to  new jobs that get posted to these sites daily. It is obviously a bit different then the normal hiring process. For example most listings on these sites don't provide a phone number of the employer so you can't follow up with them.  I've always felt it is important to follow up after with a employer after a application is submitted.  Does anyone on here have success stories from any of these sites or ones similar? any suggestions?
I found my current job on careerbuilder.com.

You arent able to follow up or anything most of the time but what I did was just applied for every job, even if I wasn't qualified and ended up getting a few call backs.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I found my current job on careerbuilder.com.

You arent able to follow up or anything most of the time but what I did was just applied for every job, even if I wasn't qualified and ended up getting a few call backs.

Good luck!
appreciate it katie
Monster.com sucked, for the most part with what I wanted to do.  Linkedin.com was pretty useless as well. Never used careerbuilder, however.

After I realized that, I stuck strictly to actual company websites' job listings, mediabistro.com, and entertainmentcareers.net.

Good luck
And never under estimate the power of craigslist.com either. I got a job offer from a company on there. You just have to get passed all of the adult film opportunities on there
yea i've had success with both (gotten interviews and got a job). I think it's better to fax your resume or go to the company's website and complete their app/ get their fax number and see available positions. good luck my man.
I've heard careerbuilder has worked for some. Also Craigslist has lots of posting and I got my current job from there. Also, many people I know recommend campuspoint which you can use if you a college student or recent grad.
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