HBO Michael Jackson doc 'Leaving Neverland'

Same story over and over from different accusers years apart.
Workers from the ranch with eye witness accounts that backed up the accusers memories how it all went down.
And this accusations got shut down.

I actually don’t care about any of this but decided to take time to watch the documentary and rebuttal videos.

If you have time to watch a 4 hour bias documentary against MJ, spend an hour listening to these:

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I hate that Michael’s legacy has to go through this. I honestly don’t believe he molested no kids. Everything that has been said has been pure speculation without any substantial proof to back it up. With R. Kelly, it’s different because this dude was out here flagrant scooping up teenage girls at the high schools of Chicago and was on Video Soul with a 15 year old Aaliyah wearing matching outfits on Video Soul. Michael seemed like a very generous and kind person, and i see him as a easy target for people to bully him into paying up for them not to sully his name. I also think these dudes involved in Finding Neverland are full of ish. I find it funny Oprah has this witch-hunt against Michael Jackson who isn’t even here to defend himself but is friends with Harvey Weinstein, who’s at the core nucleus of this Me Too movement and remains untouched.
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Because he was "Michael Jackson", some folks will always believe it's just impossible that he would be capable of doing something like child molestation. This the same dude that was dangling a baby out of a window. Behind the stardom, he's just a regular human being.
With R. Kelly, it’s different because this dude was out here flagrant scooping up teenage girls at the high schools of Chicago and was on Video Soul with a 15 year old Aaliyah wearing matching outfits on Video Soul.

How is R. Kelly wearing matching outfits with a 15 year old Aaliyah worse than MJ having sleepovers with 8 year olds in his alarm rigged mansion? :lol:

It's okay when her people do it :mjpls:

This is possibly not a national talking point, but, damn it, it should be. According to a certain article in a Sunday Times supplement magazine last weekend, "British Jewishness has suddenly become a hip cultural talking point." Oh thank you, Sunday Times, for the validation!

"Put it down to a search for exoticism," the magazine suggested. Ah yes – "exoticism". We Jews really are so very Other, what with spooky voodoo ways and our foreign accents. "[Or] maybe it's the attraction of the monetary rewards connected with being Jewish, but today's celebrities are less shy about talking about their roots." You whatty the what? Hey, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen and Philip Roth – when was it that prominent Jews last hid their faith? 1945, perhaps? And as for "the monetary rewards connected with being Jewish", I cannot deny it, we Jews do hoard our shekels. We gaze upon them adoringly while we rub our hands with Shylockian glee.

"'There's not as much stigma attached to being Jewish as there used to be,'" some talking head added, apparently just having woken up from a nap that began in 1937. Sadly, I couldn't read the rest of the article as my giant hooked nose blocked my view, but I think we all get the picture.

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