HBO: The Last of Us (Season 2 is a go)...Sundays @ 9PM EST...Pedro Pascal&Bella Ramsey=Joel&Ellie...NO SPOILERS IF YOU'VE PLAYED THE GAMES

Somehow amc is still relying on that corpse of a property twd. They have like 5 spinoff shows and movies even though people stopped watching the main show that was dog crap.
Yeah. No Pedro/Joel = No show. This ain’t a Ned Stark deal with dozens of characters who can carry the show after.

Forget the videogame fans, the tv show one for this will burn down HBO studios if that happens:lol:

Game 1 spoiler

This will be like Ned to people though, maybe worse
I wonder if they’ll continue with the theme of killing off a character every episode

Seems like they’re following a formula of having someone give an exceptional performance cameo and then killing them off

I thoroughly enjoyed nico Parker in ep 1, torv in ep 2 and then offerman and Barrett in ep 3
I can’t deal with this show man lol

They’re putting me through it every episode

I predicted they’d die but just when I thought they’d break the pattern….


Great show

My only gripe is the big steroid infected dude. Seemed cheesy as hell and unnecessary lol
My only gripe is the big steroid infected dude. Seemed cheesy as hell and unnecessary lol
Some backstory in-show would have been helpful but tl;dr - some infected manage to live for so long that the fungus completely engulfs their bodies and hardens to the point they basically have armor plating. There's more to it obvs, but they're super soilders and very difficult to kill in-game.
Also [puts on flamesuit] I think they really ought to consider casting Elliot Page as grown up Ellie in S2 given the what happened between him and the creators/game developers.

Nah, we are good.

Bella & Pedro are tremendous castings for Joel & Ellie.
As long as those characters are present, they deserve to be those characters.
The only complaint people have with Bella is she doesn't look like Ellie from TLOU but she has nailed eveything else. Spectacular acting.
It needs no change at all.

Dude was like a super evil version of groot

I am glad they killed off that leader of the resistance

She’s a terrible actress and her lines were so bad

I never bought into her, they could have found a much better fit
I felt both endings had their impact... the cut-to-black will always hit you hard cuz of how unexpected it was at the time.
But seeing Ellie's reaction and her gasp of shock also had it's effect. That's more about Bella's acting and nailing that reaction.

Facts. :emoji_100:

you guys really need to stick to talking about the game in the game thread or wait for that part of the game to be in the show

Please be kind to the people who haven't played the game.
If you are going to do it, use spoilers tags everyone.

Great episode. Has been a great ride so far.
The little clicker was great too.

Agree too, her whining *** voice and demeanor made it very difficult to take her serious as an authoritarian leader.

Two days later and I'm still laughing @ "Simone Biles clicker" tho
Good interview.
Has some talk about the potential Season 2 outlook (no spoilers) for those of you talking about it on the last page.

Agree too, her whining *** voice and demeanor made it very difficult to take her serious as an authoritarian leader.

Two days later and I'm still laughing @ "Simone Biles clicker" tho
She reminded me of Ashley from Hardcore Pawn
Really liked what they did with Henry & Sam. They have really done a good job with the deviations.

I’ve never really been in possession of THIS level of spoilers before. Its interesting to watch the people who have not played the game react to stuff that I know is gonna happen, and also my reaction to it. It still hits. I also love how I can go read up on people’s comments on the show without fear. I can’t think of a time I’ve ever been able to do this.
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I’ve never really been in possession of THIS level of spoilers before. Its interesting to watch the people who have not played the game react to stuff that I know is gonna happen, and also my reaction to it. It still hits. I also love how I can go read up on people’s comments on the show without fear. I can’t think of a time I’ve ever been able to do this.
Yeah, I find this aspect of it to be quite fascinating. I know a few who have never played the game and have very limited knowledge of it... and to see their reaction to it all is pretty interesting. I imagine it's a little like ppl who have read the GoT books or TWD comics.
Spoilers have never bothered me..

for me it’s always about the execution of the thing.. there is always a flaw of the thing isnt properly done well and thus works without the shock factor

shhh to me it should be better once you know what’s going happen

for example, fight club.. once you know what is happening you can go back and watch little things that are happening to see the level of detail.. like the car crash scene, where the guys start looking at each other in the back seat because it’s a guy talking to himself and yelling at himself
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