HBO's "GIRLS" Vol. "That Was Way Harsh, Tai"...

took me a while to figure out who that "business man" was.

but when he got started with the jokes, I knew it was Mike Birbiglia.
dude is hilarious, lmfao
Originally Posted by Antidope

Where was Shoshanna?

Probably fiendin for a rock somewhere
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

took me a while to figure out who that "business man" was.

but when he got started with the jokes, I knew it was Mike Birbiglia.
dude is hilarious, lmfao
I think that was Chris O'dowd the cop from Bridesmaids.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

took me a while to figure out who that "business man" was.

but when he got started with the jokes, I knew it was Mike Birbiglia.
dude is hilarious, lmfao
I think that was Chris O'dowd the cop from Bridesmaids.
 @ myself

 that's who that was

but Mike was in ep 2, maybe that's what confused me 
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Either you guys work for HBO... or you just trolling the hell out of us in this thread 
I'm saying. My original comment still stands.
Utter trash.

it's watchable but pretty dumb show. Way too hipster for my blood. Feel like if i get too into it I'll end up trading in my car for a retro bicycle
Pretty funny episode.

Adam continues to be one of the most interesting characters on TV. In a good contrast to how Hannah is an awful friend, when Marnie was complaining he actually seemed to care and want to help. Then "Yo skank, where you at? Gettin that $+%%@ pounded? It's my sister" was the line of the episode
And later it was said "He was taking a @!%+ and drinking milk at the same time, and he just stared at me" He looked absolutely insane when he surprised Hannah in the shower then when he peed on her followed by the comment "It doesn't make sense to get out now, there's pee on you".
The show brought up the point, is he some great thinker or is he just weird? It's definitely both and I never know what to expect.

A good episode for Jessa and Marnie too. The guy's freakout over the wine and being excluded from the threesome was pretty bizarre and funny.

Jessa looked decent this episode.. but still eh.

Adam in the shower

He's a great character.
It was worth staying with this show for this episode.
Everything. I loved every single scene.

That was the funniest +#*$ I've seen in a minute. So unexpected.
I'm loving the fact that I can openly laugh at this show.
how rich white women say exactly the opposite of what they mean, hoping deep down inside that someone would pick up on it and feel upset.

sometimes I see people like this and I need to hold it in.
She's a writer or co-writer on every episode I think, and she's directed half of them.

Decent episode. A fight between Marnie and Hannah made sense because Hannah's selfishness was getting tiring without any consequences. Adam continues to be one of the best characters on TV... him coming in, grabbing the mayo jar, going into the bedroom, then saying "don't come in for ten minutes"

The wife's speech to Jessa seemed a little inorganic but I see it's purpose to drive her story.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Lena Dunham (
 /ˈlinəˈdʌnəm/ lee-nə dun-um; born May 13, 1986) is an American filmmaker and actress.[sup][1][/sup] She directed the independent film Tiny Furniture (2010), and is the creator and star of the HBO series Girls.

never knew she was also the creator of the show 

Yea when I found out the show is all hers I wasn't surprised one bit... She owns the hell out of her part and plays it effortlessly.
the whole Jessa running from her true self was so obvious

i wish they would stop showing Hannah naked
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

the whole Jessa running from her true self was so obvious

i wish they would stop showing Hannah naked

YES!  this girls self esteem must be through the roof.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

meh, again ep needs less Hannah and more shoshanna.
THIS MAN KNOWS. Why has Shoshanna not gotten her own episode yet? 
Started watching the show last night...all caught up. I think it's great, legit it
I guess what makes it better is knowing girls like them
Shoshana is on Mad Men if anyone hadn't noticed
Her and Marnie

A Shoshanna focused episode would be pretty funny
Adam is wild...we need a gif when he stops bike and when he surprises her in the shower, those can be used a lot
The trash bags comment

Jessa getting married

Adam really grew on me I didn't like him at first.
Shoshanna finally got it.
Marnie getting with that fat dude

Season 2 just got done filming today.
If I had to describe this episode in one word it would be ridiculous.
Jessa getting married

This episode made me hate Hannah and feel sorry for her at the end.

Marnie looked
, I really thought she was going to end up with Charlie the guy she ended up with was a hilarious twist.

Someone needs to make a gif of Marnie dancing after Jessa kissed that creepy dude

I have a feeling that theyre going to make her change now and I dont want to see it happen.
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