Here's a thankless job that DESERVES every dollar of your tip....

Nope, I do tip, no argument there, but if I go to a restaurant and the server is garbage they'll get zero dollars and 2 cents as a tip. Won't think twice about it. I don't tip because I have to, I do so when it's earned
And if you eat at a place and get the same garbage service 2 or 3 times that then causes you to give a 2 cent tip, then I hope you don't continue eating at a place like that, and find somewhere that leaves both you and your server happy.
Or just pay for the food and don't leave a tip for the ****** server(s).
Just read the most cheapskate post by an NTer who is part of the no tipping contingent here.

Seriously, don't get how a bunch of cheap ***** wound up on a forum for overpriced shoes :lol:
Because as I said, the word cheap simply is what people use on someone that doesn't have the same, spending priority lists as them. The person that buys expensive shoes might not see the issue in spending $ on shoes but they might not be someone that tips. Diego sees that person and calls them cheap. Why? Because they don't tip. I see that person as NOT cheap. Why? Because they spend $$$ on expensive shoes.

So it depends on what the potential product is and when the person observes your spending habits.

EVERYONE spends their money on SOMETHING someone else would call dumb.
EVERYONE refuses to spend their money on SOMETHING that someone else would call cheap.

I could see Diego refusing to buy a wrestling mask and call him cheap for that.

It is all perspective

You couldn't be more wrong here.

It's nothing to do with perspective. It's just those people are about the end product selfishly for themselves. They are willing to be cheap ***** when by de jure are given an opportunity to and take advantage of the law and other people to get what they want.
servers usually earn a good tip from me by default depending on who im with.  for some reason all the females i eat out with make servers go above and beyond asking for recommendations, opinions on different dishes, etc.  stop testing the poor waiter/waitresses knowledge of the menu and make up your mind.
Or just pay for the food and don't leave a tip for the ****** server(s).

Right??? You guys really go "o I got bad service there once a couple years and so we can never go there again even though I like it"? Pathetic


Certified lame mentality.

So you continue going somewhere where you're bothered by the unacceptable level of service, and then are expecting to leave a **** tip and leave your server unhappy.

Once again, instead of being a ***** hiding under a veil where you're acting like you're going to tip, let your server know the deal like hey I've been here a few times and enjoy the food blah blah but I've had bad experiences with this service that's caused me to leave bad/no tips.

You dudes need to man up. Instead you just hide under a veil that tipping customers receiving the same level of service as you pay for you to have.
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Your point of view is beyond one sided. What about ****** servers who provide less than acceptable service, are they in your words 'tak[ing] advantage of the law?" Are you willing to admit that poor service even exists? You act like every server out here is busting their butts. Plenty do the bare minimum if that. Would you still be on your moral high horse about right and wrong and how to treat people when those same servers admit to tampering with consumers' food or purposely messing up their hair, dinging their car, etc.?

A dude could go to Ruth Chris, drop 2 bills on 2 :nerd:z steaks, 2 baked potatoes, 2 side salads, and 2 lemonades and you'd call him cheap if he didn't tip $40 or more. Obviously he is not cheap, he just paid like 1000% markup.
Just read the most cheapskate post by an NTer who is part of the no tipping contingent here.

Seriously, don't get how a bunch of cheap ***** wound up on a forum for overpriced shoes
Because as I said, the word cheap simply is what people use on someone that doesn't have the same, spending priority lists as them. The person that buys expensive shoes might not see the issue in spending $ on shoes but they might not be someone that tips. Diego sees that person and calls them cheap. Why? Because they don't tip. I see that person as NOT cheap. Why? Because they spend $$$ on expensive shoes.

So it depends on what the potential product is and when the person observes your spending habits.

EVERYONE spends their money on SOMETHING someone else would call dumb.
EVERYONE refuses to spend their money on SOMETHING that someone else would call cheap.

I could see Diego refusing to buy a wrestling mask and call him cheap for that.

It is all perspective
You couldn't be more wrong here.

It's nothing to do with perspective. It's just those people are about the end product selfishly for themselves. They are willing to be cheap ***** when by de jure are given an opportunity to and take advantage of the law and other people to get what they want.
You really feel some type of way about non-tippers

***** using words that ain't even in the english dictionary the boy so rustled. Sentences making no damn sense.

Certified lame mentality.

So you continue going somewhere where you're bothered by the unacceptable level of service, and then are expecting to leave a **** tip and leave your server unhappy.

Once again, instead of being a ***** hiding under a veil where you're acting like you're going to tip, let your server know the deal like hey I've been here a few times and enjoy the food blah blah but I've had bad experiences with this service that's caused me to leave bad/no tips.

You dudes need to man up. Instead you just hide under a veil that tipping customers receiving the same level of service as you pay for you to have.
looks like you've been taught something in here and now youre knee deep in emotion. everything you just said reeks of anger and nonsense. get it together buddy
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Then you're not who my posts were directed toward, but the term garbage is subjective. Like I hope you're not walking into every place expecting top notch service though. And if you eat at a place and get the same garbage service 2 or 3 times that then causes you to give a 2 cent tip, then I hope you don't continue eating at a place like that, and find somewhere that makes both you and your server happy.

No sense going back and forth to come up with what is acceptable service so I'll just say that I'm a very nice guy and you've got to really F things up. Forget orders, never come to refill, bring appetizers in with the main course :x, horrible attitude ect.

The rest of what you said doesn't even make sense. You get the same sever all the time? I'm on a pretty good diet so when I do eat out its months between times if even that. Why should I not go there anymore if one time months ago some little girl gave me horrible service? If I want to eat there again I will. Everything I get get good service I'll tip, when I get an exceptionally crapoy server I'll leave pennies so they know it wasn't a mistake.

And again, this isn't even what this thread is about. People are talking about tipping every grown adult with a low paying job. I'm pretty sure most of the people arguing didn't even read the thread

I don't recall this thread being about tipping every low paying adult.
It started off with tipping the Spanish cats drying your vehicle (which I fully support), went to the usual tipping in general type of convo with the usual suspects on both sides of the argument. Then non tippers hung on to the bathroom man tipping subject (which I don't support unless I get gum off him or he directs me to the weed man).

When I go to a restaurant whoever serves me is getting 20%. The server can **** up and work their way down from there (rarely ever happens) or the server can be really good or she can have some wild sexy toes and potentially work her way up from there.

The way I see it, when you go to any dining establishment where servers work on tips, you are making a social contract by even walking into this establishment. Part of that contract is that you will leave anywhere from 15-20 percent in tip.
I will not call you cheap for leaving 15%. I will not call you cheap if you weren't happy with your service and left 12%. I won't even call you cheap if you have no change and you end up leaving 10%.
But when cats get on NT and talk about all the reasons why they don't believe in tipping and how people need to go to school or find a different job, I will call you cheap. Dudes go off on all these tangents about the cost should be imposed on the employer and not the customer, hiding behind all this pseudo intellectual **** then you are cheap, b.

If you don't want the burden of the 20% for some server that you feel doesn't deserve it and you decide to eat at home...I have no business calling you cheap.
You are conscious about your spending habits and I have nothing but respect for that.
Your point of view is beyond one sided. What about ****** servers who provide less than acceptable service, are they in your words 'tak[ing] advantage of the law?" Are you willing to admit that poor service even exists? You act like every server out here is busting their butts. Plenty do the bare minimum if that. Would you still be on your moral high horse about right and wrong and how to treat people when those same servers admit to tampering with consumers' food or purposely messing up their hair, dinging their car, etc.?

A dude could go to Ruth Chris, drop 2 bills on 2 :nerd:z steaks, 2 baked potatoes, 2 side salads, and 2 lemonades and you'd call him cheap if he didn't tip $40 or more. Obviously he is not cheap, he just paid like 1000% markup.

First off, you're cheap as ****. Saw your post for resident playboy Fontaine wanting to go to NY, and it was all about being cheap. Like my man was talking about K Mart and taking a bus to outlets in Long Island when homie is trying to mack and experience NYC.

And idk why I'm entertaining you.

"Yes, every single waiter on the planet is great at their job."

"Yes, it's ok to spit in people's food!"

And maybe we can replace the word cheap more with the worlds selfish/inconsiderate if people aren't tipping accordingly percentage-wise while receiving what most would deem the norm level of service for their price range.

And son you're really talking about mark up, in a restaurant :lol:. Like brah you're literally just looking at the raw materials (no pun) being used and not factoring the million other things, including that other people gotta eat (ok semi-intended pun this time.) Like you can't be ****** serious talking about mark up :lol:

Certified lame mentality.

So you continue going somewhere where you're bothered by the unacceptable level of service, and then are expecting to leave a **** tip and leave your server unhappy.

Once again, instead of being a ***** hiding under a veil where you're acting like you're going to tip, let your server know the deal like hey I've been here a few times and enjoy the food blah blah but I've had bad experiences with this service that's caused me to leave bad/no tips.

You dudes need to man up. Instead you just hide under a veil that tipping customers receiving the same level of service as you pay for you to have.

looks like you've been taught something in here and now youre knee deep in emotion. everything you just said reeks of anger and nonsense. get it together buddy

Really? You're trying to take "that" route...
I don't recall this thread being about tipping every low paying adult.
It started off with tipping the Spanish cats drying your vehicle (which I fully support), went to the usual tipping in general type of convo with the usual suspects on both sides of the argument. Then non tippers hung on to the bathroom man tipping subject (which I don't support unless I get gum off him or he directs me to the weed man).

When I go to a restaurant whoever serves me is getting 20%. The server can **** up and work their way down from there (rarely ever happens) or the server can be really good or she can have some wild sexy toes and potentially work her way up from there.

The way I see it, when you go to any dining establishment where servers work on tips, you are making a social contract by even walking into this establishment. Part of that contract is that you will leave anywhere from 15-20 percent in tip.
I will not call you cheap for leaving 15%. I will not call you cheap if you weren't happy with your service and left 12%. I won't even call you cheap if you have no change and you end up leaving 10%.
But when cats get on NT and talk about all the reasons why they don't believe in tipping and how people need to go to school or find a different job, I will call you cheap. Dudes go off on all these tangents about the cost should be imposed on the employer and not the customer, hiding behind all this pseudo intellectual **** then you are cheap, b.

If you don't want the burden of the 20% for some server that you feel doesn't deserve it and you decide to eat at home...I have no business calling you cheap.
You are conscious about your spending habits and I have nothing but respect for that.
naw bruh, it shifted to the bathroom guy and then hinted towards "well what about everyone who needs help because they dont get payed enough" before it came back to this regular old tipping portion.

the rest you said, agreed

said it before and ill say it again, if you know 100% that you have zero intentions of tipping no matter what youre better off going somewhere its not needed.
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Really? You're trying to take "that" route...

Certified lame mentality.

So you continue going somewhere where you're bothered by the unacceptable level of service, and then are expecting to leave a **** tip and leave your server unhappy.

Once again, instead of being a ***** hiding under a veil where you're acting like you're going to tip, let your server know the deal like hey I've been here a few times and enjoy the food blah blah but I've had bad experiences with this service that's caused me to leave bad/no tips.

You dudes need to man up. Instead you just hide under a veil that tipping customers receiving the same level of service as you pay for you to have.
I'm typing on mobile. Don't really care about proof-reading ****. Dudes really resorting to grading posts like an English teacher instead of just getting the point. This is the internet b not school.
It's true.

You're hiding under the pretense that other people pay for you to afford to have that you'll tip. You have someone serving you for an hour expecting a tip when you know damn well you won't leave one because you've been there multiple times before. And instead of manning up and being up front about it how your past experiences have caused you to not tip, you hide. Which makes you a...

Wait for it....

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It's true.

You're hiding under the pretense that other people pay for you to afford to have that you'll tip. You have someone serving you for an hour expecting a tip when you know damn well you won't leave one because you've been there multiple times before. And instead of manning up and being up front about it, you hide. Which makes you a...

Wait for it....

who said they wouldnt, havent, or did not say anything?? boy sit down now youre just making yourself look silly.
I'm typing on mobile. Don't really care about proof-reading ****. Dudes really resorting to grading posts like an English teacher instead of just getting the point. This is the internet b not school.
more nonsense. what are you even talking about? let those emotions out in a constructive manner.
My thing is if you tip cool, but someone should be allowed to not tip without being demonized.

It's crazy the **** your hear and read when it comes to people choosing not to tip.

Their upbringing, their parents, the amount of empathy they may or may not have, their children, their significant other, their purchases, etc. all gets brought up.

People get really ******* personal and it's ********. You tip, cool, here's a cookie.

They don't and it's okay, the world keeps spinning. Get off your high horse.
It's not a high horse though.

How you go steal someone's time and come here to talk about not being demonized for it?

If you feel so strongly about not tipping why don't you just eat your ramen at home?
When you speak down to someone over something this inconsequential, it's a high horse.

It's also not stealing time when it's their job. They are paid to do it.

Not a lot, but with the way the act of tipping is so staunchly defended, they may never be.
My thing is if you tip cool, but someone should be allowed to not tip without being demonized.

It's crazy the **** your hear and read when it comes to people choosing not to tip.

Their upbringing, their parents, the amount of empathy they may or may not have, their children, their significant other, their purchases, etc. all gets brought up.

People get really ******* personal and it's ********. You tip, cool, here's a cookie.

They don't and it's okay, the world keeps spinning. Get off your high horse.
You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Tipping is  expected for service and not tipping can lead to undesirable consequences. If you don't agree with that, don't use a service. It's that simple.

I don't get why people are acting like this concept is only applicable to the service industry. If you treat people politely and give them incentives, they will be more inclined to help you. It happens in any job I've worked. 
You're so funny trying to take that emotional high road route :lol:

And "boy sit down" "making yourself look silly"


Like brah who the **** are you to even attempt to belittle someone? No seriously, I'd like to know what makes you so high and mighty that you can speak to other men in that manner to call them boy? Please tell us about your accomplishments and credentials that makes you high, mighty, and superior to other men in here.

oh and
21,699 Posts. Joined 10/2013


clearly sitting down isn't an issue for you because you're on your *** all day every day with those numbers. like son you're attempting to use recycled tactics of internet debate you've honed through your 20,000 posts in 2 years, with that whole evolved form of "u-mad" you're attempting to use and detracting from the actual discussion.

anyways, brb have to get off NT to accomplish things in life and have friends so that I don't have to live in the grid like Clu aka blaster combo.

oh and since I'm sure it's happened before, you can go ahead and recycle rebuttals you've used in debates that lead to your alarmingly post count being brought up.

and another thing, just remember you were the one who got off topic first trying to play the whole "mature" version of u-mad angle first.

I was just calling you out for hiding because you're obviously not walking into these restaurants where you've had bad experiences before and prior to ordering explaining that you like their food, but have had bad service that's led you to not tipping before.
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You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Tipping is  expected for service and not tipping can lead to undesirable consequences. If you don't agree with that, don't use a service. It's that simple.

I don't get why people are acting like this concept is only applicable to the service industry. If you treat people politely and give them incentives, they will be more inclined to help you. It happens in any job I've worked. 
and that all good, but now we travel back to what we were talking about, you walk into a club bathroom and have that random bathroom dude wanting to hand you a paper towel. this isnt a service you go into a club to utilize but hes there and now you have no choice. tip or no?
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You're so funny trying to take that emotional high road route

And "boy sit down" "making yourself look silly"


Like brah who the **** are you to even attempt to belittle someone? No seriously, I'd like to know what makes you so high and mighty that you can speak to other men in that manner to call them boy? Please tell us about your accomplishments and credentials that makes you high, mighty, and superior to other men in here.

oh and

clearly sitting down isn't an issue for you because you're on your *** all day every day with those numbers. like son you're attempting to use recycled tactics of internet debate you've honed through your 20,000 posts in 2 years, with that whole evolved form of "u-mad" you're attempting to use and detracting from the actual discussion.

anyways, brb have to get off NT to accomplish things in life and have friends so that I don't have to live in the grid like Clu aka blaster combo.

oh and since I'm sure it's happened before, you can go ahead and recycle rebuttals you've used in debates that lead to your alarmingly post count being brought up.

and another thing, just remember you were the one who got off topic first trying to play the whole "mature" version of u-mad angle first.

I was just calling you out for hiding because you're obviously not walking into these restaurants where you've had bad experiences before and prior to ordering explaining that you like their food, but have had bad service that's led you to not tipping before.
and now youve successfully accomplished every avenue of being hurt over a debate. yes sit down you look silly.
the old cross out everything and calling someone hurt.

you're really just recycled things over and over like you've been programmed. It's actually disrespectful to fellow grid resident Clu, who at least had artificial intelligence. you're just a series of programmed responses.
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