Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A small study in India revealed that convalescent plasma treatment in hospitalized patients did not affect outcome. At first I was shocked, but it's actually not all that surprising for the same reasons that Remdesivir does not seem to work for hospitalized patients. By the time someone requires hospitalization, the virus has replicated so much that it's no longer the virus itself that's causing the problems. It's most often the body's immune response that's causing inflamation, clotting, etc (cytokine storm) that leads to hospitalization, ICU, intubation, and death. Convalescent plasma, Remdesivir, and even the hyped monoclonal antibody cocktails work by stopping the viral replication before the damage has been done to prevent infected individuals from serious disease. If they are not given very early, they simply will not produce the desired results. Once the cytokine storm has begun, the best course of treatment is Dexamethasone (or similar steroid) to regulate the immune system overreaction and related inflamation/clotting.
I think that's the IHME forecasts? They've always tended to be a bit sensationalist (and incorrect).

Sadly, Youyang Gu is shutting down his forecasts, which were some of the best: https://youyanggu.com/blog/six-months-later

He offers recommendations of a few models in his blog post. This aggregate model is the best place to start though:


The initial increase from the 0.8-0.9% positivity rate to the 1.2-1.4% we started seeing this month was alarming at first, but we seem to be chilling there as a state and the spikes have remained somewhat localized to certain neighborhoods/towns.

All I heard from the doctors at my job was how they were expecting October to be NY's second wave. Here's to hoping they missed the mark completely.
There are many potential flaws with this analysis but holy ****:



There's sadly a divide developing between those able to get efficient testing and those not able to. The product you've posted are one of many I've seen or heard of that cost >$100, may not be covered by insurance, and still take days for results (shipping time + 1-3 days).

Meanwhile, others have access to free, frequent (weekly or twice weekly) testing through work or school with results in 24-48 hours.

The initial increase from the 0.8-0.9% positivity rate to the 1.2-1.4% we started seeing this month was alarming at first, but we seem to be chilling there as a state and the spikes have remained somewhat localized to certain neighborhoods/towns.

All I heard from the doctors at my job was how they were expecting October to be NY's second wave. Here's to hoping they missed the mark completely.
Yup, big props to NYC for keeping it under control.

If anything, the 1.2-1.4% may just be a bunch of mini-surges that add up to look like a new flat baseline. The challenge over the next 3-6 months will be keeping these to mini-surges.
I've been shooting hoops by myself at an outdoor court. It's great. I've always loved shooting alone, but it's especially nice right now.

Too bad the weather is crumbling so I won't get to do it much more until spring.

That's my favorite thing as well buddy. It's great that no one is out. Just myself. I was using my tennis ball machine to hit alone on the court and it was terrific being the only one outside on the courts. I stopped playing pickup ball for good at the beginning of the year when I went on disability, and at my age (44) and all my medical ailments, I'm not gonna get hurt and make my life harder than it is now. Not worth it.
I've been shooting hoops by myself at an outdoor court. It's great. I've always loved shooting alone, but it's especially nice right now.

Too bad the weather is crumbling so I won't get to do it much more until spring.
the city removed all the rims at the parks. don't see them putting it back up anytime soon
they just started putting back the playground equipment for the kids
Good thread to read for a summary of the current covid situation. It's the fall wave we expected, I guess. South Dakota with a >35% test positivity rate :wow:

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