Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Are those used masks? Germs for days. I see that many countries around the world have seen a uptick in cases. There’s many extremes. Too locked down and too open. And most in the middle. Some states like living on the edges.

I went to a local casino awhile back (I know bad habits) and they say they’re doing 25% but only about 25% of the machines were turned off, and they didn’t have restaurants or bingo or table games open, so it felt like the true concentration of people was immense. These fire code numbers are quite the farce

I saw that a Waffle House has a fire Marshall capacity of 110 in good times. So they’ve always been over estimating. With no bartop seating, and social distancing, the true capacity is closer to 18, not the fire Marshall standard of 27 when you go with a 25% capacity. But even then, you can’t have more than 4 tables in there. So it’s restrained quite a bit. I’ve seen more and more restaurants barely follow their true capacity, and they’ll go by their fire Marshall capacity (which includes standing room only). Good luck eating out during peak hours.
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Is anyone trying to get the J&J vaccine because it has efficiency against the new variants?

Also there was a report on the local news that the J&J vaccine is being distributed more in the under privilidged communities. I wonder if its because it's cheaper to produce or less effective but they were refrencing the mass vaccination site at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx
Is anyone trying to get the J&J vaccine because it has efficiency against the new variants?

Also there was a report on the local news that the J&J vaccine is being distributed more in the under privilidged communities. I wonder if its because it's cheaper to produce or less effective but they were refrencing the mass vaccination site at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx

People are taking whatever they can get their hands on heard about 170k shots was delivered to the state of New York .and those were gone ASAP Some people don’t worry to much about the efficacy numbers . One shot and ur covered
Is anyone trying to get the J&J vaccine because it has efficiency against the new variants?

Also there was a report on the local news that the J&J vaccine is being distributed more in the under privilidged communities. I wonder if its because it's cheaper to produce or less effective but they were refrencing the mass vaccination site at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx

Besides what misha misha said, I also believe the "1-shot difference" of the J&J vaccine is also another factor as why they're targeting under-privileged communities with it.

All they'll need is just 1-shot, and they won't have to stress about a 2nd run of scheduling for a 2nd dose for these folk to be fully vaccinated and immune against COVID (and its variants)
Most flu vaccinations are 40-60% effective max. So getting a ~75% effective COVID one dose shot is not the worst thing.

Pretty sure all 3 vaccines are 100% efficacious against mortality though. Not taking into account a severe anaphylactic reaction.
I’m still curious to see how the J&J 2 dose trial results look. If it proves to be significantly better, I guess maybe people who took 1 dose could just get a second. I think J&J would be ideal for someone who has already had COVID and wants to boost their immunity.
They don’t aim at daily precisely but it all amounts to solid info over time

I look at their 7 day info more than anything else

they also have beyond solid metro/city and county info

why is that project stopping?
why is that project stopping?
They said it's because there are now other reliable trackers and the government's official numbers (I think via the CDC) are more trustworthy than before.

It was a lot of work to go through the data from every state and county every day as volunteers, so I can understand why they had been looking for a way out lol.
Not sure this is the right message to be sending at the moment. The CDC has flopped many times over in the past year.


CDC Says Fully Vaccinated People Can Gather Privately Without Masks

From that:

It is unclear how effectively they might prevent infection and transmission, but early evidence suggests that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected and potentially less likely to spread the virus, the CDC said.

And that makes a lot of sense - but it doesn't say that you're immune so suddenly allowing small groups to ignore the basic precautions is just stupid. It's less likely - but we don't yet know if that's the case and it will be a few more months until we know anything.

This is right up there with "I feel fine" or "I tested negative yesterday" so I can do what I like.
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