Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Is funny how a lot of people pooped on grocery stores especially stockers.

Dont ever look down at anyone's profession....

Yeah you’re wack for that if you do.

like if we go into a recession there’s jobs there because people always gotta eat, or being a garbage person. Yeah they aren’t “cool” jobs but you’ll have a job and benefits.

same with being the guy who hauls fuel to gas stations. You’ll always be working, might not be your dream job and the hours might not be ideal but I’d rather be tired than broke.
So my 71 year old mother works at a retirement home and we have urged her to stop going in. Today she told her boss that she won’t come back until it’s safe.

They told her not to come back and that they will be replacing her.

your mother don't need them she just needs to stay well and healthy
such selfish bastards

i just hope the older people at the home stay safe
My wife is at the restaurant doing to go with some people.

I guess it’s lit, people tipping 50 bucks left and right and it’s busy as hell.

We’re gonna have hours for a lot of people if it stays busy and we expand to lunch.
Wife's bday today. Left work early to surprise her. Picked up breakfast for her. Left my change on the to go order. I never tip on to go orders. But it's only right to do at this time.
this may have been answered before but if you get covid19 how long does it stay in your body...??

i read somewhere else up to 45 days and if you get it again it's worse than the first time
i really dont think it leaves your system

Sorry if posted

U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages

i read somewhere else up to 45 days and if you get it again it's worse than the first time
i really dont think it leaves your system

Other's are saying if you get it once you "can't get it again" which I think they mean you're not as sick the subsequent times, because like influenza, your body develops antibodies to help fight it. yada yada yada. I just don't think there's enough concrete info yet.
Imaging finishing up the semester online then, having to worry bout Starting/finding a job when everything on lockdown :smh: ...This combo is hard enough when you can really move around and see ppl so that’s super tough
My current situation. Tryna find something more in my degree field and I can’t work at my current job due to this

I was wondering about this. What if you had a job lined up prior to graduation? Your company might legit defer ya *** for a minute and completely **** up your cash flow. On the flip side, with two months off prior to final grades, if I got two months off prior to final grades, I’m starting ASAP (as opposed to taking time off) then coming through commencement in late summer/early fall in a foreign :pimp: :lol:

Don’t stress too much tho , good thing is it’s pretty much quiet for everybody else too so you ain’t missin much ...We poppin bottles next time I’m in FL to celebrate your new upcoming job and Fultz upcoming all star appearance
Once I redo my online portfolio over the next few weeks I should be straight. I’ll be sure to rock the #F2G jersey when you down

I was debating leaving my current position to get a Super Max at another company in which case I planned on cashing in some of my restricted stock and splashing out a bit. Was definitely gonna go to Miyambi and was gonna hit you hit you up amitt5504 amitt5504 ...then COVID-19 happened, the market crashed and 70% of the value of that portfolio got wiped out in the past month :wow:. Life comes at you fast, man :smh:|l
I was wondering about this. What if you had a job lined up prior to graduation? Your company might legit defer ya *** for a minute and completely **** up your cash flow. On the flip side, with two months off prior to final grades, if I got two months off prior to final grades, I’m starting ASAP (as opposed to taking time off) then coming through commencement in late summer/early fall in a foreign :pimp: :lol:

I was debating leaving my current position to get a Super Max at another company in which case I planned on cashing in some of my restricted stock and splashing out a bit. Was definitely gonna go to Miyambi and was gonna hit you hit you up amitt5504 amitt5504 ...then COVID-19 happened, the market crashed and 70% of the value of that portfolio got wiped out in the past month :wow:. Life comes at you fast, man :smh:|l
My class was already online so ain’t no changes lol

Honestly if this pandemic ain’t happening, I’m pretty sure I would’ve gotten offered a full time position with the Dolphins once my class ends in 10 days
Jesus. My mom has the TV on and the headline says 'Potentially 2.2 million dead Americans if no action is taken'
To put things into perspective, 2.8 million Americans die every year anyways. Quite a few have the pre existing conditions that are killing them prematurely here

the concern should be the time table they are setting for the 2.2 million American deaths. If it’s spread 2 years out, that’s within a normal range. 2.2 million deaths by August is aentirely different picture.

No fresh fades, tapers and Obama cuts?!?

cosmetic surgery facilities are closing up one by one. Peopleeither dashing to get their last Botox or it’s too late

there’s gonna be a whole new world out there of au natural women. Be prepared lol.

I can give some info on this since I work in supply chain in the OR department so all surgical and medical supplies in the OR are ordered by me, but it applies to the whole hospital.

Masks are like GOLD right now. I stopped receiving N95, or any basic mask with an ear-loop design a few weeks ago. They were on a national allocation so they are now ordered directly by our bosses and literally being held in their offices. I've had to walk surgeons down to their offices to ask for N95's and they're only being given to them for certain surgeries when specifically needed.

A few days ago, all masks throughout the hospital got confiscated and moved to the offices of all the managers throughout the hospital because lots of staff members started hoarding them in their lockers or offices. Every single mask if now being accounted for and managers have to sign for them when I order and deliver them.

Unfortunately its not just masks now. Face shields, bleach wipes, Sani-wipes, sanitizers, gowns, swab kits, specimen collectors, surgical hoods, full body "bunny" suits are all now also going through the same protocol.
Meanwhile soccer mom Susie has a hoard of 10 surgical mask boxes and 10 cases of wipes. Absolutely insane how selfish people can be. Hospitals need to ask patients to being in their own masks. Many have a hoard.
So my buddy lives in Orange County and he said that if anyone is caught outside after 10:00PM, they get fined $500. I don't think I shared this info here yet. If I did, my bad.

I'm starting to go insane.

Not from staying inside, from WWIII being grocery shopping and obtaining basic ****.

shelter in place still allows people working essential jobs to be out.
now kids acting recklessly, yeah. They’ll fine a group of 9-10 up to no good. But a nurse driving home? She’s fine.
Dang ....

You said you drive trucks, you might want to see if any trucking company is hiring, there's a big demand right now ....
Get into contact with food Distributors and such. You may be able to put that fleet of trucks to use. Trucks that size many not require CDLs.
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