Hilary Clinton says "Black Men in Hoodies Are Scary"

I've never been scared of any person, no matter the skin color or what that have on.

The situation may make me worry, but Ive never been flat out scared of another person. Dont eem get it.
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I've never been scared of any person, no matter the skin color or what that have on.

The situation may make me worry, but Ive never been flat out scared of another person. Dont eem get it.

That feeling of 'worry' is what she's referring to. You two just phrase it differently.
I've never been scared of any person, no matter the skin color or what that have on.

The situation may make me worry, but Ive never been flat out scared of another person. Dont eem get it.

"I never ran from the ku klux klan, why should I run from a black man" - Kool Moe Dee
With all the well documented atrocities whites have perpetrated in America and abroad throughout history, we ( the oppressed 'minority') are who scares them? makes sense.
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With all the well documented atrocities whites have perpetrated in America and abroad throughout history, we ( the oppressed 'minority') are who scares them? makes sense.

This is what always gets me. And, they NEVER address it. (Which we all know they won't. To spare their admissions of guilt) The double standards in America make me chuckle.
They are in certain situations.
Not like she said "All black men in hoodies are robbers and murderers"

Leave her be. It doesn't offend me
Inb4 ppl call u a sellout
he been tappin

same guy who said NC didn't have racism.....which is the same state that has the largest klan population 

some black people you gotta just let go their way .....you can only buck so far before you get ya wakeup call 
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Jayzz right on this situation doe.

This is nothing for any black person to get mad at.

She telling white folk, especially liberal white folk that think they not racist but say judging black folk, to check their privilege.

Thing is she is saying it in the nicest way possible.
I agreed with Hillary in this thread  

but don't start talking about black people who make you shake and ignore the fact you have a population that'll shoot up public places 

that's some **** you just don't see coming 

elementary schools



movie theaters 

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With all the well documented atrocities whites have perpetrated in America and abroad throughout history, we ( the oppressed 'minority') are who scares them? makes sense.

Those atrocities were committed upon other races, not themselves, that's why they don't fear themselves.
A certain angle to explore is that some young black men WANT to be seen in this light, as gangsters and thugs, and they actually want to incite fear in people.
Maybe that makes it harder for the rest of us.
How would they differentiate you in a hoody from a hood dude in a hoody that actually wants to rob them?
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I swear yall are something else :lol: a lot of you do not have the ability to think of things objectively, and possibly try to understand another person's point of view.

Ain't nobody placing blame on black folks.
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I swear yall are something else
a lot of you do not have the ability to think of things objectively, and pain possibly try ty understand another person's point of view.
I'm pretty objective but white folks worried about a black person in a hoodie when they shooting up public places 

I'm good....areas with "black" crime are areas the majority of white people don't even drive through 
I swear yall are something else :lol: a lot of you do not have the ability to think of things objectively, and pain possibly try ty understand another person's point of view.

Brah please.

If you said "You at it from a white person's perspective. The media and movies portray black folk in a certain way. They probably been isolated from interacting with many black folks. And white privilege is something no other white person around them acknowledges exist or even they have been convinced by their person that minorities in fact have advantages over them"

And even that white person can develop a illogical fear of black folk. Regardless if they identify as a liberal/progressive/ etc

Then we can have an intellectual discussion about that. That I could understand.

Because the feelings of white supremacy need to be passed down to the next generation. New generations have to be indoctrinated into it

But to place the blame on a few black dude that are acting tough, Nahhhhh.

If you try to tell me that a white person can develop a fear of black folk off of that. Then they were probably already holding negatives views of blacks. And that lil piece of info is just something they are using to confirm their bias

-And brah. Please sit back and think of the phrasing "makes it harder for the rest of us" for a second.

That has been the gotta phrase of cornballs for hundreds of years (not calling you one)
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Certain despicable white people are responsible for slavery, segregation and (in my opinion) the Crack epidemic. All of these assisted in the destruction and demise in the black community and all have residual effects that still linger to this day.

Men separated from their sons, family members on drugs, wreaking havoc on their loved ones emotionally and physically. A generation of youth with a "kill or be killed" mentality. All the while, the hillary Clinton's of the world are on the other side of town baking pie.

Do some young blacks in these corrupt environments choose to commit heinous crimes? Yes, and don't be a fool and deny it. This is the reason that certain people (black and white alike, so miss me with that tapdancing bs) are cautious.

Even someone in here mentioned that he's black and he was eyeing a black dude with a hoody that looked suspect.

Yall so quick to say someone is caping, or a sellout and you're not even taking the time to dissect the issue.

"he's not fully blaming the white man, post a tap dancing gif" foh.
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