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 I think these pigeons are on some mad at the world life
Post from the old pof thread on body building forums....

Me: How many years of taking your multi and lifting heavy did it take to get that amazing body?

Her: Thanks lol just working out in high schooli guess lol

Me: That a girl I can't even imagine how many jocks screwed up their set as a result of seeing you walk by in yoga pants. What sports did you pay? I was always more into clubs in high school. I was like the Conan the Barbarian of the LARP (Live Action Role Playing) club until I gave a kid a concussion.

Her: No one even took a second glance lol i was in colorguard(marching band) i was in choir and drama club lol

Me: If they aren't looking it proves they're on that *****y time. I would go to battle agianst a whole army of PSMing butch women weilding on a shake weight just to have the chance to share a Swanson's TV dinner with you on skype over a dial up connection.

Her: Lol wow

For some reason that "Wow" came off in a sarcastic tone to me. Which is too bad because I was just trying to be a nice guy. I'm sure you are well versed in your TV dinners knowledge. None the less I'm fairly confident my expertise in the area of fitness trumps yours. Obviously you have read through my bio or you know this. I've lifted heavy since I was a sperm, I do dyck push ups to failure, I have supplement nutrition facts taped to the inside of my stunna shades, I listen to Mens Fitness on audio book on my way to the gym and my workout playlist when I go to sleep at night, I have a statue in a small village in South America, I sleep in the sit up position, I don't feel pain because there is no more weakness left to leave my body, I take so many vitamins my piss is neon excellence, and I read my lifting progress while I sh*t protein bars.

PS I want to give you permission to pleasure yourself to my photos. I see it only fair since I have already done so with yours.

Her: Omg i was jk abt the wow

Me: I'm sorry I reacted so harshly, there was a kid curling in the squat rack yesterday and I was a little heated about it so I went off with out glancing at your pictures.

Her: Ok

Me: How is your tree climbing ability?

This may sound like an odd thing to look for in a woman but I believe that it is actually a very important trait that could mean life or death in certain situations. For instance if I was to take you on a chivalry packed date that consisted of hiking in the woods and a pick nick while enjoying natures beauty and a ground predator, such as a cougar, loomed the horizon I want to have confidence in your ability to flee to the trees with me. I could immediately flee with peace of mind knowing that I would not have to risk my life warding off the predator while you escaped. So how would you rate yourself in this department?

Her: Lol oh believe me i would beat you to the tree

That's good to know. Sounds like you have phenomenal flexibility. I have a system kind of like the NCAA tournament, right now it's the elite 8. Your matched up against the whale I met this weekend. While I don't think you could take her in a physical battle, your smile gives you a slight advantage. She does have my number though, so I think the only way you stand a chance is giving me yours. And from the looks of my bracket you should be smooth sailing to the championship after this round .

Her: Lol ur funny

:smh: :lol:
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Along with the usual stuff like "god-fearing", "mixed race" (while being 100% black), and "athletic body type" (which = fat and sloppy), I discovered something else. If you come across a chick on here who has "French" listed as another language, that means either she has been to New Orleans once or twice, or is a big fan of the Pappadeaux's crawfish etouffee special.

The More You Know.
Along with the usual stuff like "god-fearing", "mixed race" (while being 100% black),
and "athletic body type" (which = fat and sloppy), I discovered something else. If you come across a chick on here who has "French" listed as another language, that means either she has been to New Orleans once or twice, or is a big fan of the Pappadeaux's crawfish etouffee special.

The More You Know.

B's saying they're "mixed race" but don't even know who their real father is. :rofl:
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:lol: Can't stand the "mixed" term being thrown around these days. I'm mixed but no one can tell what I am. Half of these girls are just regular black girls with a 1/10 of Native American blood and call themselves mixed.
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