Hipster Neighbor Fantasy (PICS)

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Wait, am I missing something? Aren't you in a relationship. I swore I heard you say the other day your girl and you were fighting but things were better and she had lost weight.
Some women get turned on by the fact she knows you're watching but you're powerless within that realm (if you're a respectful male, which I am)...they get off on it. The minute you compromise that reality, shows over. Women are weird like that.
pffft then you better show her YOUR reality, go over there with some obscure records and a couple of burritos and get to smashin bruh, time's a-wastin
Wait, am I missing something? Aren't you in a relationship. I swore I heard you say the other day your girl and you were fighting but things were better and she had lost weight.
I'm broken intimately there's something wrong with me, I've seen a therapist last year and he said I'm fine but maybe not ready for a relationship. I'm just never satisfied or content with what I have. I'm being honest. It's like when I know I'm doing wrong my mind splinters into this alter ego who just doesn't care AT ALL...like the Incredible Hulk of selfishness and indulgence.

You midas wales take that risk though. Best case scenario, hipster box.

Worst case scenario, restraining order.

I mean how would I legitimize this? :lol:

"Hey uh, so I be seeing you sun bathing in your underwear sometimes and wondered if you'd like to have a cup of coffee sometime?"

Leave out the stalking part :lol: I mean she might be into that but eh.

If its her front yard, be casual. Go for a short walk and if shes watching your direction, wave. On the way back up if she's still out stop and talk to her.

OR.... "I need to borrow some salt..... Hey while I'm here, do you wanna go get some food or something?"

If all else fails WIO and start singing SHE to her.

Your description of an "alter ego" sounds exactly like what happens to me.
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What I would do is get my mushroom tip nice and swollen start fapping while she is sunbathing make sure she sees you then ask her to finish you off.
I'm broken intimately there's something wrong with me, I've seen a therapist last year and he said I'm fine but maybe not ready for a relationship. I'm just never satisfied or content with what I have. I'm being honest. It's like when I know I'm doing wrong my mind splinters into this alter ego who just doesn't care AT ALL...like the Incredible Hulk of selfishness and indulgence.

Wait, am I missing something? Aren't you in a relationship. I swore I heard you say the other day your girl and you were fighting but things were better and she had lost weight.

I'm broken intimately there's something wrong with me, I've seen a therapist last year and he said I'm fine but maybe not ready for a relationship. I'm just never satisfied or content with what I have. I'm being honest. It's like when I know I'm doing wrong my mind splinters into this alter ego who just doesn't care AT ALL...like the Incredible Hulk of selfishness and indulgence.


Damn my man, just break up with ole girl then. Obviously you're not getting what you need out of the relationship. Don't make things harder on yourself.

Anyways... if you are going to go down this path keep the pics coming. :lol:
Damn my man, just break up with ole girl then. Obviously you're not getting what you need out of the relationship. Don't make things harder on yourself.

Anyways... if you are going to go down this path keep the pics coming.
I love her to death and she's the only person who truly understands me. She's knows me so well I sometimes recent her for it because she's sympathetic to my brokenness, even placating it sometimes because she feels sorry for me. She knows it isn't about the sex for me with other women but more about juvenile need of being desired.

I want things to get better and truly it's the motivation for this thread, I'm a ****** up person and at times very petty in my goals. I'm probably gonna pursue this sun bather just to say I did and retain some type of worthless satisfaction. 

I truly am a disgusting person...
I love her to death and she's the only person who truly understands me. She's knows me so well I sometimes recent her for it because she's sympathetic to my brokenness, even placating it sometimes because she feels sorry for me. She knows it isn't about the sex for me with other women but more about juvenile need of being desired.

I want things to get better and truly it's the motivation for this thread, I'm a ****** up person and at times very petty in my goals. I'm probably gonna pursue this sun bather just to say I did and retain some type of worthless satisfaction. 

I truly am a disgusting person...
eh dude seriously....i've done that.  back in my younger days there was this very birdish chick a couple dudes in my crew pulled but could never close the deal.  i wasn't even attracted to her but felt the need to chase her and bag her just to prove to myself that i was 'better' than my buds.  we ended up dating for 3 years 
.  all throughout i'd chase her friends WHILE TELLING HER I WAS and she forgave me each time but the one time she actually cheated i had the audacity to get mad 
.  on one hand if you can fight the urges now with this naked chick in your face it would be a great step towards a healthier view you'd have of your current relationship.  on the other hand maybe you can get your girl to cosign on ol hipster chick and threeway it that way you can have your petty self satisfaction and enrich your relationship all in one go.  eh, probably not but i feel for ya.  keep at that counseling.
I'm broken intimately there's something wrong with me, I've seen a therapist last year and he said I'm fine but maybe not ready for a relationship. I'm just never satisfied or content with what I have. I'm being honest. It's like when I know I'm doing wrong my mind splinters into this alter ego who just doesn't care AT ALL...like the Incredible Hulk of selfishness and indulgence.

You aren't gonna do anything, we all know.

Just another one of your stupid *** posts crying for attention.
In the past I'd had probably felt the need to defend myself but truth is I'm gonna just let you read these past posts from start to finish until you find one that indicates I'm crying for attention. Good luck, you may be a while...eternity even.

Meanwhile I'm doing me and keeping it real. 

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