Houston Rockets Preseason Thread 2018

Any of you guys know why CP3's deal was 160 million, and LeBron was was 154 million? Is it that theres no state income tax in Texas, and that 6 million is the difference? I'm no cap genius so I really dont know, if so that's alot of bread to leave on the table.
cp3 got himself traded and not signed as a FA so could make more on this contract.

Yeah that makes sense now, I wasn't even thinking about that. Now I'm trying to understand this, Paul George was traded too, but his contract was 137 million... so did he leave money on the table then? If so :wow: even more bread left on the table.
Yeah that makes sense now, I wasn't even thinking about that. Now I'm trying to understand this, Paul George was traded too, but his contract was 137 million... so did he leave money on the table then? If so :wow: even more bread left on the table.

PG is a whole different case. He left a ton of money on the table both from LA AND OKC
Yeah that makes sense now, I wasn't even thinking about that. Now I'm trying to understand this, Paul George was traded too, but his contract was 137 million... so did he leave money on the table then? If so :wow: even more bread left on the table.

Years of service. CP3 is 10+ year vet, PG is a 8 year vet

CP3 is eligible for 35% of the cap PG is 30%
Today was the RJ Hunter show, with special appearances by Hartenstein, Zhou Qi, and Melton. Cool to see Qi get off 2 very confident looking 3s, along with 4 blocks. He was a minus on the court, but his presence was still felt. Hartenstein looks like the most polished out of everyone. Hopefully he gets a shot. Liked seeing Metlon very active, he was pretty much everywhere in the second half. Nanu play well, but I'm pretty much over him at this point.

LRMM was pretty pivotal to our regular season success. It stings losing him but he was a nonfactor against GS with his injury (he still hasn't got surgery yet either AFAIK). I also feel like that stingy ownership may have contributed to not offering him the full non-bird's right minimum (2.9M with no tax is basically the same as 4.3M in LA).
As it stands, Ariza is the only key playoff piece we lost, but on the glass-full side, he was 0-12 in 3's in game 7.
It's interesting how the narrative changed though. Dudes were completely ignoring LRMM being hurt last year but said Iggy's injury impact was similar to CP3's. But now LRMM is a prime Sidney Moncrief on defense. The narrative and energy that's going on right now won't be kept at the end of the year when we're still a top team. Funny to ya boy.

We should be the favorites for Melo now. Curious to see what other defensive wings we target though.
LRMM was pretty pivotal to our regular season success. It stings losing him but he was a nonfactor against GS with his injury (he still hasn't got surgery yet either AFAIK). I also feel like that stingy ownership may have contributed to not offering him the full non-bird's right minimum (2.9M with no tax is basically the same as 4.3M in LA).
As it stands, Ariza is the only key playoff piece we lost, but on the glass-full side, he was 0-12 in 3's in game 7.
It's interesting how the narrative changed though. Dudes were completely ignoring LRMM being hurt last year but said Iggy's injury impact was similar to CP3's. But now LRMM is a prime Sidney Moncrief on defense. The narrative and energy that's going on right now won't be kept at the end of the year when we're still a top team. Funny to ya boy.

We should be the favorites for Melo now. Curious to see what other defensive wings we target though.

He'll be missed... I thought not really chasing any big fish, we'd focus on resigning our guys then sign Melo with some or all of the tax payers exception (which we haven't) hopefully they ante up and freaking pay CC already. I dont believe he's a max player yet, but something like what Aaron Gordon or Zach Lavine got would be an ideal contract for him maybe even a little more IMO. If we don't pay him now, we'll have to do it next year, except we wont have the cushion of him being restricted. As of yesterday I was pretty convinced that Melo was going to be a Rocket (after reading his business manager, CP3 and Rockets brass met and talked for a almost a whole summer league game) Luc leaving pretty much insures that now. I really hope this was Moreys call, and not TF being cheap. I trust what Morey does, but if it was about the Rockets cheaping out over a couple million dollars, im not sure we're serious about winning a title. I get letting Ariza walk cus hes just not worth that contract he got, and hes been pretty bad the last couple of post seasons anyway. On the other hand if it was Moreys call I'd say hes trying to pull off something else. I just cant accept MCW being the only guy we had to even work to sign, I'm even more surprised mid level ring chasers have not been lining up to play for us. I wish we'd do something already, watching two key guys go, and us not even meeting with guys that could have improved us is becoming a little frustrating. At this point our best move besides locking up Clint is to freaking get rid of Anderson already, had we done that signing guys like Luc would have probably been much easier.
LRMM was pretty pivotal to our regular season success. It stings losing him but he was a nonfactor against GS with his injury (he still hasn't got surgery yet either AFAIK). I also feel like that stingy ownership may have contributed to not offering him the full non-bird's right minimum (2.9M with no tax is basically the same as 4.3M in LA).
As it stands, Ariza is the only key playoff piece we lost, but on the glass-full side, he was 0-12 in 3's in game 7.
It's interesting how the narrative changed though. Dudes were completely ignoring LRMM being hurt last year but said Iggy's injury impact was similar to CP3's. But now LRMM is a prime Sidney Moncrief on defense. The narrative and energy that's going on right now won't be kept at the end of the year when we're still a top team. Funny to ya boy.

We should be the favorites for Melo now. Curious to see what other defensive wings we target though.

Not a fan of losing Luc, but I can see where you're coming from here. Re-signing Capela to a long term deal and finding a way to dump Ryno/Nene NEED to be done.
Not a fan of losing Luc, but I can see where you're coming from here. Re-signing Capela to a long term deal and finding a way to dump Ryno/Nene NEED to be done.
I hate losing Luc too don't get me wrong. Last year's squad was one of my favorites ever. I really didn't foresee Ariza getting a 15M bag nor our reluctance to re-sign Luc to a reasonable contract. Looking at it from a glass half-full side and giving benefit of the doubt to Morey. As of July 9th, the roster is trash. But as we've seen for probably the past 5 or 6 years, he usually does something and makes it work. I guess the only difference now is Fertitta possibly being a cheap/broke owner.

I'm just going to reserve my judgment as the end of the off-season approaches rather than all the takes I see plastered on social media. Same people that slandered our guys last year now act like they're HOF players. And they'll be the same ones saying "Harden has too much help" if the Rockets end up as a top seed next year. You just know that same energy isn't gonna be kept.

Remember the year after McHale got fired?
"MDA sucks"
"Ryno and Gordon are injury prone and overpaid bums"
We got 55-27 and suddenly it's "Harden benefitted from the system" "Gordon was a former top pick" etc etc..
I hate losing Luc too don't get me wrong. Last year's squad was one of my favorites ever. I really didn't foresee Ariza getting a 15M bag nor our reluctance to re-sign Luc to a reasonable contract. Looking at it from a glass half-full side and giving benefit of the doubt to Morey. As of July 9th, the roster is trash. But as we've seen for probably the past 5 or 6 years, he usually does something and makes it work. I guess the only difference now is Fertitta possibly being a cheap/broke owner.

I'm just going to reserve my judgment as the end of the off-season approaches rather than all the takes I see plastered on social media. Same people that slandered our guys last year now act like they're HOF players. And they'll be the same ones saying "Harden has too much help" if the Rockets end up as a top seed next year. You just know that same energy isn't gonna be kept.

Remember the year after McHale got fired?
"MDA sucks"
"Ryno and Gordon are injury prone and overpaid bums"
We got 55-27 and suddenly it's "Harden benefitted from the system" "Gordon was a former top pick" etc etc..

I still think(hope) Morey is up to something he's really been way too quiet, that's not like him. Hes normally in the mix of everything, he doesn't always get something done but he's always trying something. This year hes barely been involved in anything I've read... as TF having financial trouble I just dont see it, hes still got that Yao/Chineese money coming in, but being cheap is another story I think the verdict is still out on that...
I still think(hope) Morey is up to something he's really been way too quiet, that's not like him. Hes normally in the mix of everything, he doesn't always get something done but he's always trying something. This year hes barely been involved in anything I've read... as TF having financial trouble I just dont see it, hes still got that Yao/Chineese money coming in, but being cheap is another story I think the verdict is still out on that...
Yeah I could be reaching on TF. Paying a hefty luxury tax in your first year as an owner for a team with a small window may not be something he wants to do though. Cheap or broke - either way, our guys weren't getting paid in FA other than CP3 (which was probably a wink-wink deal from last year).

It's funny how the guys were talking bout "run it back" though :lol: done lost like 20% of our rotation.

We might end up having a lower floor, but higher ceiling with Melo (Morey has kinda always preached that high risk approach when dealing with GS). Chemistry won't be there, but talent is better. And any 3&D guy may be a worse player but most likely more athletic and younger than a 33 year old Trevor and 32 year old Luc, which is something Peep Game Peep Game has advocated for.

If we strike out on Melo, then I'll really be curious what Morey's doomsday backup plan is :lol:
Imma keep listening to you guys and have faith but im almost sure Morey is not infactuated with beating the Warriors anymore especially with the new owner being “cheap” lol

Sucks to lose Luc but yeah resigning Capela and getting Ryno outta here is a top priority.

I really wish Luc was 100% during the WCF smh
Caught parts of the SL game tonight.

Melton looked good. Really hoping he can be the next Avery Bradley or Beverley. Same skillset. Looks like he improved on his shooting and handles in his year off as well. That was the main worry with him, as his defensive potential is really high. I know it's only SL but I'm beginning to believe the pick now. Possibly another Morey second round gem. Hoping he keeps it up.
Will catch the SL game in the morning, but Twitter already hipped me to Melton’s 26 and 10 :lol:
Most impressive thing to me was his 5 3's and no hesitation while doing so. Form looks better. No joke it kinda even looks like Bradley's :lol:

Dude was like a 22% 3 point shooter in college and made like 20 3's in a full season (~30-35 games) so that's a pretty big improvement.

Qi also had like 5 blocks.
Vince Edwards had a pretty good game too. 20 pts 8 boards.
Duval is still pretty raw. Has flashes. Looks pretty similar to his college game still.
Unfortunate Gary Clark is injured. He's lowkey the next PJ Tucker if given a shot :lol: guy's a grinder/bruiser defensively.
Most impressive thing to me was his 5 3's and no hesitation while doing so. Form looks better. No joke it kinda even looks like Bradley's :lol:

Dude was like a 22% 3 point shooter in college and made like 20 3's in a full season (~30-35 games) so that's a pretty big improvement.

Qi also had like 5 blocks.
Vince Edwards had a pretty good game too. 20 pts 8 boards.
Duval is still pretty raw. Has flashes. Looks pretty similar to his college game still.
Unfortunate Gary Clark is injured. He's lowkey the next PJ Tucker if given a shot :lol: guy's a grinder/bruiser defensively.

Watching it right now and it’s annoying how well Nanu is playing, cause he looks the opposite during his limited time on the court during the NBA season (and some SL games the past two seasons). I’m looking at him swat shots, have reasonably quick feet and put up controlled shots. He ain’t about to trick me.

Melton looks the opposite as far as his first SL game, and that bodes well for the future.

I hope this is a case of, go play the field Clint we'll match whatever you get, if you dont get a significant offer we'll raise our offer after we sign some guys since your restricted and and we have bird rights on you. Pretty much why noone offered him a contract, knowing we'd match it, 60 million is really lowballing were lucky he didnt get offended and just take the QO. When you see Steven Adams getting 100 million, Zach Lavine and Aaron Gordon getting 80 million.


This makes feel a little better (like something is brewing)... just praying to the basketball gods Jimmy Butler forces a trade or (Cavs decide to dump Love)...hell I'd take Wiggins even, if there really is trouble in Minnesota... I want Butler in the worst way... and he could easily try and force a trade to Houston. I'm just not sure we have the ammo to pull it off. I think a Love trade is more likely. If Cleveland is gonna tank, which I see no reason why they wouldn't.

I hope this is a case of, go play the field Clint we'll match whatever you get, if you dont get a significant offer we'll raise our offer after we sign some guys since your restricted and and we have bird rights on you. Pretty much why noone offered him a contract, knowing we'd match it, 60 million is really lowballing were lucky he didnt get offended and just take the QO. When you see Steven Adams getting 100 million, Zach Lavine and Aaron Gordon getting 80 million.


This makes feel a little better (like something is brewing)... just praying to the basketball gods Jimmy Butler forces a trade or (Cavs decide to dump Love)...hell I'd take Wiggins even, if there really is trouble in Minnesota... I want Butler in the worst way... and he could easily try and force a trade to Houston. I'm just not sure we have the ammo to pull it off. I think a Love trade is more likely. If Cleveland is gonna tank, which I see no reason why they wouldn't.
I'm not buying the Fertitta quote about luxury tax.

that tweet is basically what I interpreted as "Tilman is cheap and we're operating on a tight budget"
Morey's gotta be frustrated lol
I'm not buying the Fertitta quote about luxury tax.

that tweet is basically what I interpreted as "Tilman is cheap and we're operating on a tight budget"
Morey's gotta be frustrated lol

If it is really about being cheap, then TF is a scrub for letting Luc go for a couple million. He would have complemented Melos game so well IMO, even the price the Clips got him at, its a major bargain and considering we dont have a state income tax the difference couldnt have been that much. I kinda wonder though, if his shoulder is a bigger problem than were realizing, and the rockets knew that... I'm curious to see if he passes a physical, especially since I've heard nothing about him having surgery to try and fix the problem. My uncle and I used to play in church leagues, and he constantly dislocated his shoulder it was almost a given every summer we played. He said after the first time he dislocated it, he never played the same. He even had surgery on it l, and still has problems with it to this day...

Capelas better than most of these guys, and they lowballed him to a salary lower than all of them...:smh::smh::smh:
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