How Do You Feel About Your Child Being Exposed To Same Sex Couples Through Cartoons/Kids Shows (Nick


why is that white man in space with no helmet on?
I couldn't care less. My daughter's TV watching/screen time is VERY limited, but if she does have a question, we're up front and honest with her. We want her to be tolerant of others.

With all the **** going on in the world, the least of my concerns involve someone's sexual orientation. Whether in real-life or cartoon. It's really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
If it happened to be 2 hot girls doing the same, would there be an issue?  

So you're cool with people being gay, just as long as you don't know it.  So you're essentially asking people to not be themselves for your benefit.  Isn't that a little selfish?  

Btw, explaining that would be as simple as "they're just being silly' and leave it at that.  Not everything has to be this huge, deep discussion with kids.  Thank jebus most of you "how do you explain that' cats don't have kids.  
It would still be an issue if it was 2 women.

How did u get that id be cool with people bein gay as long as i didnt know about? I could careless if someone is gay or lesbian. Doesnt bother me what that person does in their personal life. Reason i said i wouldnt kick it with them outside of work is cuz if im trying get some yambs i know damn well hes not so why would we kick it? Ill probably get flack and hate for this but oh well...u heard the expression "tell me who you walk with and ill tell you who you are"? If your hanging around with a gay guy and your straight people will assume you are gay as well. Same way if you hanging with a junkie or a thief people assume the same thing.
You said that flamboyant **** bugs you and then proceeded to talk about co-workers that you didn't know were gay until they said something about it.  It sounds to me like you'd prefer if folks weren't flamboyantly gay and kept it to themselves.  If I read into that wrong, forgive me.  

And yeah, if you're worried about what other people will assume about you for hanging around a gay person, I don't know what to tell you other than hopefully one day you'll be secure enough to not give a ****.  
why is that white man in space with no helmet on?
If it happened to be 2 hot girls doing the same, would there be an issue?  

So you're cool with people being gay, just as long as you don't know it.  So you're essentially asking people to not be themselves for your benefit.  Isn't that a little selfish?  

Btw, explaining that would be as simple as "they're just being silly' and leave it at that.  Not everything has to be this huge, deep discussion with kids.  Thank jebus most of you "how do you explain that' cats don't have kids.  :lol:
Just as stupid and foolish
You said that flamboyant **** bugs you and then proceeded to talk about co-workers that you didn't know were gay until they said something about it.  It sounds to me like you'd prefer if folks weren't flamboyantly gay and kept it to themselves.  If I read into that wrong, forgive me.  

And yeah, if you're worried about what other people will assume about you for hanging around a gay person, I don't know what to tell you other than hopefully one day you'll be secure enough to not give a ****.  

It is the flamboyant **** that bugs me. Dude i worked with wasnt flamboyant i mean everyone at the restaurant knew (i was new). I made a comment to him about spittin game at some chick that kept eye balling him and thats when he told me. I didn't treat him any different after, he was still cool in my books.

As for people assuming things, we live in a society where people judge everyone on everything, i dont agree with it but its the way it is. Your clothes, appearance (hair/facial hair), color of your skin, ethnicity. Im already judged when im walking down the street based off my ethnicity.
My previous job for 4 yrs, I dealt with a great amount of gay people everyday and a lot of the staff was gay as well.
I don't think flamboyant gay people go around telling everyone they gay and trying to bag straight dudes. Some do test you with trying to flirt and all that but they for the most part turn it down after you set them straight,no pun.

However, my issue, and I've asked, is that flamboyant gay people seem to pick up the worst traits of women(whom they admitted they want to be) and multiply it by 20. The sass, the entitlement, the privilege, the attitude all come from the worst stereotypes of women.

The women I worked with where offended by the way flamboyant gays portrayed them and treated them. My question is why pck up those attributes of women that aren't a true representation of women.
I think this is appropriate...

My best friend has two moms

He is five and ask why did his friends have 2 moms . I said those are his parents. Simple answer people make kids issue complex becuase they dont know how to deal

Its doesnt matter if kid is gay or straight whatndoes matter of some body hurts them .
Real talk if your child is gay and get their heartbroken you as a parent are gonna say well it would have not happened if you were straight ..... nope that not the answer...
Why is your best friend 5
Spoken like someone who doesn't have kids :lol:

I don't.

but I have some nephews form nigeria who I take care of while they get their immigration and they go to canadian school I've been doing from age 6-11.

I don't think very young children ages 4-7 maybe are going to notice gay stuff unless it's incredibly explicit.

Do you think young kids notice the gay subtext of Bert and Ernie?

do you think they notice the gay sub text of ren and stimpy like some else mentioned?

or the hdsu-sexually gay characters in the new Ghostbusters movie?

becuase I just saw it with my nephews and they didn't really, and they have been exposed to gay charcters in fiction before that.

maybe it varies from kid to kid but the two kids I know didn't really notice that stuff till like they were 9-10
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Very interesting topic.
I don't have kids but I don't think I'd be cool with th gem watching this.

A related question:
Would you allow your child to be taught by an openly gay teacher? Or would you have them switch classes?
They are going to be "exposed" to it one way or another. TV shouldn't be your child's teacher, and if it is, you failed as a parent.
I don't.

but I have some nephews form nigeria who I take care of while they get their immigration and they go to canadian school I've been doing from age 6-11.

I don't think very young children ages 4-7 maybe are going to notice gay stuff unless it's incredibly explicit.

Do you think young kids notice the gay subtext of Bert and Ernie?

do you think they notice the gay sub text of ren and stimpy like some else mentioned?

or the hdsu-sexually gay characters in the new Ghostbusters movie?

becuase I just saw it with my nephews and they didn't really, and they have been exposed to gay charcters in fiction before that.

maybe it varies from kid to kid but the two kids I know didn't really notice that stuff till like they were 9-10

Fulani, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba? :nerd:
Question for the people with very young kids.

If you took your kids to see Ghostbusters, did they notice the gay character?

Did you watch Little Mermaid? Did they notice that Ursala is essentially big gay drag queen?

I havent seen Finding Dory yet, but I've heard there are some subtly gay characters?
Reminds me of a convo we had at work about schools having sex ed as early as 1st grade. This one chick was totally against it because she wanted to preserve her sons innocence.
I understand both arguments tho.

Edit- ursula a drag queen :rofl: might be a reach
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Smooth man i'm Fulani but speak Hausa. All love brother :pimp:

I can't speak any of it. I'm annoyed at my parents about it to this day, they were slacking.

all I know how to say are **** my parents said to me.

"shut up"

"don't touch that"
"move your hand"
"get away"

"is there something wrong with your head."

Reminds me of a convo we had at work about schools having sex ed as early as 1st grade. This one chick was totally against it because she wanted to preserve her sons innocence.
I understand both arguments tho.

Edit- ursula a drag queen :rofl: might be a reach

nah this was a surprise to me. but she's pretty obviously modeled after Devine drage queen from the john watters movies.
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh , unless you're actively pointing those things out (Ghostbusters, Little Mermaid, Dory) I'm not sure how this would even be a topic of conversation for a very young child.

I can only speak about my daughter, who is 4. However, if you're teaching your child from a young age about acceptance and tolerance, it shouldn't even be that big of a deal.
I can't speak any of it. I'm annoyed at my parents about it to this day, they were slacking.

all I know how to say are **** my parents said to me.

"shut up"

"don't touch that"
"move your hand"
"get away"

"is there something wrong with your head."


:rofl: Thats hilarious man, I know exactly what you mean. A couple years back I literally told my parents to only speak to me in hausa, First couple months were brutal for me but after a while i got the hang of it.
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