How do you find a new girl after a break up ?

Steps for your Success
#1: Stop being all sad and %@!+
#2: Step your game up
#3: Use your mouth piece till its golden
#4: Stack your paper till you got a fat pocket
Originally Posted by dropKicks

Steps for your Success
#1: Stop being all sad and %@!+
#2: Step your game up
#3: Use your mouth piece till its golden
#4: Stack your paper till you got a fat pocket

That special someone will come to you when you least expect it.

As for right now, I would recommend going out with your boys, chilling with some girls, and don't think about jumping into a relationship, don't forceit.
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

you havent had none in a year??

wow, i find girls in the most random places, last notch in my belt was from a broad i met at the gym

but stop bein a female reproductive organ and go out and enjoy your life, if your not a loser, girls will come to you.

true dat. you aint got no coo looking females at your job/school?
stop caring about finding one.....

WORRRRRDDD! Take that advice, as hard as it may be at the moment. You cant force anything in life, you have to let it fall into place on its own.
The best way to find a new girl after a break up is to go on NT, and make a thread about it.

Now let the apps roll in.
short term? Craigslist.
Longer Term? Hell usually she is why the other relationship ended
Long Term? I have no idea.
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